I am making the very first post on the afternoon of what I suspect will be a breakthrough
week for one of the best penny stocks in the penny stock market. I am documenting
this becuase it seems historic. However, truth be told, I am amazed that this company is
essentially undiscovered in a place called the Investors Hangout.
Why don't more people know about this stock?
What are people buying these days?
Research filings for TDGI and note current events along with upcoming catalysts, this stock
is incredibly undervalued.
Investors need to know, start some DD today, start here:
This is an OTC Current Stock with an ugagged TA, very transparent filings, low-float stable
share structure (<4% dilution over more than 2 years now), with increasing Q/Q growth,
revenues currently near $4,000,000.- (w/o 4Q) after hading done just under $1,000,000 in
year one of operations FY-10. The company is preparing for uplisting (again note the filings
which are a tip-off), name/tick/cusip change upcoming, & 4Q should be in line with previous
growth number. They have excellent relationships (WalMart is a distributor, as well as RedBox,
Barned & Noble, Amazon, Best Buy, etc) & parnerships with Fox, Seaworld, Regal, etc..
This stock is worthy of a $0.019 pps as my estimates put this company at well over $0.10
considering the Market Cap sits at ~$9,000,000 & their film/book library valuation alone
was independently verifited for $24,000,000.00. So, the stock is trading sub $0.02 with a
book value of 40% off. If the stock got to $0.05 in other words (it has traded as high as $0.07)
it would still ONLY be at book value roughly). And, the Q1 numbers are showing strength as they
are releasing more titles.
Current titles:
Turtle: The Incredible Journey
All's Faire in Love
Boggy Creek
All out on DVD & heading to WalMart shelves (or currently there).
More titles as films are being released monthly here are on the way through May (as the
company has already announced. This lengthy post shuold get folks started. I sincerely hope this
post is NOT the first & since I am new here I made a mistake (don't know my way around) BUT if
it in fact is....well then I hope folks will read & consider a safe, little downside-risk investment with
lots of upside in my opinion.