Posted On: 02/19/2016 12:12:30 PM
Post# of 65629
If you want to live like a republican, you need to vote for a democrat!
And wouldn't you know it, the data are definitely 'associated' with outcomes that support that assertion.
Stand by for the 'feces flinging' from the easily enraged!
Hey, before you reach into that steaming pile of conservative economic dogma, tell the truth now, wouldn't some of you be posting this article if Republican presidents were associated with the positive data?
Except you would confidently crow 'cause and effect!'
If You Want to Live Like a Republican, Vote Democratic
Submitted by Dennis Crawford on 11 May 2015 - 10:52am
Harry Truman said that: "If you want to live like a Republican, vote Democratic." Why would Truman say such a thing? Does that hold true today?
Those are good questions because the perceived conventional wisdom among many pundits in the mainstream media and the GOP is that Republicans are better for the overall economy than Democrats because they are allegedly more business friendly.
However, as in many other instances, the conventional wisdom is wrong. The history of the American economy over the last 54 years demonstrates that the economy performs much better for all Americans when a Democrat occupies the White House.
A 2012 report from Bloomberg News Services shows that between the advent of the Kennedy Administration in January 1961 and April 2012, non-government payrolls in the U.S. increased by almost 42 million jobs under Democratic Presidents, compared with 24 million for Republican presidents, according to Labor Department figures.
Bloomberg indicated that between January 1961 and April 2012, Democratic presidents accounted for an average of 150,000 additional private-sector jobs per month over that period, more than double the 71,000 average for Republicans. In other words, almost two-thirds of private-sector job growth in the past five decades occurred when we had Democratic Presidents.
What about the stock market? Has it performed better when we've had Republican Presidents since the Republicans promote themselves as the friendliest party for Wall Street?
The answer to that question is a flat no. Many people will probably be surprised to find out that stock investors do much better when Democrats occupy the White House. From a dollars- and-cents standpoint, it's not even close.
Another 2012 survey by Bloomberg News service indicates that between January 1961 and February 2012, $1,000 invested in a hypothetical fund that tracks the Standard & Poor's 500 Index (SPX) only when Democrats are in the White House would have been worth $10,920 by early 2012.
A $1,000 stake invested in a fund that followed the S&P 500 under Republican presidents, starting with Richard Nixon, would have grown to $2,087 on the day George W. Bush left office.
These positive economic trends that occur during Democratic Presidencies have continued since Bloomberg issued these reports in 2012. In 2013, the economy created 183,000 jobs per month. That job growth accelerated in 2014 when the economy created 224,000 jobs per month - which was the best year for jobs gain since 1999.
That robust jobs growth has continued into 2015. Thus far, the economy has created 200,000 jobs per month this year.
The accelerating growth in jobs since 2012 has been paralleled by the rise in the Dow Jones. On February 1, 2012, the Dow Jones closed at 12,716. By May 8, 2015, the Dow Jones had grown to 18,191 - an increase of nearly 50%.
Another way to compare the economic records of the two parties is simply to look at the job creation records of the last four Presidents. They are as follows: Barack Obama - 7,400,000; George W. Bush – 1,282,000; Bill Clinton – 22,647,000; and George H.W. Bush – 2,637,000. In other words, you will need 4 Bushes to match the job creation record of President Obama and 10 Bushes to match Clinton.
What this means is that all of the silly predictions by the Republicans of economic doom and gloom have been wildly off the mark.
Lest we forget, in 2010, John Boehner predicted that President Obama's policies would cause "Armageddon" and "ruin our country." When he announced for the U.S. Senate in 2013, Ben Sasse prognosticated that the ACA would cause America to "cease to exist." It is incredible that the press still takes the Republicans seriously on the economy.
The Republicans have continued to complain about the economy and have disparaged the recovery that they predicted would never happen. The latest from the GOP is their lament that President Obama's policies have allegedly increased inequality and only assisted the top 1%.
As Bert Harris - one of my loyal readers - said: "My favorite is the right's new focus on income inequality. Cut taxes for the super rich, fight against unions and minimum wage increases, eliminate programs that help low and middle income families, and then lament the growing income inequality that results from these policies. It's like clear cutting the forest and then complaining about the lack of trees. No shame. "
The Republicans running for President are all promising to bring back the failed policies of the Bush Administration that produced the worst jobs record since Herbert Hoover and crashed the economy in 2008.
Marco Rubio has proposed a huge tax cut that would largely eliminate taxes for the super wealthy and increase the deficit by $2.4 trillion. Jeb Bush has said that he: "Never disagreed with his brother and he's not going to start now."
As Governor of Wisconsin, Scott Walker cut taxes for the wealthy and has left his state with a record $2 billion deficit.
The choice next year will be between the middle class economic strategy of the Democratic Presidents or the trickle down economics of the Republican Presidents. If you look at the evidence, the choice is clear. As Democrats, we need to tell the voters again and again about our economic successes and how they match up against the Republicans. Once we get that message out, I'm confident that we will win in 2016.

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