Posted On: 01/30/2016 3:52:53 PM
Post# of 96885
UF @ $$$ 40.756 BILLION $$$ Box office Sales for the
20 Iron Dragon Movies +
13 A&E titles +
8 Inception Media Group +
2 Lifetime +
2 Thunderstruck studios
1 LionsGate +
1 Millenium+
1 Iron Hog Pictures+
1 Garlin Picture
1 Victores International
1 Freestyle
1 First look
loaded on UF from Sept 1, 2015 to Jan 29, 2016.
The breakout totals are >
For JANUARY 2016 total 32 loaded for
$1.084 BILLION >
On Jan 29, 2015 UF began advertising the official Trailer of
the Mega Blockbuster "STAR WARS THE FORCE AWAKENS"
setting up the intriguing possibility the 4K version of the
movie may show on UF when it is available for streaming.
In addition in JAN 2016 UF added a NEW Ad revenue stream by
advertising Video Game Trailers of which 14 are now on UF
Inception Media Group
1> Bordering on Bad Behavior >>>>> $2M
2> Sons of Liberty >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> TV
3> One Direction>Reaching for Stars pt1 > dvd
4> One Direction>Reaching for Stars pt2 > dvd
Paramount Pictures
5> Babel >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $136M
6> High and Mighty > John Wayne >>> $9M
7> Hunted 2013 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $46M
8> Gallopoli >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $12M
9> The Hunter >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $17M
10> Juice >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $20M
11> Lady Jane >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $18M
12> Let it Ride >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $5M
13> Like Crazy >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $4M
14> Marathon Man >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $29M
15> Mostly Martha >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $5M
16> My Side of the Mountain >>>>>>>> $2M
17> Roman Holiday >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $12M
18> South Park >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $83M
19> Stardust >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $136M
20> Super 8 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $260M
21> The Terminal >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $220M
22> Team America: World Police >>>>> $52M
Iron Dragon Pictures
23> Dragonwolf >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $5M
24>Kundo >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $7M
Millenium Pictures
25>Dead Within >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dvd
Iron Hog Pictures
26> King of the Avenue >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $3M
Garlin Pictures
27> Relative Strangers >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dvd
Victores International
28> Paris Jetaime >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $18M
Freeestyle Releasing
29> Dirty Deeds
Thunderstruck Studios
30> Thunderstruck part 11
31> Thunderstruck part 12
First Look
32> A little Bit of Heaven
$$$ 2.729 BILLION $$$ for 57 loaded
$$$ 6.544 BILLION $$$ for the 89+12 loaded
For OCTOBER 2015
$$$ 17.788 BILLION $$$ for the 115 loaded
$$$ 12.581 BILLION $$$ for the 73 loaded
For December 2015 >
Iron Dragon Studios
1 > Special ID >>>>>>>>>>>>>> > $30M
2 > Wrath of Vajra >>>>>>>>>>>> $50M
3 > Badges of Fury >>>>>>>>>>>> $47M
4 > Eastern Bandits >>>>>>>>>>>> $25M
5 > Confession of a Murder >>>>>> $19M
6 > Chef, Actor, Scoundrel >>>>>>> $43M
A&E studios
9 > Sons of Liberty >>>>>>> 3 Part TV series
19 > Unreal 2015 >>>>>>>> 10 part TV series
20 > Screwed (2012)
21 > Whitney Houston ( TV Movie)
22 >The Secret Life of Marylin Monroe (4 hour Mini Series)
Inception Media Group
23 > Alien Battlefield >>>>>>>>> DVD
24 > Romeo and Juliet (2015, Broadway Stage Play)
25 > Silent But Deadly >>>>>>>> TV
26 > The Zombinator >>>>>>>> DVD
December 2015 PARAMOUNT Films >
27 > A New Leaf >>>>>>>>>>>>> $5M
28 > Angel Heart >>>>>>>>>>>> $17M
29 > Bad Boys Comedy 2 >>>>>> TV series
30 > Clue >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $15M
31 > Company Man >>>>>>>>>>> $1M
32 > Dragon Slayer >>>>>>>>>>> $14M
33 > Flesh and Bone >>>>>>>>>> $10M
34 > Flashback >>>>>>>>>>>>>> $7M
35 > Four Brothers >>>>>>>>>>>> $93M
36 > Heartburn >>>>>>>>>>>>>> $25M
37 > High Noon >>>>>>>>>>>>>> $12M
38 > Jennifer 8 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $12M
39 > Kiss the Girls >>>>>>>>>>>> $61M
40 > Liberty Valence >>>>>>>>>>> $8M
41 > Match Point >>>>>>>>>>>>>> $85M
42 > Mean Creek >>>>>>>>>>>>>> $1M
43 > Margot at the Wedding >>>>>> $3M
44 > Next >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $71M
45 > Night Falls >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $10M
46 > Night of Demons 2 >>>>>>>>> $2M
47 > Northfork >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $2M
48 > Nobodys Fool >>>>>>>>>>>> $40M
49 > Not Fade Away >>>>>>>>>>> $1M
50 > Nevada Smith >>>>>>>>>>>> $7M
51 > Neil Young Heart of Gold >>>> $3M
52 > Ordinary People >>>>>>>>>> $55M
53 > Paulie >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $27M
54 > Primal Fear >>>>>>>>>>>>>> $103M
55 > The Parallax View >>>>>>>>> no info
56 > Mission Impossible ROGUE NATION $$$ 682M $$$
57 >TRANSFORMERS Age of Extinction > $$$ 1.1 BILLION $$$
Here are the NOV IRON DRAGON Titles>
1- For the Emperor >>>>>>>>> $10M
2 - Firestorm >>>>>>>>>>>>>> $56M
3 -Iceman >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $26M
4 -Killers 2014 >>>>>>>>>>>>> no info
5 - Kung Fu Killer >>>>>>>>>>> $23M
6 - The Pirates >>>>>>>>>>>>> $56M
7 - Once upon a time in Shanghai > no info
8 - Rigormortis >>>>>>>>>>>>> $17M
9 - The taking of Tiger Mountain > $150M
10 - Traffickers >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $12M
11 - Young Detective Dee >>>>>> $98M
12 - Vengeance of an Assassin >> $10M
Here are the NOV Titles> PARAMOUNTS
1 -Along Came a Spider >>>>>>>> $105M
2 -Almost Famous >>>>>>>>>>>>> $47M
3 - American Gigolo >>>>>>>>>>>> $23M
4 - Bad Boys Comedy Season 3 > ( TV Series )
5 - Bad Boys of Comedy Season 1 (TV Series)
6 - BarnYard >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $116M
7 - Beef >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> no info
8 - Beyond Borders>>>>>>>>>>>> $12M
9 - Bloody Sunday >>>>>>>>>>>>> $1M
10 - Carrie (1952) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $2M
11 - Cousins >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $22M
12 - Catch 22 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $25M
13 - Changing Lanes >>>>>>>>>>>> $95M
14 - Chaplin >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $10M
15 - Childs Play >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $44M
16 - Children of a Lesser God >>>>> $31M
17 - Collateral >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $218M
18 - Coming To America >>>>>>>>> $288M
19 - The Contender >>>>>>>>>>>>> $22M
20 - The Core >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $74M
21 - Dark City >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> no info
22 - Death Wish >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $22M
23 - Disturbia >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $118M
24 - Donovans Reef >>>>>>>>>>>> $7M
25 - DreamGirls>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $154M
26 - The Doors >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $34M
27 - Eagle Eye >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $179M
28 - Election >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $15M
29 - Enduring Love >>>>>>>>>>>>> no info
30 - -Escape from NY >>>>>>>>>>>> $25M
31 - Evolution >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $80M
32 - EuroTrip >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $20M
33 - Faceoff >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $245M
34 - Falling in Love >>>>>>>>>>>>>> $12M
35 - First Wives >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $181M
36 - Flags of Our Fathers >>>>>>>>> $66M
37 - Flight >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $162M
38 - Freedom Writers >>>>>>>>>>>>> $43M
39 - Focus >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $158M
40 - Footloose 2011 >>>>>>>>>>>>> $63M
41 - Friends 1971 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> no info
42 - The Four Feathers (2002) >>>>> $30M
43 - Fun Size >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $11M
44 - The Fighter >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $129M
45 - The Generals Daughter >>>>>>> $150M
46 - Grease 2 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $15M
47 - Hansel & Gretel >>>>>>>>>>>>> $226M
48 - Harlem Nights >>>>>>>>>>>>>> $61M
49 - Hey Arnold >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $15M
50 - Heaven Can Wait >>>>>>>>>>> $82M
51 - Heart Break Kid >>>>>>>>>>>>> $128M
52 - House of Sand and Fog >>>>>>> $17M
53 - Hot Pursuit >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $4m
54 - Ivory Tower >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 100k
55 - The Honeymooners >>>>>>>>>> $13M
56 - The Hours >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $109M
57 - Jackass 3 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $170M
58 - Jackass 3.5 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> DVD
59 - Jackass Number Two >>>>>>>>> $85M
60 - Jackass Presents - Bad Grandpa > $151M
61 - Just Like Heaven >>>>>>>>>>>>> $103M
62 - Internal Affairs >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $28M
63 - K-19 Widowmaker >>>>>>>>>>>> $65M
64 -The Ladies Man (2000 >>>>>>>>> $14M
65 - The Last Castle >>>>>>>>>>>>> $28M
66 - The Last Tycoon >>>>>>>>>>>> $2M
67 - Leap of Faith >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $24M
68 - The Longest Yard 1974 >>>>>>> $43M
69 - Lovely Bones >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $94M
70 - Lucky Numbers >>>>>>>>>>>>> $11M
71 - Martin Lawrence Live >>>>>>>> $19M
72 - Mighty Heart >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $19M
73 - Mommie Dearest >>>>>>>>>>> $39M
74 - Morning Glory (2010 >>>>>>>>> $60M
75 - Naked Gun >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $217M
76 - Naked Gun 2 1/2 >>>>>>>>>>>> $86M
77 - Orange County >>>>>>>>>>>>> $43M
78 - The Out of Towners (1999) >>>> $29M
79 - Pain & Gain >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $96M
80 - Phantom of the Opera >1989>>> $4M
81 - Private Parts >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $41M
82 - Project X >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $102M
83 - The Rugrats >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $140M
84 - Staten Island Summer >>>>>>>> download
85 - Summer Rental >>>>>>>>>>>>> $25M
86 - The Talented Mr Ripley >>>>>>> $129M
87 -Terminator Genisys >>>>>>>>>>> $440M
88 - Zoolander >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $60M
89 - Wuthering Heights >1992>>>>>>>> no info
Here is OCTOBER >
1 - 1492: Conquest of Paradise >>>>> $7M
2 - Area 51 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $1M
3 - Airplane II: The Sequel >>>>>>>>>$27M
4 - Another 48 Hrs. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> $153M
5 - Barbarella >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $6M
6 - Basic Instinct >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $352M
7 - Beverly Hills Cop III >>>>>>>>>>> $119M
8 - Black Rain >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $134M
9 - Blades of Glory >>>>>>>>>>>>>> $145M
10 - Boomerang >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $131M
11 - Breakfast At Tiffany >>>>>>>>>>> $14M
12 - Cirque Du Soliel >>>>>>>>>>>>>> $34M
13 - Chop Shop >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $1M
14 - Cloverfield >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $170M
15 - Clueless >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $56M
16 - Cujo >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $21M
17 - Crazy People >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $13M
18 - Deep Impact >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $349M
19 - Dinner for Shmucks >>>>>>>>>> $86M
20 - Drunk Wedding >>>>>>>>>>>>> 330K
21 - Elephant Man >>>>>>>>>>>>>> $26M
22 - Enemy at the Gates >>>>>>>>>> $97M
23 - Escape From Alcatraz >>>>>>>> $43M
24 - Event Horizon >>>>>>>>>>>>>> $47M
25 - Eddie Murphy Raw >>>>>>>>>> $50M
26 - Failure to Launch >>>>>>>>>>>>$128M
27 -Fatal Attraction >>>>>>>>>>>>>> $320M
28 - The Firm >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $270M
29 - First Blood >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $125M
30 - Flashdance >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $201M
31 - Friday the 13th - Part V ->>>>>>> $21M
32 - Friday the 13th = Part VIII - >>>>>$14M
33 - The Gambler 1974 >>>>>>>>>>> no info
34 - The Gift >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $53M
35 - The Great Gatsby 1974 >>>>>>> $351M
36 - Galaxy Quest >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $91M
37 - Good Kill >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $1M
38 - Graveyard Shift >>>>>>>>>>>>>> $11M
39 - GHOST >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $505M
40 - How to lose a Man in 10 Days >> $177M
41 - The Haunting >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $177M
42 - I love You Man >>>>>>>>>>>>> $91M
43 - Into the Wild >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $56M
44 - Indecent Proposal >>>>>>>>>>>> $266M
45 - Invasion of the Body Snachers >>> $3M
46 - The Italian Job (2003) >>>>>>>>> $176M
47 -Jack Reacher >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $218M
48 - Jacobs Ladder >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $26M
49 - Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit >>>>> $135M
50 - Jimmy Neutron Boy Genius >>>>>> $103M
51 - The Haunting >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $177M
52 - Katy Perry Part of Me >>>>>>>>>>>$32M
53 - Kingpin >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $25M
54 - King Kong >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>$90M
55 The Kite Runner >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $73M
56 - Lara Croft Tomb Raider >>>>>>>>> $274M
57 - Lara Croft Cradle of Life >>>>>>>>> $156M
58 - The Legend of Bagger Vance >>>>>> $39M
59 - Lemony Snickets Unfortunate Events >$209M
60 - The Longest Yard (2005) >>>>>>>>> $190M
61 - The Love Guru >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $40M
62 - Love, Rosie >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $4M
63 -The Machinist >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $8M
64 - Manchurian Candidate >>>>>>>>>>> $8M
65 - Mean Girls >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $129M
66 - The Mexican >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $147M
67 - Mission Impossible - Ghost Protocol > $694M
68 - Mission Impossible II >>>>>>>>>>>> $546M
69 - Mission Impossible III >>>>>>>>>>>> $397M
70 - No Strings Attached >>>>>>>>>>>>> $149M
71 - A Night at the Roxbury >>>>>>>>>>> $30M
72 - The Odd Couple >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $18M
73 - Officer and a Gentleman >>>>>>>>>> $129M
74 - Old School >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $87M
75 - Over the Top >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $16M
76 - Paranormal Activity >>>>>>>>>>>>>> $193M
77 - Paranormal Activity 4 >>>>>>>>>>>> $142M
78 - Paranormal Activity - The Marked Ones >$90M
79 - Pretty in Pink >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>$40M
80 - Project Almanac >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $32M
81 - Rainmaker >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $45M
82 - Rambo III >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $161M
83 - Resident Advisors - Episode 1
84 - Resident Advisors - Episode 2
85 - Resident Advisors - Episode 3
86 - Resident Advisors - Episode 4
87- Resident Advisors - Episode 5
88 - Resident Advisors - Episode 6
89 - Resident Advisors - Episode 7
89 - Red Eye >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $95M
90 - The Ring >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $249M
91 - The Ring II >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $189M
92 - Road Trip >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $119M
93 - Road Trip Beer Pong >>>>> direct to dvd
94 - Rosemays Baby >>>>>>>>>>>>> $33M
95 - Rules of Engagement >>>>>>> $71M
96 - Running Man >>>>>>>>>>>>> $38M
97 - Saving Private Ryan >>>>>>>> $481M
98 - Silver Bullet >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $12M
99 - Staying Alive >>>>>>>>>>>>>> $64M
100 - The Score >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $113M
101 - The Saint >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $169M
102 - Saturday Night Fever >>>>>> $237M
103- Seabiscuit >>>>>>>>>>>>>> $148M
104 - Tales from the Dark Side >>> $16M
105 - Titanic >>>>>>>>>>> $$$ $2.187 BILLION $$$
106- Tommy Boy >>>>>>>>>>>>>> $32M
107 - Top Secret! >>>>>>>>>>>>> $ 20M
108 - Trading Places>>>>>>>>>>>>$90M
109 - Transformers >>>>>>>>>>>>> $ 709M
110 - Transformers Revenge of Fallen $836M
111 - Transformers Dark of the Moon > $$$ 1.1 BILLION $$$
112- Tropic Thunder >>>>>>>>>> $ 188M
113 - Up in Smoke >>>>>>>>>>>>> $44M
114 - Waynes World >>>>>>>>>>>> $183M
115 - World War Z >>>>>>>>>>>>> $ 540M
Here are the 73 for SEPTEMBER ...
1 - 48 Hrs. >>>>>>>>>>>>> $78M
2 - AEon Flux >>>>>>>>>>> $52M
3 - The African Queen >>>> $10M
4 - Airplane! >>>>>>>>>>>> $130
5 - American Beauty >>>>>> $356
6 - Anchorman >>>>>>>>>> $90M
7 - Beowulf >>>>>>>>>>>>> $196M
8 - Beverly Hills Cop >>>>>> $316M
9 - Beverly Hills Cop II >>>>> $299M
10 - Black Sheep >>>>>>>>> $32M
11 - Bloodsport >>>>>>>>>> $65M
12 - Braveheart >>>>>>>>>> $210M
13 - Case 39 >>>>>>>>>>>>> $28M
14 - Catch Me if You Can >>>> $352M
15 - Chinatown >>>>>>>>>>>> $30M
16 - Clear and Present Danger > $215M
17 - Clouds of Sils Maria >>>>> $5M
18 - Coneheads >>>>>>>>>>> $21M
19 - Crocodile Dundee >>>>>>>> $512M
20 - Crocodile Dundee II >>>>>>> $239M
21 - The Curious Case of Benjamin Button > $333M
22 - Days of Thunder >>>>>>>>>>> $157M
23 - Defiance >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $56M
24 - The Dictator >>>>>>>>>>>>>> $179M
25 - Ferris Bueller's Day Off >>>>>> $70M
26 - Footloose (1984) >>>>>>>>>> $80M
27 - Forrest Gump >>>>>>>>>>>>> $677M
28 - Friday the 13th >>>>>>>>>>>> $59M
29 - Friday the 13th - Part II >>>>>> $21M
30 - Friday the 13th - Part III >>>>>> $36M
31 - Friday the 13th - Part IV - The Final Chapter > $32
32 - Friday the 13th - Part VI - Jason Lives >>>>>> $18M
33 - Friday the 13th - Part VII - The New Blood >>> $19M
34 - The Gambler >>>>>>>>>>>>> $39M
35 - Gladiator >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $457M
36 - The Godfather >>>>>>>>>>>> $245M
37 - The Godfather Part II >>>>>>> $47M
38 - The Godfather Part III >>>>>>> $136M
39 - Grease >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $394M
40 - Hugo >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $189M
41 - The Hunt for Red October >>>> $200M
42 - An Inconvenient Truth >>>>>>> $49M
43 - The Island >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $162M
44 - Minority Report >>>>>>>>>>>> $358M
45 - Mission Impossible >>>>>>>>> $457M
46 - Paranormal Activity 2 >>>>>>> $177M
47 - Paranormal Activity 3 >>>>>>> $207M
48 - Patriot Games >>>>>>>>>>>>> $178M
49 - Pet Sematary >>>>>>>>>>>>>> $57M
50 - Pet Sematary 2 >>>>>>>>>>>>> $17M
51 - Planes, Trains and Automobiles >>>>>>> $49M
52 - Selma >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $66M
53 - Shutter Island >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $294M
54 - Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow >> $58M
55 - The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie >>>>> $140M
56 - SpongeBob Movie - Sponge Out of Water > $311M
57 - Star Trek (2009) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $385M
58 - Star Trek - The Motion Picture >>>>>>>>>> $139M
59 - Star Trek II - The Wrath of Khan >>>>>>>>> $97M
60 - Star Trek III - The Search for Spock >>>>>> $87M
61 - Star Trek IV - The Voyage Home >>>>>>>> $133M
62 - Star Trek V - The Final Frontier >>>>>>>>> $63M
63 - Star Trek VI - The Undiscovered Country >> $96M
64 - Star Trek - Generations >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $118M
65 - Star Trek - Into Darkness >>>>>>>>>>>>>> $467M
66 - Star Trek - First Contact >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $146M
67 - Star Trek - Insurrection >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $112M
68 - Star Trek - Nemesis >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $67M
69 - Terminator 2 - Judgement Day >>>>>>>>>> $519M
70 - Top Gun >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $356M
71 - The Truman Show >>>>>>>> $264M
72 - The Untouchables >>>>>>>> $106M
73 - Up in the Air >>>>>>>>>>>> $166M
20 Iron Dragon Movies +
13 A&E titles +
8 Inception Media Group +
2 Lifetime +
2 Thunderstruck studios
1 LionsGate +
1 Millenium+
1 Iron Hog Pictures+
1 Garlin Picture
1 Victores International
1 Freestyle
1 First look
loaded on UF from Sept 1, 2015 to Jan 29, 2016.
The breakout totals are >
For JANUARY 2016 total 32 loaded for
$1.084 BILLION >
On Jan 29, 2015 UF began advertising the official Trailer of
the Mega Blockbuster "STAR WARS THE FORCE AWAKENS"
setting up the intriguing possibility the 4K version of the
movie may show on UF when it is available for streaming.
In addition in JAN 2016 UF added a NEW Ad revenue stream by
advertising Video Game Trailers of which 14 are now on UF
Inception Media Group
1> Bordering on Bad Behavior >>>>> $2M
2> Sons of Liberty >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> TV
3> One Direction>Reaching for Stars pt1 > dvd
4> One Direction>Reaching for Stars pt2 > dvd
Paramount Pictures
5> Babel >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $136M
6> High and Mighty > John Wayne >>> $9M
7> Hunted 2013 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $46M
8> Gallopoli >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $12M
9> The Hunter >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $17M
10> Juice >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $20M
11> Lady Jane >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $18M
12> Let it Ride >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $5M
13> Like Crazy >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $4M
14> Marathon Man >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $29M
15> Mostly Martha >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $5M
16> My Side of the Mountain >>>>>>>> $2M
17> Roman Holiday >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $12M
18> South Park >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $83M
19> Stardust >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $136M
20> Super 8 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $260M
21> The Terminal >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $220M
22> Team America: World Police >>>>> $52M
Iron Dragon Pictures
23> Dragonwolf >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $5M
24>Kundo >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $7M
Millenium Pictures
25>Dead Within >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dvd
Iron Hog Pictures
26> King of the Avenue >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $3M
Garlin Pictures
27> Relative Strangers >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dvd
Victores International
28> Paris Jetaime >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $18M
Freeestyle Releasing
29> Dirty Deeds
Thunderstruck Studios
30> Thunderstruck part 11
31> Thunderstruck part 12
First Look
32> A little Bit of Heaven
$$$ 2.729 BILLION $$$ for 57 loaded
$$$ 6.544 BILLION $$$ for the 89+12 loaded
For OCTOBER 2015
$$$ 17.788 BILLION $$$ for the 115 loaded
$$$ 12.581 BILLION $$$ for the 73 loaded
For December 2015 >
Iron Dragon Studios
1 > Special ID >>>>>>>>>>>>>> > $30M
2 > Wrath of Vajra >>>>>>>>>>>> $50M
3 > Badges of Fury >>>>>>>>>>>> $47M
4 > Eastern Bandits >>>>>>>>>>>> $25M
5 > Confession of a Murder >>>>>> $19M
6 > Chef, Actor, Scoundrel >>>>>>> $43M
A&E studios
9 > Sons of Liberty >>>>>>> 3 Part TV series
19 > Unreal 2015 >>>>>>>> 10 part TV series
20 > Screwed (2012)
21 > Whitney Houston ( TV Movie)
22 >The Secret Life of Marylin Monroe (4 hour Mini Series)
Inception Media Group
23 > Alien Battlefield >>>>>>>>> DVD
24 > Romeo and Juliet (2015, Broadway Stage Play)
25 > Silent But Deadly >>>>>>>> TV
26 > The Zombinator >>>>>>>> DVD
December 2015 PARAMOUNT Films >
27 > A New Leaf >>>>>>>>>>>>> $5M
28 > Angel Heart >>>>>>>>>>>> $17M
29 > Bad Boys Comedy 2 >>>>>> TV series
30 > Clue >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $15M
31 > Company Man >>>>>>>>>>> $1M
32 > Dragon Slayer >>>>>>>>>>> $14M
33 > Flesh and Bone >>>>>>>>>> $10M
34 > Flashback >>>>>>>>>>>>>> $7M
35 > Four Brothers >>>>>>>>>>>> $93M
36 > Heartburn >>>>>>>>>>>>>> $25M
37 > High Noon >>>>>>>>>>>>>> $12M
38 > Jennifer 8 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $12M
39 > Kiss the Girls >>>>>>>>>>>> $61M
40 > Liberty Valence >>>>>>>>>>> $8M
41 > Match Point >>>>>>>>>>>>>> $85M
42 > Mean Creek >>>>>>>>>>>>>> $1M
43 > Margot at the Wedding >>>>>> $3M
44 > Next >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $71M
45 > Night Falls >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $10M
46 > Night of Demons 2 >>>>>>>>> $2M
47 > Northfork >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $2M
48 > Nobodys Fool >>>>>>>>>>>> $40M
49 > Not Fade Away >>>>>>>>>>> $1M
50 > Nevada Smith >>>>>>>>>>>> $7M
51 > Neil Young Heart of Gold >>>> $3M
52 > Ordinary People >>>>>>>>>> $55M
53 > Paulie >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $27M
54 > Primal Fear >>>>>>>>>>>>>> $103M
55 > The Parallax View >>>>>>>>> no info
56 > Mission Impossible ROGUE NATION $$$ 682M $$$
57 >TRANSFORMERS Age of Extinction > $$$ 1.1 BILLION $$$
Here are the NOV IRON DRAGON Titles>
1- For the Emperor >>>>>>>>> $10M
2 - Firestorm >>>>>>>>>>>>>> $56M
3 -Iceman >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $26M
4 -Killers 2014 >>>>>>>>>>>>> no info
5 - Kung Fu Killer >>>>>>>>>>> $23M
6 - The Pirates >>>>>>>>>>>>> $56M
7 - Once upon a time in Shanghai > no info
8 - Rigormortis >>>>>>>>>>>>> $17M
9 - The taking of Tiger Mountain > $150M
10 - Traffickers >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $12M
11 - Young Detective Dee >>>>>> $98M
12 - Vengeance of an Assassin >> $10M
Here are the NOV Titles> PARAMOUNTS
1 -Along Came a Spider >>>>>>>> $105M
2 -Almost Famous >>>>>>>>>>>>> $47M
3 - American Gigolo >>>>>>>>>>>> $23M
4 - Bad Boys Comedy Season 3 > ( TV Series )
5 - Bad Boys of Comedy Season 1 (TV Series)
6 - BarnYard >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $116M
7 - Beef >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> no info
8 - Beyond Borders>>>>>>>>>>>> $12M
9 - Bloody Sunday >>>>>>>>>>>>> $1M
10 - Carrie (1952) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $2M
11 - Cousins >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $22M
12 - Catch 22 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $25M
13 - Changing Lanes >>>>>>>>>>>> $95M
14 - Chaplin >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $10M
15 - Childs Play >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $44M
16 - Children of a Lesser God >>>>> $31M
17 - Collateral >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $218M
18 - Coming To America >>>>>>>>> $288M
19 - The Contender >>>>>>>>>>>>> $22M
20 - The Core >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $74M
21 - Dark City >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> no info
22 - Death Wish >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $22M
23 - Disturbia >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $118M
24 - Donovans Reef >>>>>>>>>>>> $7M
25 - DreamGirls>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $154M
26 - The Doors >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $34M
27 - Eagle Eye >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $179M
28 - Election >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $15M
29 - Enduring Love >>>>>>>>>>>>> no info
30 - -Escape from NY >>>>>>>>>>>> $25M
31 - Evolution >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $80M
32 - EuroTrip >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $20M
33 - Faceoff >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $245M
34 - Falling in Love >>>>>>>>>>>>>> $12M
35 - First Wives >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $181M
36 - Flags of Our Fathers >>>>>>>>> $66M
37 - Flight >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $162M
38 - Freedom Writers >>>>>>>>>>>>> $43M
39 - Focus >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $158M
40 - Footloose 2011 >>>>>>>>>>>>> $63M
41 - Friends 1971 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> no info
42 - The Four Feathers (2002) >>>>> $30M
43 - Fun Size >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $11M
44 - The Fighter >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $129M
45 - The Generals Daughter >>>>>>> $150M
46 - Grease 2 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $15M
47 - Hansel & Gretel >>>>>>>>>>>>> $226M
48 - Harlem Nights >>>>>>>>>>>>>> $61M
49 - Hey Arnold >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $15M
50 - Heaven Can Wait >>>>>>>>>>> $82M
51 - Heart Break Kid >>>>>>>>>>>>> $128M
52 - House of Sand and Fog >>>>>>> $17M
53 - Hot Pursuit >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $4m
54 - Ivory Tower >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 100k
55 - The Honeymooners >>>>>>>>>> $13M
56 - The Hours >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $109M
57 - Jackass 3 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $170M
58 - Jackass 3.5 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> DVD
59 - Jackass Number Two >>>>>>>>> $85M
60 - Jackass Presents - Bad Grandpa > $151M
61 - Just Like Heaven >>>>>>>>>>>>> $103M
62 - Internal Affairs >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $28M
63 - K-19 Widowmaker >>>>>>>>>>>> $65M
64 -The Ladies Man (2000 >>>>>>>>> $14M
65 - The Last Castle >>>>>>>>>>>>> $28M
66 - The Last Tycoon >>>>>>>>>>>> $2M
67 - Leap of Faith >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $24M
68 - The Longest Yard 1974 >>>>>>> $43M
69 - Lovely Bones >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $94M
70 - Lucky Numbers >>>>>>>>>>>>> $11M
71 - Martin Lawrence Live >>>>>>>> $19M
72 - Mighty Heart >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $19M
73 - Mommie Dearest >>>>>>>>>>> $39M
74 - Morning Glory (2010 >>>>>>>>> $60M
75 - Naked Gun >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $217M
76 - Naked Gun 2 1/2 >>>>>>>>>>>> $86M
77 - Orange County >>>>>>>>>>>>> $43M
78 - The Out of Towners (1999) >>>> $29M
79 - Pain & Gain >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $96M
80 - Phantom of the Opera >1989>>> $4M
81 - Private Parts >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $41M
82 - Project X >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $102M
83 - The Rugrats >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $140M
84 - Staten Island Summer >>>>>>>> download
85 - Summer Rental >>>>>>>>>>>>> $25M
86 - The Talented Mr Ripley >>>>>>> $129M
87 -Terminator Genisys >>>>>>>>>>> $440M
88 - Zoolander >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $60M
89 - Wuthering Heights >1992>>>>>>>> no info
Here is OCTOBER >
1 - 1492: Conquest of Paradise >>>>> $7M
2 - Area 51 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $1M
3 - Airplane II: The Sequel >>>>>>>>>$27M
4 - Another 48 Hrs. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> $153M
5 - Barbarella >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $6M
6 - Basic Instinct >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $352M
7 - Beverly Hills Cop III >>>>>>>>>>> $119M
8 - Black Rain >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $134M
9 - Blades of Glory >>>>>>>>>>>>>> $145M
10 - Boomerang >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $131M
11 - Breakfast At Tiffany >>>>>>>>>>> $14M
12 - Cirque Du Soliel >>>>>>>>>>>>>> $34M
13 - Chop Shop >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $1M
14 - Cloverfield >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $170M
15 - Clueless >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $56M
16 - Cujo >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $21M
17 - Crazy People >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $13M
18 - Deep Impact >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $349M
19 - Dinner for Shmucks >>>>>>>>>> $86M
20 - Drunk Wedding >>>>>>>>>>>>> 330K
21 - Elephant Man >>>>>>>>>>>>>> $26M
22 - Enemy at the Gates >>>>>>>>>> $97M
23 - Escape From Alcatraz >>>>>>>> $43M
24 - Event Horizon >>>>>>>>>>>>>> $47M
25 - Eddie Murphy Raw >>>>>>>>>> $50M
26 - Failure to Launch >>>>>>>>>>>>$128M
27 -Fatal Attraction >>>>>>>>>>>>>> $320M
28 - The Firm >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $270M
29 - First Blood >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $125M
30 - Flashdance >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $201M
31 - Friday the 13th - Part V ->>>>>>> $21M
32 - Friday the 13th = Part VIII - >>>>>$14M
33 - The Gambler 1974 >>>>>>>>>>> no info
34 - The Gift >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $53M
35 - The Great Gatsby 1974 >>>>>>> $351M
36 - Galaxy Quest >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $91M
37 - Good Kill >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $1M
38 - Graveyard Shift >>>>>>>>>>>>>> $11M
39 - GHOST >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $505M
40 - How to lose a Man in 10 Days >> $177M
41 - The Haunting >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $177M
42 - I love You Man >>>>>>>>>>>>> $91M
43 - Into the Wild >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $56M
44 - Indecent Proposal >>>>>>>>>>>> $266M
45 - Invasion of the Body Snachers >>> $3M
46 - The Italian Job (2003) >>>>>>>>> $176M
47 -Jack Reacher >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $218M
48 - Jacobs Ladder >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $26M
49 - Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit >>>>> $135M
50 - Jimmy Neutron Boy Genius >>>>>> $103M
51 - The Haunting >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $177M
52 - Katy Perry Part of Me >>>>>>>>>>>$32M
53 - Kingpin >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $25M
54 - King Kong >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>$90M
55 The Kite Runner >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $73M
56 - Lara Croft Tomb Raider >>>>>>>>> $274M
57 - Lara Croft Cradle of Life >>>>>>>>> $156M
58 - The Legend of Bagger Vance >>>>>> $39M
59 - Lemony Snickets Unfortunate Events >$209M
60 - The Longest Yard (2005) >>>>>>>>> $190M
61 - The Love Guru >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $40M
62 - Love, Rosie >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $4M
63 -The Machinist >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $8M
64 - Manchurian Candidate >>>>>>>>>>> $8M
65 - Mean Girls >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $129M
66 - The Mexican >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $147M
67 - Mission Impossible - Ghost Protocol > $694M
68 - Mission Impossible II >>>>>>>>>>>> $546M
69 - Mission Impossible III >>>>>>>>>>>> $397M
70 - No Strings Attached >>>>>>>>>>>>> $149M
71 - A Night at the Roxbury >>>>>>>>>>> $30M
72 - The Odd Couple >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $18M
73 - Officer and a Gentleman >>>>>>>>>> $129M
74 - Old School >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $87M
75 - Over the Top >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $16M
76 - Paranormal Activity >>>>>>>>>>>>>> $193M
77 - Paranormal Activity 4 >>>>>>>>>>>> $142M
78 - Paranormal Activity - The Marked Ones >$90M
79 - Pretty in Pink >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>$40M
80 - Project Almanac >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $32M
81 - Rainmaker >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $45M
82 - Rambo III >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $161M
83 - Resident Advisors - Episode 1
84 - Resident Advisors - Episode 2
85 - Resident Advisors - Episode 3
86 - Resident Advisors - Episode 4
87- Resident Advisors - Episode 5
88 - Resident Advisors - Episode 6
89 - Resident Advisors - Episode 7
89 - Red Eye >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $95M
90 - The Ring >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $249M
91 - The Ring II >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $189M
92 - Road Trip >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $119M
93 - Road Trip Beer Pong >>>>> direct to dvd
94 - Rosemays Baby >>>>>>>>>>>>> $33M
95 - Rules of Engagement >>>>>>> $71M
96 - Running Man >>>>>>>>>>>>> $38M
97 - Saving Private Ryan >>>>>>>> $481M
98 - Silver Bullet >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $12M
99 - Staying Alive >>>>>>>>>>>>>> $64M
100 - The Score >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $113M
101 - The Saint >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $169M
102 - Saturday Night Fever >>>>>> $237M
103- Seabiscuit >>>>>>>>>>>>>> $148M
104 - Tales from the Dark Side >>> $16M
105 - Titanic >>>>>>>>>>> $$$ $2.187 BILLION $$$
106- Tommy Boy >>>>>>>>>>>>>> $32M
107 - Top Secret! >>>>>>>>>>>>> $ 20M
108 - Trading Places>>>>>>>>>>>>$90M
109 - Transformers >>>>>>>>>>>>> $ 709M
110 - Transformers Revenge of Fallen $836M
111 - Transformers Dark of the Moon > $$$ 1.1 BILLION $$$
112- Tropic Thunder >>>>>>>>>> $ 188M
113 - Up in Smoke >>>>>>>>>>>>> $44M
114 - Waynes World >>>>>>>>>>>> $183M
115 - World War Z >>>>>>>>>>>>> $ 540M
Here are the 73 for SEPTEMBER ...
1 - 48 Hrs. >>>>>>>>>>>>> $78M
2 - AEon Flux >>>>>>>>>>> $52M
3 - The African Queen >>>> $10M
4 - Airplane! >>>>>>>>>>>> $130
5 - American Beauty >>>>>> $356
6 - Anchorman >>>>>>>>>> $90M
7 - Beowulf >>>>>>>>>>>>> $196M
8 - Beverly Hills Cop >>>>>> $316M
9 - Beverly Hills Cop II >>>>> $299M
10 - Black Sheep >>>>>>>>> $32M
11 - Bloodsport >>>>>>>>>> $65M
12 - Braveheart >>>>>>>>>> $210M
13 - Case 39 >>>>>>>>>>>>> $28M
14 - Catch Me if You Can >>>> $352M
15 - Chinatown >>>>>>>>>>>> $30M
16 - Clear and Present Danger > $215M
17 - Clouds of Sils Maria >>>>> $5M
18 - Coneheads >>>>>>>>>>> $21M
19 - Crocodile Dundee >>>>>>>> $512M
20 - Crocodile Dundee II >>>>>>> $239M
21 - The Curious Case of Benjamin Button > $333M
22 - Days of Thunder >>>>>>>>>>> $157M
23 - Defiance >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $56M
24 - The Dictator >>>>>>>>>>>>>> $179M
25 - Ferris Bueller's Day Off >>>>>> $70M
26 - Footloose (1984) >>>>>>>>>> $80M
27 - Forrest Gump >>>>>>>>>>>>> $677M
28 - Friday the 13th >>>>>>>>>>>> $59M
29 - Friday the 13th - Part II >>>>>> $21M
30 - Friday the 13th - Part III >>>>>> $36M
31 - Friday the 13th - Part IV - The Final Chapter > $32
32 - Friday the 13th - Part VI - Jason Lives >>>>>> $18M
33 - Friday the 13th - Part VII - The New Blood >>> $19M
34 - The Gambler >>>>>>>>>>>>> $39M
35 - Gladiator >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $457M
36 - The Godfather >>>>>>>>>>>> $245M
37 - The Godfather Part II >>>>>>> $47M
38 - The Godfather Part III >>>>>>> $136M
39 - Grease >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $394M
40 - Hugo >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $189M
41 - The Hunt for Red October >>>> $200M
42 - An Inconvenient Truth >>>>>>> $49M
43 - The Island >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $162M
44 - Minority Report >>>>>>>>>>>> $358M
45 - Mission Impossible >>>>>>>>> $457M
46 - Paranormal Activity 2 >>>>>>> $177M
47 - Paranormal Activity 3 >>>>>>> $207M
48 - Patriot Games >>>>>>>>>>>>> $178M
49 - Pet Sematary >>>>>>>>>>>>>> $57M
50 - Pet Sematary 2 >>>>>>>>>>>>> $17M
51 - Planes, Trains and Automobiles >>>>>>> $49M
52 - Selma >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $66M
53 - Shutter Island >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $294M
54 - Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow >> $58M
55 - The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie >>>>> $140M
56 - SpongeBob Movie - Sponge Out of Water > $311M
57 - Star Trek (2009) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $385M
58 - Star Trek - The Motion Picture >>>>>>>>>> $139M
59 - Star Trek II - The Wrath of Khan >>>>>>>>> $97M
60 - Star Trek III - The Search for Spock >>>>>> $87M
61 - Star Trek IV - The Voyage Home >>>>>>>> $133M
62 - Star Trek V - The Final Frontier >>>>>>>>> $63M
63 - Star Trek VI - The Undiscovered Country >> $96M
64 - Star Trek - Generations >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $118M
65 - Star Trek - Into Darkness >>>>>>>>>>>>>> $467M
66 - Star Trek - First Contact >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $146M
67 - Star Trek - Insurrection >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $112M
68 - Star Trek - Nemesis >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $67M
69 - Terminator 2 - Judgement Day >>>>>>>>>> $519M
70 - Top Gun >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $356M
71 - The Truman Show >>>>>>>> $264M
72 - The Untouchables >>>>>>>> $106M
73 - Up in the Air >>>>>>>>>>>> $166M

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