FITZ, YOU ARE THE MAN!!!!!!! This news is More than just outstanding, it is the beginning of a stream of news that will be officially put out by Zajay in the very, VERY, near future. You talk about doing DD, our team finds it before it is even officially put out. NO ONE, and I mean NO ONE, is better at doing DD than the THRA team. We all knew, all along, the THRA and Zajay got screwed by the DTCC, no matter what a few kept saying. We as a TEAM knew better. THRA will go down in the books as one of the greatest come backs ever in the stock market. Zajay is bound and determined to show everyone who said she is a crook, who said she does not know what she is doing, who said she took all our money and ran, and finally all the posters who said this is a scam, WRONG. And she will prove them wrong!!!!. Little by little, with no fan fare or a PR blast attack, she is righting the ship. EVERONE should be excited that we have a CEO like Zajay. TEAM THRA, WE ARE ON OUR WAY, I don't think that, I am not guessing that, I KNOW IT. Stay tuned gang, Gramps, get the air built up on the brake system, and dust off the controls, VERY SOON you will push down that red button that says release the air brakes, and we will be ROLLIN down the tracks at a very high speed. Gregg