SHELLY SUCKS. IHUB is turning into the #1 BASHERS HUB.
IHUB admins have harrased me for the last 2 years, limiting me to only 3 posts a day for over a year with the EXCUSE that I was using the "bold app" in the titles of my messages. I always wanted to buy the small cap pro package, but I was concerned with the treatment I was receiving and had a gut feeling that had I bought the package the childish treatment would not cease.
After over a year of being limited to 1 post a year I finally brought myself to subscribe, so I could have unlimited posts, then next thing you know, as I had feared, 3 days after subscribing; admin SHELLY wrote me stating that I had to pay 199 for an IRp account or something like that. I told her that I do not have a company, have NEVER been paid to promote any stock and dont think I qualify for that. Then she banned me for 2 years right after I wrote her that, reason for ban TOS violation??!