
IH Contest!
As I have posted before there are a ton of eyes on this site. I have submitted tens of thousands of links to Investors Hangout to all of the search engines.
Now that all those links have been submitted hundreds of people are now finding out about Investors Hangout just through search engines such as Google.
What does this mean to you? Well, It means that your posts are being read and the search engines are bringing people here because of all your hard work with
all the great due diligence and research reports you all post!
The logic is simple. You have a company you really like and you want to get the word out about it. Investors Hangout will be the best place to post it. Why? Because when people come to Investors Hangout the first time they see that 1) The site is active 2) The site is FREE 3) Search engines are picking the posts up quick 4)The boards are fair with equal discussion about companies. 5) The site is all around Friendly!
Here is an example of Investors Hangout search:
We are going to begin this contest today 4/28/2012 and will run until next Saturday 5/5/2012 at Mid night.
The contest is easy, The board that has the most posts wins the main homepage ad spot for a week! With your board being featured. This will bring even more eyes to your work!
Both stock boards and user boards qualify.
1) Must hold the number 1 spot on homepage most active stats the most out of the week.
2) Must be at least 3 members posting together on the board to prevent just one person posting a lot.
3) Stock boards must be on topic about the company. You can repeat the posts the following day.
4) No short posts will qualify - lol, hahah, yes, no, so, <~~~ None of those.
5) Post must have a minimum of 5 words.
6) The board that wins will be featured on the homepage for a minimum of a week!
7) Why I am doing this? There are many valued members here that post all day great information and I feel they should be recognized for their hard work.
Have fun and please follow the site rules!
9) Have questions please ask!
10) Starts Now!


I am the Owner/Admin of Investors Hangout and do not trades stocks!
Just doing what I do best, music and coding. I like Honeypots.
