IMO... they can make money shorting the stock... but would the risk be worth the reward. Do the math... in order to make any decent money, you would need to invest a lot of money. If you invested a lot of money, I would think the volume would show such... it doesn't. Average volume is only 7mil a day ($28,000. at todays PPS). You would almost need to buy that much to make a decent flip, and what I see if a bunch of small sales. Now yes, a buyer could be breaking up the buys in small groups, but that might take you all day to accomplish such. Then there is the risk of the stock going up at any second. So, I just don't see the reward being large enough to offset the risk to that much capitol.
Perhaps if the PPS were at 50-cents, maybe... but at .0041... how much further could a reasonable person expect the PPS to fall. And you will see shorting on green days. For me... I just don't have any confidence that the short volume being listed is correct. If it is correct... its likely an accounting procedure that indicates shorting where there really is none or very little.
But hey... I could be wrong.