BFDI..a post from Yahoo board..I felt this is worth sharing..
It's only the 2nd day after the news shook some folks here. As another poster suggests.....ultimately it's all about execution. What we have available to us is that the company is executing.
There's nothing factual to point to BFDI being less than what is states. We simply all wonder what happened between the company and Scheeler.
A possibility I noted about Scheeler can be found at his linkedin page. It indicates that he has been in a LOT of jobs.....he's a member of everything too....a resume' booster, if you will. It's possible it is as simple as he just was not working well. We don't know, but it's an observation. He listed himself as "Managing Director at Strategic CFO" with the company at that site but was not the CFO....not sure what his description means. His listing at linkedin is a bit confusing to me.
Look at a few pros...the con is pretty obvious...Scheeler was let go after a short period of tenure and we don't know why. Had he been in a different position, we probably would not be paying mind but when it comes to accounting, we do.
The list of pros is lengthy, IMO:
The CEO was buying shares last year persistently when he already owned over 12 million of them.
Contracts are verifiable....personally, I've dug and dug to learn about the contracts and revenue potential involved....since I want to know what I'm holding.
The sec. and exc. staff very recently was involved with the company over revenue recognition.....other matters of accounting were very likely reviewed, IMO. I provided a quote from the latest quarterly financial filing where it clearly states that the staff of the exchange commission did not have any further issues with the company financials aside from the revenue recognition issue (when queeried by the company audit committee).
the company is trying to draw attention to itself and its numbers......if you are trying to deceive, a pump and dump would likely choose very different routes for attention gathering than what this company is doing. Management is exposing selves to much legal liability if they are cooking books and making up stuff. Again, the contracts are verifiable as well as the huge ownership positions of top mgt. (Brechin and Rutherford, especially).
The company is highly concentrated in MD.....it's easy enough for folks to verify the company. I have a great friend who lives close by and he has seen the business (external review of premises).
IMO, we are all simply wondering what the deal is with Scheeler and the truth is that we don't know. For me, I'm really not fretting because I don't see any evidence of anything but a company with major growing pains trying to figure out the best way to publicize itself. Us investors are often highly critical of companies that don't try to engage Wall Street....here, there is a story to tell.
We need liquidity in the stock and it would be great to uplist eventually.....that would bring greater regulatory (accounting) scrutiny too. That's a good thing.
I'm definitely hanging tight....IMO, this will prove to be a great opportunity for those entering on this shake-up.
There's reason for skepticism beyond this recent announcement. All companies face risks all the time. For example, legislation favoring ATE could change abruptly. IMO, we are witnessing the exits of a number of skeptics now. This event on Scheeler provides a good reason for taking the exit door.....if they were already kind of wanting to exit anyway.
Finally, I know, I know, I'm saying I've got to quit posting for now.....so why am I writing again? Don't know...but I've got to get busy at my chores now. All the best.