$Halberd is in the market of manufacturing unmanned aircrafrt (Drones). This is a market that is set to double in the next few years. The key with this corporation is they are already marketing in the civilian sector, most UAV companies are not yet producing in this stage but in the dvelopment stage. with an Ask of .048 this is extremely udervalued, short term we have a target of $1 and long ternm could see this go to $10 a share.
Halberd Corporation is a manufacturer of both short and long-range Unmanned Aircraft. Our UAS are intended for both private and governmental use in such diverse industries as military, oil and gas, municipal, meteorological, forestry, agriculture, land surveyors, electric companies, railroads, topographic firms and coastal/border surveillance.
Halberd Corporation has taken a new approach to the development of drone technology by making use of advanced composite construction techniques and materials. The company incorporates the latest in ultra light high speed computer processors to deliver a flexible, mission specific drone to our customers that can perform various complex missions.
While military applications for Halberd Corporation products are a natural in these current times of global instability, Halberd Corporation is looking forward to a more peaceful future and is focusing not only on military, but also on civilian uses for UAS.
Halberd Corporation products provide platforms necessary for aerial imaging in industries and sectors as diverse as agricultural, forestry, livestock ranches, law enforcement, environmental protection agencies, coast guard, and even Hollywood Movies. More...