Goliath Film and Media Holdings GFMH
Is pleased to announce that NBA legend AC Green has accepted his appointment as director of the Company's Educational Division. Known as the "Iron Man," AC Green played more consecutive games (1,192) than any other person in NBA history. Mr. Green's commitment to education is less well known, but his dedication to youth development and education has made a lasting effect on the lives of tens of thousands of children nationwide and in particular in the school districts in cities where he played, including Los Angeles, Portland, Oregon, Phoenix, Dallas and Miami and nationwide. A.C. Green founded the AC Green Youth Foundation (www.acgreen.com) in 1989 to help young people build self esteem and character and learn moral and ethical principles which will help them make responsible decisions throughout their lives.
As previously disclosed, Goliath has the distribution rights to 1,500 educational videos, and intends to acquire additional videos in the near future. The educational videos will soon be accessible through Goliath's streaming website, simplifying distribution to and utilization by school districts nationwide. This website will permit students to view and review films individually, thereby tailoring the educational experience. School districts can save significant resources by using the company's streaming website to access effective, educator-designed instructional videos for much less money than comparable products.
CEO Lamont Roberts stated, "Instructional materials comprise a significant cost for school districts, and our materials, plainly and simply can save districts' money. I can think of no better individual to take our educational film library to school districts around the country than AC Green. Mr. Green has the contacts, the marketing savvy, and above all the integrity that we need to get our educational products to the market."
Mr. Green stated. "I am pleased to join the team at Goliath. The educational films which it has and which it will acquire can help school districts around the nation teach more efficiently. Schools can make better use of their scarce resources and reach students who have grown up in the computer age more effectively, by using Goliath's educational resources."
About Goliath Film and Media
Goliath Film and Media Holdings ("Goliath"), through its wholly-owned subsidiary Goliath Film and Media International, intends to develop and distribute film content with an emphasis on "niche" markets of the entertainment industry, such as, without limitation, education, horror, faith-based, and socially responsible minority content. Goliath will specialize in licensing quality films. Goliath also intends to develop screenplays with the intent of outsourcing the production, and locking in the distribution rights to the films produced through the Company's development efforts. Goliath plans to license films domestically and internationally, through a wide distribution network that includes major exhibitors, distributors and television networks. Our website is www.goliathfilmandmediainternational.com.