From JIM46:
As Ant has alluded to SP is back, having just landed in NJ. He called me (first time I have ever talked to the man) and advised me the 2Q is off for Edgarization and that the other Q and 10K is still on target for the 15th of May. Some PRs will be coming out soon....and he didn't say but kind of alluded to great things are going on in Ghana. (My take on it, so shoot me if nothing happens for a while...don't call him a liar or a scammer). He was very tired and frustrated with the auditors, saying that the auditors were a firm that was probably too big for SNEY and having SNEY jump through so many hoops that it didn't anticipate jumping through. Although tired, he was still excited about the happenings in both SL and Ghana. Said he will be going back to Ghana in two or three weeks.
from oilbird:
I finally had an opportunity to talk to "the man." He is just back from Africa. Those blasted auditors have been holding up the release of the financials, but I feel comfortable in saying that I believe the financials will finally be released sometime in the next two weeks. But that is not the point of this post. The production numbers appear to be "off the charts." The results of the dredging and digging are fantastic. I am going to increase my prediction that after first numbers are released, we will see a .03 to .05 stock price. The stock will probably rest as people sell at this first rise, moving the stock back down to .02. But then when the second round of production numbers are released, you will spend the rest of the year chasing after this stock. Those of you with a million or more shares and who hold onto them after the first rise, welcome to the millionaires club!