The red and green lines start at the west boundary of CWRN concession at the paved highway(absent any enlargement of the concession). Without checking drill holes graphic hole 72 now being drilled would be 105 meters N of the red/green lin enear the highway beofre u reach the 1st topo line to left of the highway. A ttha tpoin tthey are at lowest elev par tof the mone-which is ca 77 meters above sea level but veins rapidly rise in elev to 450meter level where the newly discovered SAMSON vein crosses the vein and travels toward the top of the map.
The steep land to right of the hwy and concession named iron mountain belonged to another mine which called it quits because they couldnt figure out the iron mining business and has been reportedly acquired by a nearby concession. Original file 575kb resized to 114 kb. I posted full size on ihub and rocket rersized for ihub but for those who prefer basher free reading nice to post here also. Are these diagrams clear enough w explanations to elucidate/make the mine workings easy enough to understand for readers? If not what other things tdo u look forward to to understand better?