Posted On: 09/12/2015 7:26:34 PM
Post# of 11107

Basher 101, POS 101 and SCUM of the EARTH 101
Post ticker as scam, then buy time by saying oh, the SEC is slow, so I will keep slandering this company and in 5 years when the SEC still had not shut it down, I will post they are really really slow for some more time, LMAO
These peeps are scum of the earth and especially with this company and the CEO and the BOD it has to accuse, slander and defame good american former military men
Basher 101, POS 101 and SCUM of the EARTH 101
Post ticker as scam, then buy time by saying oh, the SEC is slow, so I will keep slandering this company and in 5 years when the SEC still had not shut it down, I will post they are really really slow for some more time, LMAO
These peeps are scum of the earth and especially with this company and the CEO and the BOD it has to accuse, slander and defame good american former military men
gitreal Member Level Saturday, 09/12/15 07:14:15 PM
Re: G&L only post# 144186
Post #
of 144189 Go
Dsus still trading with blessing of the sec. The SEC does not "bless" pinksheet scams. It ignores them until enough complaints are filed to warrant action.
They are not a dsus debt as the 8k will eventually explain.
This company is not a SEC-filer, and does not file "8-Ks". The only filings will be to OTCMarkets which is not a regulatory agency. It is a glorified PR service, which some mistake for a regulatory agency. Anything filed to OTCMarkets is not checked or verified by any regulatory agency - DSUS can say whatever they want, and sadly, most investors will accept it as fact.

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