I havent heard anything new on that- a lot of us have asked Bob to update web site and blog-I surmise thats not his area of expertise because he never says why he doesnt -I'm younger than him and PC's didnt exist when I was in college (lastt year of law school the University got 1 computer and the teacher assigned to teach us how to use it didnt know how to use it himself- and many intelligent people-including trial lawyers I know- dont even know how to turn a computer on.
When I was in 1st year of college I started teaching myself to type (because guys did not take typing classes back then) and my university advisor- a very intelligent man head of the honors program said, "Dont waste your time-you will always have a secretary to do that for you" so thats what many older intelligent people have done-they let their secretaries etc do it-so I surmise Bob is not proficient w web design-I know I'm not-I have absolutely no intuitive CP ability whatsoever-but Bob is comfortable w emails-and I'm sure he is aware of basher attacks against emails.
Maybe Sunnybanks has heard something-he mentioned contacting Bob re that in a post here recently -and yes I remember the good old slide rule days Sunny