Hope everyone is having a great weekend! I wonder if Dwyer is going to update us on the 2 private clients that are seeking to go public. We have not heard much regarding these companies and I believe we have been financing one of them per the latest annual report. This got me thinking. I mentioned I didn't want anymore updates just results, but there are so many business subsidiaries and events happening within each subsidiary of Baron that it would be nice if we started to hear more updates. We have been focusing our discussion around the audit, uplist and brokerage, but we still haven't discussed too much about our unnamed clients. Wonder when this info will become available?
I have been looking at Pharaoh's charts and the technicals are good and we should get back to the 6/7 range we hit back in the beginning weeks of February over the next few months (being conservative) with appropriate news. I hope we as investors begin being rewarded here soon with a strong ROI. Hope everyone gets the ROI they are focused on. Many of us have been through a lot of message board garbage over the last few months trying to get us doubting our investment so it will be nice to realize the successes of BCAP. I always fall back on my DD and I am confident I am making the right decision by hanging in there with BCAP. Let's get it done Dwyer!

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