Like you have done with your investment on Thra you miss understood what we were saying, Brothers and Sisters don't play both sides of the fence, don't deleate there Brothers on there site when they don't agree, don't band there brothers from a site because the truth is coming out. Brothers don't lie and not have the dd.
Brothers and Sisters stick together not betray there team, not delete there team to serve there benifit, not to put there brothers in the sight's jail to keep them quite, or to ban them because they are making certain people look like a fool. On this board we tell the truth, you may not like the truth, but we do not deleate we answer back, we do not Ban people, we are a positive team We do not become Mods or assistant mods for power, people may speak we aill answer simple as that.
So please don't come in to this board and say you are a brother of Thra that will stand side by side with me or my true brothers of this board. I hope you have a great weekend and realize you cant fool any one.