good post gramps, But we are all brothers and sisters as investors. But we must look at it like this way, On this board we are the Possitive Or the good seed in the THRA Family Over there they are the negitive or the bad seed of the Thra family. You can't have it both way's it's eaither one or the other. After all I was taught there will be times when you must take a side and once you do you must stand by your decition and never folter, This is what makes a true man. Taught by my Grand Father, The team on this Board has deffended and fought for Thra and never gave up or went on the other side, and so my friends I am proud of you, When things looked bleak you fought harder, and when things looked good you dug your heels into the ground and Cheered. This is what makes you a true Brother or Sister of THRA.THRA WILL PREVAIL