iHub CREATOR, MATT BROWN, developed the Hubville platform FOR STOCK MANIPULATION...
EXCEPT THAT Matt Brown is NOW SERVING JAIL TIME for GETTING CAUGHT as part of the iHub Eleven!
ADVFN bought Hubville from Matt & any other silent partners...
WHY? TO GET PAID in VARIOUS WAYS for continuing to facilitate MARKET MANIPULATION since the chance of getting caught... or seeing ACTAL ENFORCEMENT of the laws is SLIM TO NONE!
THE SEC is an INEFFECTIVE CORRUPT SHAM... talk about scams... the SEC is a scam on small retail investors who are deceived into believing that the OTC market is set up for investing... IT IS SET UP FOR FRAUD BY THE PROS to FLEECE UNAWARE SMALL RETAIL folks who look for opportunity in low-priced stocks because THEY MISTAKENLY THINK
that the OTC is a LEVEL PLAYING FIELD...
and that THEY CANNOT AFFORD higher-priced stocks traded on Nasdaq, AMEX, or NYSE.
PERSONALLY I am hoping that there will be a few more HEADED TO JAIL... Hubville functionaries and Hubville paid BASHTARDS by the time the JBI trial has come to pass...
BY THE TIME enough evidence of dishonest MANIPULATION & SEC corruption EXPOSES THEIR ACTIVITIES & the case against JBI is dismissed/dropped!