Posted On: 07/29/2015 1:47:32 PM
Post# of 273254
Tips Bond Ishares (TIP) 111.96 $TIP
Mid-Year Update: Where We Stand With Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities
Tipswatch - Seeking Alpha - Wed Jul 01, 5:33PM CDT
It seems like the Treasury market has been on a wild ride in 2015, but in reality, there's been a lot of roiling around to get us back to - pretty much - where we started the year. That is summed up by this chart, which shows the year-to-date...
1 Comment
LTPZ: 63.93 (-0.20), VTIP: 48.50 (-0.01), TIP: 111.96 (-0.10), IPE: 55.73 (-0.10), SIPE: 19.46 (-0.04), STPZ: 51.97 (-0.02), SCHP: 54.16 (-0.06), TDTT: 24.46 (+0.02), TIPX: 19.22 (-0.03), TPS: 27.17 (-0.12), STIP: 99.57 (unch), TDTF: 24.73 (-0.02), TIPZ: 56.74 (-0.06) July Update
Scott's Investments - Seeking Alpha - Wed Jul 01, 3:34PM CDT
The Portfolio holdings have been updated for July 2015. I previously detailed here and here how an investor can use to screen for best performing ETFs based on momentum and volatility. The portfolio begins with a...
HYG: 87.71 (+0.36), TIP: 111.96 (-0.10), DBC: 16.06 (+0.10), TLT: 120.50 (-0.65), WIP: 53.88 (-0.16), VTI: 108.58 (+0.46), PCY: 27.65 (+0.11), EEM: 37.12 (+0.39), RWX: 42.28 (+0.01), LQD: 115.56 (-0.23), GLD: 104.88 (-0.14), SHY: 84.81 (-0.02), EFA: 64.43 (+0.21), VNQ: 78.32 (+0.06)
Ivy Portfolio July Update
Scott's Investments - Seeking Alpha - Wed Jul 01, 2:19PM CDT
The Ivy Portfolio spreadsheet track the 10 month moving average signals for two portfolios listed in Mebane Faber's book The Ivy Portfolio: How to Invest Like the Top Endowments and Avoid Bear Markets . Faber discusses 5, 10, and 20 security...
TIP: 111.96 (-0.10), DBC: 16.06 (+0.10), RWX: 42.28 (+0.01), VWO: 38.26 (+0.37), BND: 81.47 (-0.10), VNQ: 78.32 (+0.06), GSG: 18.56 (+0.18)
Rickards: Don't Expect A Grexit, Fed Rate Hike, Or Strong Dollar In The Next Year (Video)
SchiffGold - Seeking Alpha - Sat Jun 27, 4:19AM CDT
By Mike Finger It's been a while since we heard from Jim Rickards, one of the leading contrarian economists. In a new interview with Kitco, Jim shared his opinions on a wide range of topics. He talked about the current relationship between the...
TIP: 111.96 (-0.10), GREK: 9.64 (-0.02), IPE: 55.73 (-0.10), SIPE: 19.46 (-0.04), TIPX: 19.22 (-0.03), TLT: 120.50 (-0.65), UUP: 25.31 (+0.04), STIP: 99.57 (unch), TDTF: 24.73 (-0.02), TIPZ: 56.74 (-0.06), LTPZ: 63.93 (-0.20), VTIP: 48.50 (-0.01), SCHP: 54.16 (-0.06), STPZ: 51.97 (-0.02), TDTT: 24.46 (+0.02), TPS: 27.17 (-0.12)
Could A Triple Crown Triumph Offer Faith The Fed Will Raise Rates
David Kotok - at Seeking Alpha - Sat Jun 27, 3:48AM CDT
By Nannette Sabo Taxable Fixed Income Second Quarter Commentary During the second quarter, domestic and global economic data seemingly offered modest and (at times) somewhat discouraging paths to stronger economies. Long awaited recoveries...
FTT: 13.62 (unch), TIP: 111.96 (-0.10), IPE: 55.73 (-0.10), SIPE: 19.46 (-0.04), TIPX: 19.22 (-0.03), STIP: 99.57 (unch), TDTF: 24.73 (-0.02), TIPZ: 56.74 (-0.06), LTPZ: 63.93 (-0.20), VTIP: 48.50 (-0.01), TAPR: 34.36 (+0.38), SCHP: 54.16 (-0.06), STPZ: 51.97 (-0.02), TDTT: 24.46 (+0.02), EGF: 13.67 (unch), TPS: 27.17 (-0.12), PLW: 32.22 (-0.11), GOVT: 25.12 (-0.07)
Another Greek Weekend Ahead
David Fry - at Seeking Alpha - Sat Jun 27, 1:38AM CDT
It's not a leap to suggest investors are nervous about another Greek weekend ahead to break the negotiating stand-off. Each side states they don't want to be blackmailed which is more bluster for the home audience. Will some settlement be achieved?...
XLB: 45.73 (+0.22), EWH: 22.29 (+0.20), KBE: 36.05 (+0.07), PEK: 50.84 (+1.37), CNXT: 45.83 (+2.14), GREK: 9.64 (-0.02), FXA: 73.29 (-0.07), TLT: 120.50 (-0.65), EEM: 37.12 (+0.39), XLP: 50.37 (+0.16), SPY: 210.26 (+0.93), ITB: 27.86 (+0.36), EWA: 20.81 (+0.08), IYR: 74.28 (+0.03), XLI: 54.18 (+0.52), SLV: 14.10 (+0.08), FXE: 108.33 (-0.23), XLF: 25.23 (+0.19), IYT: 149.99 (+1.61), GDX: 13.85 (+0.16), XLE: 71.01 (+0.54), FXI: 41.25 (+0.46), TIP: 111.96 (-0.10), USO: 16.34 (+0.49), DBB: 13.83 (-0.06), DBC: 16.06 (+0.10), IEF: 105.57 (-0.28), DBA: 21.59 (+0.01), XLY: 79.37 (+0.50), XLU: 42.95 (-0.12), HAO: 27.28 (+0.62), UUP: 25.31 (+0.04), XRT: 97.23 (+0.57), IEV: 44.57 (+0.15), LQD: 115.56 (-0.23), GLD: 104.88 (-0.14), EPI: 21.75 (+0.18), RSX: 17.31 (+0.52), EFA: 64.43 (+0.21), EWZ: 29.03 (+0.50)
Pimco: TIPS are cheap
Seeking Alpha - at Seeking Alpha - Wed Jun 24, 10:34AM CDT
TIP: 111.96 (-0.10), IPE: 55.73 (-0.10), SIPE: 19.46 (-0.04), TIPX: 19.22 (-0.03), STIP: 99.57 (unch), ILB: 42.43 (+0.24), TDTF: 24.73 (-0.02), ITIP: 41.07 (+0.03), WIP: 53.88 (-0.16), TIPZ: 56.74 (-0.06), LTPZ: 63.93 (-0.20), VTIP: 48.50 (-0.01), GTIP: 48.05 (-0.10), WIW: 10.95 (+0.01), SCHP: 54.16 (-0.06), STPZ: 51.97 (-0.02), TDTT: 24.46 (+0.02), TPS: 27.17 (-0.12), WIA: 11.02 (-0.01)
Modeling 'Safe' Spending Rates For Retirement Portfolios
James Picerno - Seeking Alpha - Tue Jun 23, 2:53PM CDT
Deaccumulation is the new new thing in finance for an obvious reason: the US population is aging, which means that retirement becomes an increasingly pressing issue for financial planning. Perhaps the leading challenge for this critical task (other...
TIP: 111.96 (-0.10), IPE: 55.73 (-0.10), SIPE: 19.46 (-0.04), STIP: 99.57 (unch), TIPX: 19.22 (-0.03), TDTF: 24.73 (-0.02), TIPZ: 56.74 (-0.06), LTPZ: 63.93 (-0.20), VTIP: 48.50 (-0.01), SCHP: 54.16 (-0.06), STPZ: 51.97 (-0.02), TDTT: 24.46 (+0.02), TPS: 27.17 (-0.12)
Consumer Price Inflation Still Running Almost 2%
Calafia Beach Pundit - Seeking Alpha - Fri Jun 19, 4:39PM CDT
Two months ago, I noted that 2% inflation is alive and well , and it's still the case: The prevailing inflation meme is that it is dangerously low, and for years central banks have been trying very hard - without much success - to get it to rise....
LTPZ: 63.93 (-0.20), CPI: 26.68 (+0.01), VTIP: 48.50 (-0.01), TIP: 111.96 (-0.10), SCHP: 54.16 (-0.06)
30-Year TIPS Reopening Auctions With A Yield Of 1.142%
Tipswatch - at Seeking Alpha - Thu Jun 18, 12:38PM CDT
The Treasury just announced that the reopening of CUSIP 912810RL4 - creating a creating a 29-year, 8-month Treasury Inflation-Protected Security - auctioned with a yield to maturity of 1.142%. Since this TIPS was created in February with a coupon...
TIP: 111.96 (-0.10)
U.S. Inflation Rises 0.4% In May On Stronger Gas Prices
Tipswatch - Seeking Alpha - Thu Jun 18, 8:38AM CDT
The Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) increased 0.4% in May on a seasonally adjusted basis, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today . Over the last 12 months, official inflation was unchanged -- 0.0%. The gasoline...
TIP: 111.96 (-0.10)
One Step Closer To Normal
Russ Koesterich, CFA - at Seeking Alpha - Tue Jun 16, 7:16PM CDT
The global interest rate environment is changing. Last week, bond yields in the U.S., U.K., Europe, Japan, Australia and New Zealand all hit new highs for the year. As I discuss in my weekly commentary , be ready for more rate volatility. Notably,...
PCF: 7.64 (+0.09), STIP: 99.57 (unch), JQC: 8.58 (+0.08), HHY: 7.84 (+0.06), VLT: 13.92 (+0.10), XOVR: 26.15 (-0.02), ARDC: 14.96 (+0.05), SCHP: 54.16 (-0.06), EAD: 8.04 (+0.05), TPS: 27.17 (-0.12), TIP: 111.96 (-0.10), FHY: 12.64 (+0.06), MCI: 16.44 (-0.16), LTPZ: 63.93 (-0.20), VTIP: 48.50 (-0.01), AIF: 15.48 (+0.10), HIX: 7.06 (-0.01), DSU: 3.56 (+0.01), DHG: 14.02 (unch), SIPE: 19.46 (-0.04), JSD: 16.22 (+0.05), ANGL: 27.10 (+0.02), KIO: 15.41 (+0.15), NHS: 11.20 (+0.05), HYLD: 39.17 (+0.18), UJB: 56.13 (+1.01), TIPX: 19.22 (-0.03), TDTF: 24.73 (-0.02), TIPZ: 56.74 (-0.06), JNK: 37.80 (+0.15), DHY: 2.49 (+0.04), SJB: 27.45 (-0.12), HYT: 10.39 (+0.07), IVH: 14.26 (+0.07), QLTC: 47.68 (+0.14), TDTT: 24.46 (+0.02), HYLS: 49.86 (+0.13), EGF: 13.67 (unch), ACP: 14.14 (+0.07), FTT: 13.62 (unch), HYG: 87.71 (+0.36), PHF: 6.67 (+0.01), IPE: 55.73 (-0.10), MPV: 13.07 (+0.11), GGM: 22.42 (-0.04), PHT: 10.91 (+0.05), CIF: 2.53 (unch), TAPR: 34.36 (+0.38), CIK: 3.01 (+0.02), MHY: 4.80 (+0.01), STPZ: 51.97 (-0.02), PLW: 32.22 (-0.11), GOVT: 25.12 (-0.07)
What To Expect From A Rate Increase On Your Fixed Income Portfolio
Sean Dalton - at Seeking Alpha - Fri Jun 12, 1:16PM CDT
PAI: 13.19 (-0.08), SIPE: 19.46 (-0.04), PTY: 14.34 (+0.10), FBND: 49.55 (-0.08), PCM: 9.72 (+0.07), JHI: 15.57 (+0.05), TIPX: 19.22 (-0.03), STIP: 99.57 (unch), TDTF: 24.73 (-0.02), IUSB: 100.20 (-0.31), TIPZ: 56.74 (-0.06), GBF: 112.76 (-0.16), SCHP: 54.16 (-0.06), TAI: 21.91 (+0.04), AGG: 109.00 (-0.15), BHK: 12.63 (+0.01), TDTT: 24.46 (+0.02), EGF: 13.67 (unch), TPS: 27.17 (-0.12), FTT: 13.62 (unch), SCHZ: 51.85 (-0.06), TIP: 111.96 (-0.10), BOND: 107.20 (-0.24), IPE: 55.73 (-0.10), VBND: 49.47 (-0.06), VBF: 17.56 (+0.02), DBL: 23.32 (-0.01), ICB: 17.33 (-0.03), HTR: 22.57 (+0.02), RCS: 8.32 (+0.05), SAGG: 33.05 (-0.02), LTPZ: 63.93 (-0.20), ARMF: 18.14 (+0.01), VTIP: 48.50 (-0.01), JMM: 7.18 (+0.07), TAPR: 34.36 (+0.38), STPZ: 51.97 (-0.02), BTZ: 12.35 (+0.01), BND: 81.47 (-0.10), LAG: 57.56 (-0.05), GOVT: 25.12 (-0.07), PLW: 32.22 (-0.11)
I Don't Really Love TIPS
James Osborne - Seeking Alpha - Wed Jun 10, 12:11PM CDT
This will border on blasphemy for some, but I don't really love TIPS (Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities) as part of a bond portfolio. They can serve some purpose, including diversification benefits within fixed income, but for the most part I...
LTPZ: 63.93 (-0.20), VTIP: 48.50 (-0.01), TIP: 111.96 (-0.10), IPE: 55.73 (-0.10), SIPE: 19.46 (-0.04), STPZ: 51.97 (-0.02), SCHP: 54.16 (-0.06), TDTT: 24.46 (+0.02), TIPX: 19.22 (-0.03), TPS: 27.17 (-0.12), STIP: 99.57 (unch), TDTF: 24.73 (-0.02), TIPZ: 56.74 (-0.06)
iShares TIPS Bond ETF Experiences Big Outflow - Mon Jun 08, 10:05AM CDT
Looking today at week-over-week shares outstanding changes among the universe of ETFs covered at ETF Channel, one standout is the iShares TIPS Bond ETF where we have detected an approximate $122.5 million dollar outflow -- that's a 0.9% decrease...
TIP: 111.96 (-0.10)
A Look At The U.S. Treasury Bond Market
John M. Mason - at Seeking Alpha - Mon Jun 01, 2:13PM CDT
TIP: 111.96 (-0.10), IEF: 105.57 (-0.28), SHY: 84.81 (-0.02), TLT: 120.50 (-0.65) Portfolio Update
ETFreplay - Seeking Alpha - Mon Jun 01, 5:58AM CDT
The Portfolio holdings have been updated for June 2015. I previously detailed here and here how an investor can use to screen for best-performing ETFs based on momentum and volatility. The portfolio begins with a...
HYG: 87.71 (+0.36), TIP: 111.96 (-0.10), DBC: 16.06 (+0.10), TLT: 120.50 (-0.65), WIP: 53.88 (-0.16), VTI: 108.58 (+0.46), PCY: 27.65 (+0.11), EEM: 37.12 (+0.39), RWX: 42.28 (+0.01), LQD: 115.56 (-0.23), GLD: 104.88 (-0.14), SHY: 84.81 (-0.02), EFA: 64.43 (+0.21), VNQ: 78.32 (+0.06)
A Few Thoughts On GDP
Calafia Beach Pundit - Seeking Alpha - Sat May 30, 5:54AM CDT
Today's revision to the first quarter GDP report didn't contain any new news. The stock market is still (uncomfortably for many who worry that falls typically follow rises) near its all-time highs, both nominally and in real terms, and Treasury...
TIP: 111.96 (-0.10), SPY: 210.26 (+0.93), QQQ: 111.32 (+0.19), DIA: 177.11 (+1.00), TLT: 120.50 (-0.65)
A Better Benchmark - The Global Market Portfolio
Paul Novell - Seeking Alpha - Fri May 29, 5:41AM CDT
Apologies for the light posting of late. I've been visiting with family down in south Florida the last 10 days or so, enjoying some great catching-up time, my niece's high school graduation, and way too much good Cuban food. Priorities, you know! In...
TIP: 111.96 (-0.10), IEI: 123.12 (-0.20), ACWI: 59.81 (+0.28), IEF: 105.57 (-0.28), LQD: 115.56 (-0.23), IGOV: 89.81 (-0.29), BNDX: 52.82 (-0.03), EMB: 109.10 (+0.36), RWO: 47.36 (unch), ITIP: 41.07 (+0.03)
Mid-Year Update: Where We Stand With Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities
Tipswatch - Seeking Alpha - Wed Jul 01, 5:33PM CDT
It seems like the Treasury market has been on a wild ride in 2015, but in reality, there's been a lot of roiling around to get us back to - pretty much - where we started the year. That is summed up by this chart, which shows the year-to-date...
1 Comment
LTPZ: 63.93 (-0.20), VTIP: 48.50 (-0.01), TIP: 111.96 (-0.10), IPE: 55.73 (-0.10), SIPE: 19.46 (-0.04), STPZ: 51.97 (-0.02), SCHP: 54.16 (-0.06), TDTT: 24.46 (+0.02), TIPX: 19.22 (-0.03), TPS: 27.17 (-0.12), STIP: 99.57 (unch), TDTF: 24.73 (-0.02), TIPZ: 56.74 (-0.06) July Update
Scott's Investments - Seeking Alpha - Wed Jul 01, 3:34PM CDT
The Portfolio holdings have been updated for July 2015. I previously detailed here and here how an investor can use to screen for best performing ETFs based on momentum and volatility. The portfolio begins with a...
HYG: 87.71 (+0.36), TIP: 111.96 (-0.10), DBC: 16.06 (+0.10), TLT: 120.50 (-0.65), WIP: 53.88 (-0.16), VTI: 108.58 (+0.46), PCY: 27.65 (+0.11), EEM: 37.12 (+0.39), RWX: 42.28 (+0.01), LQD: 115.56 (-0.23), GLD: 104.88 (-0.14), SHY: 84.81 (-0.02), EFA: 64.43 (+0.21), VNQ: 78.32 (+0.06)
Ivy Portfolio July Update
Scott's Investments - Seeking Alpha - Wed Jul 01, 2:19PM CDT
The Ivy Portfolio spreadsheet track the 10 month moving average signals for two portfolios listed in Mebane Faber's book The Ivy Portfolio: How to Invest Like the Top Endowments and Avoid Bear Markets . Faber discusses 5, 10, and 20 security...
TIP: 111.96 (-0.10), DBC: 16.06 (+0.10), RWX: 42.28 (+0.01), VWO: 38.26 (+0.37), BND: 81.47 (-0.10), VNQ: 78.32 (+0.06), GSG: 18.56 (+0.18)
Rickards: Don't Expect A Grexit, Fed Rate Hike, Or Strong Dollar In The Next Year (Video)
SchiffGold - Seeking Alpha - Sat Jun 27, 4:19AM CDT
By Mike Finger It's been a while since we heard from Jim Rickards, one of the leading contrarian economists. In a new interview with Kitco, Jim shared his opinions on a wide range of topics. He talked about the current relationship between the...
TIP: 111.96 (-0.10), GREK: 9.64 (-0.02), IPE: 55.73 (-0.10), SIPE: 19.46 (-0.04), TIPX: 19.22 (-0.03), TLT: 120.50 (-0.65), UUP: 25.31 (+0.04), STIP: 99.57 (unch), TDTF: 24.73 (-0.02), TIPZ: 56.74 (-0.06), LTPZ: 63.93 (-0.20), VTIP: 48.50 (-0.01), SCHP: 54.16 (-0.06), STPZ: 51.97 (-0.02), TDTT: 24.46 (+0.02), TPS: 27.17 (-0.12)
Could A Triple Crown Triumph Offer Faith The Fed Will Raise Rates
David Kotok - at Seeking Alpha - Sat Jun 27, 3:48AM CDT
By Nannette Sabo Taxable Fixed Income Second Quarter Commentary During the second quarter, domestic and global economic data seemingly offered modest and (at times) somewhat discouraging paths to stronger economies. Long awaited recoveries...
FTT: 13.62 (unch), TIP: 111.96 (-0.10), IPE: 55.73 (-0.10), SIPE: 19.46 (-0.04), TIPX: 19.22 (-0.03), STIP: 99.57 (unch), TDTF: 24.73 (-0.02), TIPZ: 56.74 (-0.06), LTPZ: 63.93 (-0.20), VTIP: 48.50 (-0.01), TAPR: 34.36 (+0.38), SCHP: 54.16 (-0.06), STPZ: 51.97 (-0.02), TDTT: 24.46 (+0.02), EGF: 13.67 (unch), TPS: 27.17 (-0.12), PLW: 32.22 (-0.11), GOVT: 25.12 (-0.07)
Another Greek Weekend Ahead
David Fry - at Seeking Alpha - Sat Jun 27, 1:38AM CDT
It's not a leap to suggest investors are nervous about another Greek weekend ahead to break the negotiating stand-off. Each side states they don't want to be blackmailed which is more bluster for the home audience. Will some settlement be achieved?...
XLB: 45.73 (+0.22), EWH: 22.29 (+0.20), KBE: 36.05 (+0.07), PEK: 50.84 (+1.37), CNXT: 45.83 (+2.14), GREK: 9.64 (-0.02), FXA: 73.29 (-0.07), TLT: 120.50 (-0.65), EEM: 37.12 (+0.39), XLP: 50.37 (+0.16), SPY: 210.26 (+0.93), ITB: 27.86 (+0.36), EWA: 20.81 (+0.08), IYR: 74.28 (+0.03), XLI: 54.18 (+0.52), SLV: 14.10 (+0.08), FXE: 108.33 (-0.23), XLF: 25.23 (+0.19), IYT: 149.99 (+1.61), GDX: 13.85 (+0.16), XLE: 71.01 (+0.54), FXI: 41.25 (+0.46), TIP: 111.96 (-0.10), USO: 16.34 (+0.49), DBB: 13.83 (-0.06), DBC: 16.06 (+0.10), IEF: 105.57 (-0.28), DBA: 21.59 (+0.01), XLY: 79.37 (+0.50), XLU: 42.95 (-0.12), HAO: 27.28 (+0.62), UUP: 25.31 (+0.04), XRT: 97.23 (+0.57), IEV: 44.57 (+0.15), LQD: 115.56 (-0.23), GLD: 104.88 (-0.14), EPI: 21.75 (+0.18), RSX: 17.31 (+0.52), EFA: 64.43 (+0.21), EWZ: 29.03 (+0.50)
Pimco: TIPS are cheap
Seeking Alpha - at Seeking Alpha - Wed Jun 24, 10:34AM CDT
TIP: 111.96 (-0.10), IPE: 55.73 (-0.10), SIPE: 19.46 (-0.04), TIPX: 19.22 (-0.03), STIP: 99.57 (unch), ILB: 42.43 (+0.24), TDTF: 24.73 (-0.02), ITIP: 41.07 (+0.03), WIP: 53.88 (-0.16), TIPZ: 56.74 (-0.06), LTPZ: 63.93 (-0.20), VTIP: 48.50 (-0.01), GTIP: 48.05 (-0.10), WIW: 10.95 (+0.01), SCHP: 54.16 (-0.06), STPZ: 51.97 (-0.02), TDTT: 24.46 (+0.02), TPS: 27.17 (-0.12), WIA: 11.02 (-0.01)
Modeling 'Safe' Spending Rates For Retirement Portfolios
James Picerno - Seeking Alpha - Tue Jun 23, 2:53PM CDT
Deaccumulation is the new new thing in finance for an obvious reason: the US population is aging, which means that retirement becomes an increasingly pressing issue for financial planning. Perhaps the leading challenge for this critical task (other...
TIP: 111.96 (-0.10), IPE: 55.73 (-0.10), SIPE: 19.46 (-0.04), STIP: 99.57 (unch), TIPX: 19.22 (-0.03), TDTF: 24.73 (-0.02), TIPZ: 56.74 (-0.06), LTPZ: 63.93 (-0.20), VTIP: 48.50 (-0.01), SCHP: 54.16 (-0.06), STPZ: 51.97 (-0.02), TDTT: 24.46 (+0.02), TPS: 27.17 (-0.12)
Consumer Price Inflation Still Running Almost 2%
Calafia Beach Pundit - Seeking Alpha - Fri Jun 19, 4:39PM CDT
Two months ago, I noted that 2% inflation is alive and well , and it's still the case: The prevailing inflation meme is that it is dangerously low, and for years central banks have been trying very hard - without much success - to get it to rise....
LTPZ: 63.93 (-0.20), CPI: 26.68 (+0.01), VTIP: 48.50 (-0.01), TIP: 111.96 (-0.10), SCHP: 54.16 (-0.06)
30-Year TIPS Reopening Auctions With A Yield Of 1.142%
Tipswatch - at Seeking Alpha - Thu Jun 18, 12:38PM CDT
The Treasury just announced that the reopening of CUSIP 912810RL4 - creating a creating a 29-year, 8-month Treasury Inflation-Protected Security - auctioned with a yield to maturity of 1.142%. Since this TIPS was created in February with a coupon...
TIP: 111.96 (-0.10)
U.S. Inflation Rises 0.4% In May On Stronger Gas Prices
Tipswatch - Seeking Alpha - Thu Jun 18, 8:38AM CDT
The Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) increased 0.4% in May on a seasonally adjusted basis, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today . Over the last 12 months, official inflation was unchanged -- 0.0%. The gasoline...
TIP: 111.96 (-0.10)
One Step Closer To Normal
Russ Koesterich, CFA - at Seeking Alpha - Tue Jun 16, 7:16PM CDT
The global interest rate environment is changing. Last week, bond yields in the U.S., U.K., Europe, Japan, Australia and New Zealand all hit new highs for the year. As I discuss in my weekly commentary , be ready for more rate volatility. Notably,...
PCF: 7.64 (+0.09), STIP: 99.57 (unch), JQC: 8.58 (+0.08), HHY: 7.84 (+0.06), VLT: 13.92 (+0.10), XOVR: 26.15 (-0.02), ARDC: 14.96 (+0.05), SCHP: 54.16 (-0.06), EAD: 8.04 (+0.05), TPS: 27.17 (-0.12), TIP: 111.96 (-0.10), FHY: 12.64 (+0.06), MCI: 16.44 (-0.16), LTPZ: 63.93 (-0.20), VTIP: 48.50 (-0.01), AIF: 15.48 (+0.10), HIX: 7.06 (-0.01), DSU: 3.56 (+0.01), DHG: 14.02 (unch), SIPE: 19.46 (-0.04), JSD: 16.22 (+0.05), ANGL: 27.10 (+0.02), KIO: 15.41 (+0.15), NHS: 11.20 (+0.05), HYLD: 39.17 (+0.18), UJB: 56.13 (+1.01), TIPX: 19.22 (-0.03), TDTF: 24.73 (-0.02), TIPZ: 56.74 (-0.06), JNK: 37.80 (+0.15), DHY: 2.49 (+0.04), SJB: 27.45 (-0.12), HYT: 10.39 (+0.07), IVH: 14.26 (+0.07), QLTC: 47.68 (+0.14), TDTT: 24.46 (+0.02), HYLS: 49.86 (+0.13), EGF: 13.67 (unch), ACP: 14.14 (+0.07), FTT: 13.62 (unch), HYG: 87.71 (+0.36), PHF: 6.67 (+0.01), IPE: 55.73 (-0.10), MPV: 13.07 (+0.11), GGM: 22.42 (-0.04), PHT: 10.91 (+0.05), CIF: 2.53 (unch), TAPR: 34.36 (+0.38), CIK: 3.01 (+0.02), MHY: 4.80 (+0.01), STPZ: 51.97 (-0.02), PLW: 32.22 (-0.11), GOVT: 25.12 (-0.07)
What To Expect From A Rate Increase On Your Fixed Income Portfolio
Sean Dalton - at Seeking Alpha - Fri Jun 12, 1:16PM CDT
PAI: 13.19 (-0.08), SIPE: 19.46 (-0.04), PTY: 14.34 (+0.10), FBND: 49.55 (-0.08), PCM: 9.72 (+0.07), JHI: 15.57 (+0.05), TIPX: 19.22 (-0.03), STIP: 99.57 (unch), TDTF: 24.73 (-0.02), IUSB: 100.20 (-0.31), TIPZ: 56.74 (-0.06), GBF: 112.76 (-0.16), SCHP: 54.16 (-0.06), TAI: 21.91 (+0.04), AGG: 109.00 (-0.15), BHK: 12.63 (+0.01), TDTT: 24.46 (+0.02), EGF: 13.67 (unch), TPS: 27.17 (-0.12), FTT: 13.62 (unch), SCHZ: 51.85 (-0.06), TIP: 111.96 (-0.10), BOND: 107.20 (-0.24), IPE: 55.73 (-0.10), VBND: 49.47 (-0.06), VBF: 17.56 (+0.02), DBL: 23.32 (-0.01), ICB: 17.33 (-0.03), HTR: 22.57 (+0.02), RCS: 8.32 (+0.05), SAGG: 33.05 (-0.02), LTPZ: 63.93 (-0.20), ARMF: 18.14 (+0.01), VTIP: 48.50 (-0.01), JMM: 7.18 (+0.07), TAPR: 34.36 (+0.38), STPZ: 51.97 (-0.02), BTZ: 12.35 (+0.01), BND: 81.47 (-0.10), LAG: 57.56 (-0.05), GOVT: 25.12 (-0.07), PLW: 32.22 (-0.11)
I Don't Really Love TIPS
James Osborne - Seeking Alpha - Wed Jun 10, 12:11PM CDT
This will border on blasphemy for some, but I don't really love TIPS (Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities) as part of a bond portfolio. They can serve some purpose, including diversification benefits within fixed income, but for the most part I...
LTPZ: 63.93 (-0.20), VTIP: 48.50 (-0.01), TIP: 111.96 (-0.10), IPE: 55.73 (-0.10), SIPE: 19.46 (-0.04), STPZ: 51.97 (-0.02), SCHP: 54.16 (-0.06), TDTT: 24.46 (+0.02), TIPX: 19.22 (-0.03), TPS: 27.17 (-0.12), STIP: 99.57 (unch), TDTF: 24.73 (-0.02), TIPZ: 56.74 (-0.06)
iShares TIPS Bond ETF Experiences Big Outflow - Mon Jun 08, 10:05AM CDT
Looking today at week-over-week shares outstanding changes among the universe of ETFs covered at ETF Channel, one standout is the iShares TIPS Bond ETF where we have detected an approximate $122.5 million dollar outflow -- that's a 0.9% decrease...
TIP: 111.96 (-0.10)
A Look At The U.S. Treasury Bond Market
John M. Mason - at Seeking Alpha - Mon Jun 01, 2:13PM CDT
TIP: 111.96 (-0.10), IEF: 105.57 (-0.28), SHY: 84.81 (-0.02), TLT: 120.50 (-0.65) Portfolio Update
ETFreplay - Seeking Alpha - Mon Jun 01, 5:58AM CDT
The Portfolio holdings have been updated for June 2015. I previously detailed here and here how an investor can use to screen for best-performing ETFs based on momentum and volatility. The portfolio begins with a...
HYG: 87.71 (+0.36), TIP: 111.96 (-0.10), DBC: 16.06 (+0.10), TLT: 120.50 (-0.65), WIP: 53.88 (-0.16), VTI: 108.58 (+0.46), PCY: 27.65 (+0.11), EEM: 37.12 (+0.39), RWX: 42.28 (+0.01), LQD: 115.56 (-0.23), GLD: 104.88 (-0.14), SHY: 84.81 (-0.02), EFA: 64.43 (+0.21), VNQ: 78.32 (+0.06)
A Few Thoughts On GDP
Calafia Beach Pundit - Seeking Alpha - Sat May 30, 5:54AM CDT
Today's revision to the first quarter GDP report didn't contain any new news. The stock market is still (uncomfortably for many who worry that falls typically follow rises) near its all-time highs, both nominally and in real terms, and Treasury...
TIP: 111.96 (-0.10), SPY: 210.26 (+0.93), QQQ: 111.32 (+0.19), DIA: 177.11 (+1.00), TLT: 120.50 (-0.65)
A Better Benchmark - The Global Market Portfolio
Paul Novell - Seeking Alpha - Fri May 29, 5:41AM CDT
Apologies for the light posting of late. I've been visiting with family down in south Florida the last 10 days or so, enjoying some great catching-up time, my niece's high school graduation, and way too much good Cuban food. Priorities, you know! In...
TIP: 111.96 (-0.10), IEI: 123.12 (-0.20), ACWI: 59.81 (+0.28), IEF: 105.57 (-0.28), LQD: 115.56 (-0.23), IGOV: 89.81 (-0.29), BNDX: 52.82 (-0.03), EMB: 109.10 (+0.36), RWO: 47.36 (unch), ITIP: 41.07 (+0.03)
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