Yes when CWRN was founded ca 1993 -1995 the law required foreign co's to have a Mexican operating sub w a Mex national as head-thus CWRN's wholly owned sub w CWRN's CEO's wife Sharon (a Mexican national) as Pres of the sub. Starting ca 1997 as per your article that was loosened. So you still see many Mex subs headed by Mex nationals-takes time and money to change the structure-sb and bashers kept making ridiculuos points re ownership on basher board-1 of my posts answering them is in Max's dd summary.
Subs are owned by their parents-something not understood by bashers-or at least they try to make newbies think it is a real issue.
Original Mex law predating 1961 prevented foreign involvement as noted by the article -without which their would be very little mining.