Gramps, and team. You have stuck togeather, and kept possitive we be came a brothership, and I am proud to be a part of The Thra team. I know sometimes I recieved warnings on some of the things I said about some none belivers, and I am truly sorry if I imbassest some of them, My whole goal was to be Investors joined as one, Because this would make us strong, But some Had a diffrent agenda, for they did not look into the future, I just want to say There lose is our gain. For I woke up this morning and I heard the Thra train 's engines. And I smiled For The smoke stac smelt like the smoke that comes from a irish chimminy. And As an Irish Lad myself, I knew my Brother Leprechauns know what's on the Hindon Field and Made a deal. With nthis great news I would like to announce Investors Hangout is the new Thra Board and Our Leader Is gramps as always.
Also want to thank Greg, for all your DD and your Honesty when iot came to thara, and as An Irish lad I would Like to say God bless, This Thra team and all the investors that will follow.
Trust The Irish, and our CEO, For we will be one united group of investors, on the thra train Parting our you no what's off.