It seems that those who desire GREATLY to see JBI fail and JBII Longs lose every penny in the stock ARE CONVINCED that the SEC is being followed ( assisted) by Canadian counterparts (in Alberta where alledgedly this started & in Ontario where the deposition will be) to shut JBI down.
I've not read that in anything posted so far... looks like there are subpoenas sent to a few, but hardly looks like the HUNDREDS touted about.
I HAVE NO IDEA just WHAT the investigators are looking for... the ODD THING is that SO MUCH is made of duped PIPE investors!
MOST OF THEM (original PIPEholders) are long time friends/acquaintances of JB & family. In the time I have been around the postings about this company, I have identified about 2... a whole two... pipeholders who seem VERY unhappy to own JBI shares & WANT OUT ASAP... (with HUGE GAINS! LMAO). Perhaps they did not understand WHAT the business would evolve into... or the time it would take... or THE OPPOSITION AND ATTACKS that we have seen. IMO those few should have never bought into the PIPE OFFERING in the first place... more their BAD JUDGMENT than being duped! There are no doubt some PIPEholders who have taken money off the table and sold shares of JBII, but I think the circumstantial evidence suggests that these who have done so are NOT the majority of thoise who bought into the PIPE offerings.
IMO John thought MANY would see his vision of what JBI could do to create jobs, clean up plastic waste, and make a useful commodity... FUEL. I think he EXPECTED everyone to EMBRACE the idea and expected things would move smoothly and swiftly to commercial operation.
EARLY ON John was naive and too optimistic... he never imagined that there would be a small select group that would seek to destroy HIM and the company purely for greed sake... JUST BECAUSE the system offers that opportunity to them... AND THEY ARE EXPERIENCED AT ATTACKING OTC COMPANIES & KILLING THEM!
I believe he has LEARNED hard lessons and JBI/JBII WILL PREVAIL in the end. Just how it all plays out is still in flux... thare seem to be several scenarios and options.
The depth of HATRED and EVIL that these MANIPULATORS foment is exceeded ONLY by the total depravity of the hemorrhoids (trolls & crime story enthusiasts) that they attract who willingly bring their OWN GASOLINE to throw onto the vitriolic flames just for the sake of attacking! In a perfect world those MAD DOGS would be isolated and eliminated!
THERE ARE ALSO a FEW CHRONIC WHINERS who should not have bought JBI shares!!!
UNFORTUNATELY, if they are over 21 & have a brokerage account, they can BUY SHARES no matter how unsuited they are to go through the growing pains of a small cap with disruptive technology like JBI...
their complaints... (about HOW JB & OTHERS on the JBI TEAM perform in the tough environment JBI has found itself in)... would lead ONE to THINK that THESE FOLKS are great leaders/visionaries... or at least great quarterbacks... rather than the feckless lard-asses that they are hunkered down in their LAZY BOYZ with a laptop!
IMO this year... 2012... will begin to go very well starting with the 10Q in May... and continue to get better throughout the year! JBI will succeed with P2O... just a matter of PATIENCE & executing the present business plan to roll out the MODULAR BEASTS!