Posted On: 06/10/2015 11:24:53 AM
Post# of 282

How's this for a contrary indicator . . . . . These "clowns" ( Thanks Mr. "P" for the clown label ) at FONTUS ( nee Dakshidin ) CAN'T EVEN BE BOTHERED TO ISSUE THE TINIEST STATUS REPORT or PROGRESS UPDATE ! ! !
So here's the contrary indicator : ....... THEY ONLY PAY EACH OTHER IN SHARES ! ! ! ....... JUST SHARES ! ! ! ! ....... FONTUS ( nee Dakshidin ) HAS NO REVENUE AT ALL and FONTUS ( nee Dakshidin ) has NO MONEY TO PLAY ITS NO-SHOW EMPLOYEES ! ! !
SO YOU WOULD THINK THEY WANT THE FREAKIN' SHARE PRICE TO RISE, would you not ? ....... Regular and substantial and even small Progress Reports would support the S.P. ( Share Price ) ....... Maybe it wouldn't rise at all, but some minimal support by Management would keep it from slip slidin' away ( Thanks S & G )
WE KNOW THAT THE MANAGEMENT CLOWNS HAVE AT LEAST 500 MILLION SHARES ! ! ! ....... We know that for certain . ....... Perhaps with recent and future share issuance they might have ( soon ) ONE BILLION SHARES ! ! !
A price increase of only $0.010 ( One Cent ) taken over a billion darned shares is TEN MILLION MORE DOLLARS FOR MANAGEMENT ! ! !
Even ½¢ taken over ONE BILLION SHARES is FIVE MILLION MORE DOLLARS — — — and ¼¢ — taken over ONE BILLION SHARES — is 2.5 MILLION MORE DOLLARS ! ! !
All of that is REAL MONEY for people WHO DON'T ACTUALLY WORK FOR A LIVING, is it not ?
But they don't seem to care about the S.P. ! ! ! ! ....... Why might that be, because it makes no sense at all ?
HERE'S ONE POSSIBLE EXPLANATION : ....... Management knows that DKSC shares will rocket to 1¢ or 2¢ or even 5¢ or as high as TEN CENTS when they release their new product, upon which they are HARD AT WORK with the UTMOST IN SECRECY ! ....... They do not want competitors to know what they are doing ( exactly ) and they don't want to feed speculation on what is happening by issuing "partially complete" Progress Reports ........ So they just let sleepin' dogs lie — — — and they know, that in the long run, ....... "all will be forgiven" when the share price rises — DRMATICALLY — into the ONE CENT RANGE ! ! !
Obviously , I know nothing of which I speak here. ....... But I cannot otherwise explain Management's disinterest in the S.P. when they have so many damned shares among themselves .
DISCLAIMER : ....... I have tens of millions of shares in Fontus ( nee Dakshidin ) .... and .... I have a HUGE HUGE INTEREST ....... in a S.P. that rises TO THE ONE CENT LEVEL ! ! !
How's this for a contrary indicator . . . . . These "clowns" ( Thanks Mr. "P" for the clown label ) at FONTUS ( nee Dakshidin ) CAN'T EVEN BE BOTHERED TO ISSUE THE TINIEST STATUS REPORT or PROGRESS UPDATE ! ! !
So here's the contrary indicator : ....... THEY ONLY PAY EACH OTHER IN SHARES ! ! ! ....... JUST SHARES ! ! ! ! ....... FONTUS ( nee Dakshidin ) HAS NO REVENUE AT ALL and FONTUS ( nee Dakshidin ) has NO MONEY TO PLAY ITS NO-SHOW EMPLOYEES ! ! !
SO YOU WOULD THINK THEY WANT THE FREAKIN' SHARE PRICE TO RISE, would you not ? ....... Regular and substantial and even small Progress Reports would support the S.P. ( Share Price ) ....... Maybe it wouldn't rise at all, but some minimal support by Management would keep it from slip slidin' away ( Thanks S & G )
WE KNOW THAT THE MANAGEMENT CLOWNS HAVE AT LEAST 500 MILLION SHARES ! ! ! ....... We know that for certain . ....... Perhaps with recent and future share issuance they might have ( soon ) ONE BILLION SHARES ! ! !
A price increase of only $0.010 ( One Cent ) taken over a billion darned shares is TEN MILLION MORE DOLLARS FOR MANAGEMENT ! ! !
Even ½¢ taken over ONE BILLION SHARES is FIVE MILLION MORE DOLLARS — — — and ¼¢ — taken over ONE BILLION SHARES — is 2.5 MILLION MORE DOLLARS ! ! !
All of that is REAL MONEY for people WHO DON'T ACTUALLY WORK FOR A LIVING, is it not ?
But they don't seem to care about the S.P. ! ! ! ! ....... Why might that be, because it makes no sense at all ?
HERE'S ONE POSSIBLE EXPLANATION : ....... Management knows that DKSC shares will rocket to 1¢ or 2¢ or even 5¢ or as high as TEN CENTS when they release their new product, upon which they are HARD AT WORK with the UTMOST IN SECRECY ! ....... They do not want competitors to know what they are doing ( exactly ) and they don't want to feed speculation on what is happening by issuing "partially complete" Progress Reports ........ So they just let sleepin' dogs lie — — — and they know, that in the long run, ....... "all will be forgiven" when the share price rises — DRMATICALLY — into the ONE CENT RANGE ! ! !
Obviously , I know nothing of which I speak here. ....... But I cannot otherwise explain Management's disinterest in the S.P. when they have so many damned shares among themselves .
DISCLAIMER : ....... I have tens of millions of shares in Fontus ( nee Dakshidin ) .... and .... I have a HUGE HUGE INTEREST ....... in a S.P. that rises TO THE ONE CENT LEVEL ! ! !

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