TONIGHT - Live Chat with Eddie Feintech of Smoky Market Foods (SMKY)
Chat with the CEO of Smoky Market Foods (SMKY) at 6 PM Pacific and 9 PM Eastern time. Just click Chat at the top of any webpage at the link below.
That is correct, Mr. Eddie Feintech, CEO of SMKY will be here "again" to chat and answer any questions he can. For anyone wanting to chat with Mr. Feintech, simply register here at the site on or before that time and then be here at the chat time. On the chat date simply click the Chat Button at the top of any web page and you will be in real-time chat with Mr. Feintech. Everyone is welcome so tell your friends.
In advance of the chat please begin posting your Questions for Mr. Feintech TO THIS LINK here in the forum. That will allow him to be as efficient as possible as he prepares for the chat. Hope to see you all there for this terrific opportunity to chat with one of the best up and coming businesses CEO that I have found. Charles D This event occurs on the Third Tuesday of every month at 06:00 PM Pacific / 09:00 PM Eastern Time.