I left out another potential byproduct-as mentioned by an earlier post from Bingo:
"The structure of the Guadalupe iron minerals are disseminated Fe203/Fe304 down to 50 meters at the highest elevation and only 4 meters at the lower elevation where drill-hole 70 was placed. It’s not practical to give out guess-timations of the magnetite deposit; however, it is safe to say that it’s a billion dollar plus reserve, only further wide area and deeper drilling will start to improve the picture. The two new drill-holes are set 105 and 130 meters parallel to 275dg NW at 05dg-NE and should reveal the same materials as DH 69,70 and 71. As an added value the waste materials from this procedure will leave Al203 and Si203, the alumina can further be processed to the higher values and sales for approximately $300.00 per metric ton. Originally Guadalupe was thought to be a nice little mine that could produce maybe a 100 million dollars over a few years, but now that is blown out the window, this puppy is the largest iron mineral deposit known in Baja and maybe even one of the biggest in Mexico., yet to be proven"
So the by products from the main product of lump ore (ca 3-18mm) are 1-3mm fines, iron chips in 0-1mm waste to be pelleted into sinter fines, fertilizer and industrial cement ingredient in 0-1mm waste and the Al203. The more byproducts the better the usability (reported at 85%) and ancillary revenue streams and the greater the overall profit. 1 year ago they didnt even have the necessary equipment to efficiently process the 1-3mm -the original metso screens took several passes so got Powerscreen 2100 (April 2011 PR). So all this shows maturation of the mine and its equipment/processes.