Posted On: 05/09/2015 10:44:11 AM
Post# of 45510

DD for newbies
ilution… you be the judge !
May 2015
Posted by FriendsOf_StevenSamblis_et_al in Uncategorized ≈ Leave a comment
TagsDilution, IC Places, Imagination TV, IMTV, Steven Samblis
Hello folks… there is still a lot of buzz on the boards regarding Mr. Steve Samblis, CEO of Imagination TV (IMTV). Pumping type of posts from several new comers appearing to attempt to sway newbies into buying IMTV stock. If it weren’t for the integrity issue involved in supporting their efforts, many more disappointed investors would be beneficial to getting the word out about the history of this company, and it’s CEO Mr. Steven M. Samblis. However it would be flat out immoral to suggest they buy stock in the company for a purely selfish reasons based on the history of the company, and it’s CEO Mr. Steven M. Samblis.
Two points… number one – is the dilution claim valid? Well, one needs to look no further than the below graphic. It tells the story, and history of this company. Just take a look at the encumbered stock shares as a result of the loans the company (i.e. Mr. Steven M. Samblis) has made. (click to enlarge)
IMTV_ConvertableDebtNotice the $472,107. dollars of convertible notes ??? Also note that the figure is from September 30, 2014… over 7-months ago. Has that figure increased since then ? Also notice the price paid by the convertible loan provider (i.e likely Asher) – wow, how would you like to get your shares at a 65-69 percent discount off the retail price??? AND… look at what the lender pays for the shares if there is a reverse-split… $0.00001 – that’s 4-zero’s folks !!! So… if an investor is in the market to sell their shares… who do you think would win the bidding war for the very few buyers out there? We are not sure how many of those shares would be covered by the anti-dilution clause of the contract, but given that the last reverse-split was done in October 2014, it would be a safe conclusion that ALL those shares were bought at quadruple-zero 1. Do the math on that for a clue to how many shares are being flooded into the market. You’re going to need a really big calculator !
Number two… revenue. There is a post from a poster that they indicate was from Mr. Steven M. Samblis himself. Quoting the text supplied it states “The launch brings in revenues…”. Well, for the sake of argument let’s say that’s true. There are many who believe (and the evidence would support such) that Mr. Steven Samblis is currently making revenue from the web sites he maintains, and the obvious advertising viewers see on the sites. Either Mr. Steven M. Samblis is giving away those ads for free, or, there is revenue being generated from such. Assuming Mr. Steven M. Samblis is not giving the ad space away for free – where is the revenue from those ads ??? It is certainly not being recorded in any of the last several quarterly reports – so where is the money?
Given the above… why would anyone think that any revenue generated from the proposed “launch” be added to the coffers of the public company? Apparently none of the current revenue is going to the bottom line of IMTV, so why would any future revenue go there either ? Is it really believable that all the effort AND MONEY ($472 thousand that we can see) that Mr. Steven M. Samblis has poured into IMTV – that there is not one dollar of revenue ? That just defies logic.
So… “Good things coming soon…” – highly doubtful based on the 10-year history of Mr. Steven M. Samblis and his company IMTV/PNCH/IC Places. As they say… even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while, but in the case of Mr. Steven M. Samblis, he apparently has not found one in 10-years, so the chances are not the greatest he will find one anytime soon. In the meantime, one has to ask… how does he support himself, and pay the expenses of the company if it makes no revenue ??? Can you say – convertible debt ?

May 2015
Posted by FriendsOf_StevenSamblis_et_al in Uncategorized ≈ Leave a comment
TagsDilution, IC Places, Imagination TV, IMTV, Steven Samblis
Hello folks… there is still a lot of buzz on the boards regarding Mr. Steve Samblis, CEO of Imagination TV (IMTV). Pumping type of posts from several new comers appearing to attempt to sway newbies into buying IMTV stock. If it weren’t for the integrity issue involved in supporting their efforts, many more disappointed investors would be beneficial to getting the word out about the history of this company, and it’s CEO Mr. Steven M. Samblis. However it would be flat out immoral to suggest they buy stock in the company for a purely selfish reasons based on the history of the company, and it’s CEO Mr. Steven M. Samblis.
Two points… number one – is the dilution claim valid? Well, one needs to look no further than the below graphic. It tells the story, and history of this company. Just take a look at the encumbered stock shares as a result of the loans the company (i.e. Mr. Steven M. Samblis) has made. (click to enlarge)
IMTV_ConvertableDebtNotice the $472,107. dollars of convertible notes ??? Also note that the figure is from September 30, 2014… over 7-months ago. Has that figure increased since then ? Also notice the price paid by the convertible loan provider (i.e likely Asher) – wow, how would you like to get your shares at a 65-69 percent discount off the retail price??? AND… look at what the lender pays for the shares if there is a reverse-split… $0.00001 – that’s 4-zero’s folks !!! So… if an investor is in the market to sell their shares… who do you think would win the bidding war for the very few buyers out there? We are not sure how many of those shares would be covered by the anti-dilution clause of the contract, but given that the last reverse-split was done in October 2014, it would be a safe conclusion that ALL those shares were bought at quadruple-zero 1. Do the math on that for a clue to how many shares are being flooded into the market. You’re going to need a really big calculator !
Number two… revenue. There is a post from a poster that they indicate was from Mr. Steven M. Samblis himself. Quoting the text supplied it states “The launch brings in revenues…”. Well, for the sake of argument let’s say that’s true. There are many who believe (and the evidence would support such) that Mr. Steven Samblis is currently making revenue from the web sites he maintains, and the obvious advertising viewers see on the sites. Either Mr. Steven M. Samblis is giving away those ads for free, or, there is revenue being generated from such. Assuming Mr. Steven M. Samblis is not giving the ad space away for free – where is the revenue from those ads ??? It is certainly not being recorded in any of the last several quarterly reports – so where is the money?
Given the above… why would anyone think that any revenue generated from the proposed “launch” be added to the coffers of the public company? Apparently none of the current revenue is going to the bottom line of IMTV, so why would any future revenue go there either ? Is it really believable that all the effort AND MONEY ($472 thousand that we can see) that Mr. Steven M. Samblis has poured into IMTV – that there is not one dollar of revenue ? That just defies logic.
So… “Good things coming soon…” – highly doubtful based on the 10-year history of Mr. Steven M. Samblis and his company IMTV/PNCH/IC Places. As they say… even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while, but in the case of Mr. Steven M. Samblis, he apparently has not found one in 10-years, so the chances are not the greatest he will find one anytime soon. In the meantime, one has to ask… how does he support himself, and pay the expenses of the company if it makes no revenue ??? Can you say – convertible debt ?

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