DUSS what a fight guys all this ACCUMULATION these last 15 days have been wonderful, everytime they widen the spread TRADERS have been jumping the bid and checking in; STRONG hand after strong hand, THERE ARE NO SHARES available to short. This is why MM's have been using SILLY/obvious tricks DAILY like tapping the bid with $13 sells and 30 cent sells, Friday I think it was a $40 sell. THE FLOAT IS LOCKED guys any volume from here on end and she FLIES.
DUSS right now is the DIEHARD of penny stocks, it once had a Rambo month, just look at that 1800% run in 2 WEEKS from 9/14/11 to 9/29/12 and u will understand. ONLY 138 million tradable free shares, ONLY 183 million o/s. THE FLOAT is much smaller. It's not rocket science. Great close at .0018; next week we chase .0025, .003, .004, .008, 1 cent. The FIGHT continues