Holes 72 and 73 here offset 105 and 130 meters from Coloso centerline are the next holes to be drilled in the series of new drilling programs mentioned by the Sept PR and the PR issued today
Interesting that the lowest elev part of mine near hole 70 stopped drilling at 84 meters 2 meters short of sea level-ca 7 miles inland from the ocean-would they run into water in this desert location 7 miles inland separated by the coastal range? Lowest elev would be marker 1 on above map at far ritght lower-w an elev of 77 meters. Topo maps provided by CWRN show upper elev of Coloso near ca 600-700 meters elev-and that doesnt include higher elev land reportedly added back in Sept. Does anybody have a good topo map for the mine-my topo programs dont cover Mexico much and the best free standing map I could find w topo info does not have a very good scale.