Just want to wish the thra team a great night, This week Thra has had Volume everyday, I see how things are growing and investors that have set in the back and have watched and read the arguments on Thra's fate from the possitive team from this board, then switch over to the negitive with no proof but history of the company, and they realize the negitive bought into Thra under the old Ceo when the stock was rising, they never realized there Ceo was not doing well as the company being a Pharmicutical but kept fluff Pr's to keep the investors interested untill he could bail. so he appointed our current Ceo to be director of mining, she did well she found Hindon field filled with riches. mean while the old Ceo deleated the stock from .99 cents to .05. then bailed with a great pocecket full of money and left Our current CEO holding his wrongs. And she will win. but this board shows how many people support Thra, and if you switch to another board you will see only acouple of angrey people who will go as far as slander to try to destroy a company that has a future because they are mad at the old Ceo I guess people have to blame some one but if they are investors there hurting themselves. We as Investors of THra should back our Ceo up and make Thra thrive for all of us. Those who bad mouth or slander the company are those with a personal vandetta or who are paid to descreadit the Company.