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MC Endeavors, Inc. Announces Their Participation as an Exhibitor at the 2012 Alliance Expo & Annual Meeting in Wichita Falls, Texas on April 24th and 25th
2012-04-11 08:11 ET - News Release
AUSTIN, Texas, April 11, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- MC Endeavors, Inc.(PinkSheets: MSMY) (MCE) is pleased to announce that they will be participating in the 2012 Oil Alliance Expo & Annual Meeting at the Multi-Purpose Events Center (MPEC) in Wichita Falls, Texas on April 24 & 25, 2012, as an exhibitor in Booth #119 on "Lobby Row".
After having participated in the Oil Alliance Expo in Houston in November, MCE is eager to be one of 350 exhibitors at the larger Wichita Falls show. MCE's CEO, Tim Algier, will be joined in booth 119 by Jim Johnson, representing MCE in South Texas, Louisiana, Belize and West Central Africa and Dr. Emmanuel Wada, Ph.D. The Alliance show is another opportunity for MCE to network with the oil & gas producers in Texas and showcase both their rig shacks using disaster resistant building techniques and portable container housing options for the oil field workers and the LBI remediation products, DualZorb®, PondZorb® and AcidZorb®. These absorption products are made of completely-natural wood fiber cellulose material that immediately breaks down oil, chemicals, raw sewage and any flammable hydrocarbon liquids into a non-toxic environmentally safe inert bio-degradable mixture that can be tilled into the soil and just left to decompose naturally. The harmless absorbed mixture created from the clean-up of small oil and gasoline spills can also be placed in trash bins headed for disposal at the normal landfills per state regulations.
Final plans are also underway for Tim Algier to join business partner, Cornelius Shogunle, who is presently setting up oil spill operations for Nigeria later this spring overlapping MCE's Bakken area campaign launch giving MCE an on the ground sales presence in both those fast expanding areas for the oil remediation products as well our housing designs for the workers at the drill sites.