Posted On: 03/01/2015 2:25:50 PM
Post# of 41414

Re: TheNewGuy66 #11281
Here's my reply to I HUB Dave after he permanently banned me from I-HUB. He understood what I was saying but did not restore my privilege's over there: His reply to me is first. Its not that they run the board the way they want that bothers me. Its the one sided censorship and suppression of actual due diligence that is so troubling:
IH Geek [Dave] Member Level
Friday, February 20, 2015 12:11:09 PM
Understand what you're saying. The problem is that invariably posters will go off the rails and start talking about or attacking other posters (or iHub for not stopping them) or deletions or bans, etc., which they perceive goes against the their investment sentiment on the stock,;ad hominem attacks in the messenger rather than the message. The signal degrades into noise, and that is what leads to the demise of the site. In 20 years I have seen many sites come up with a better way of doing it, come and go that is. Unlike other sites that invariably fail, we don't pick sides, we welcome all opinions irrespective of investment sentiment as long as they are on-topic and comply with the site rules.
There is no CEO preaching anything. These are long-standing rules and have survived the test of time.
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Friday, February 20, 2015 10:37:45 AM
I understand and it is clear that you make the policy. Its unfortunate that I HUB and its members do it so indignantly. It is a recipe for your eventual demise as a company. You guys allow off topic post after off topic post and even after they are pointed out you allow them to remain. But a post related to something posted by the company the board is dedicated to is disallowed; Why? What does I-HUB have to hide? and your response to me... my advice is you seek personal council aside from what your superior's tell you, because it would seem I-Hub has its own Kool-Aid problem. Do they get you guys in a room and have huge pump sessions telling you guys no one can get us? Do they list out the law suits they won while your company president enthusiastically works the room while performing felatio to the microphone while telling the team the SEC will never take us down!!!! ?? Its seems to be all unnecessary. If the information you provided were publicly posted I would have retracted my statement. I was looking to get to the bottom of what happened and why Baltia posted that link. I might even have questioned Baltia's motivation for posting a misleading legal link but your companies bravado prevented this part of the due diligence process. The info you provided would have been just as good without all of the bravado. It sounds like you guys won that case and good for you. Had the post I made been left up, if the board is worth a thing every word of what you just shared would have come to light. That is true due diligence. Even better if it comes to light unmolested by the I-HUB board mods and admin its just better left to share holders rather than the inconsistent adoption and implementation of your own policies. I would submit to you that your inconsistent deletion of posts where only some off topic posts are deleted is a critical and actionable flaw in your logic. Do your self a favor an look up the case of the woman who burnt her crotch on hot coffee at McDonalds and tell me why McDonalds had to pay millions? If you have trouble check back with me an I will give you the answer. Thanks again Dave for the information provide in the links. Its what I was looking to find out about as a BLTA shareholder to begin with. Being new to I-HUB its an unfortunate disagreement getting me banned however as a shareholder I am not wrong to take exception to the deliberate suppression of any information be it public or private that limits open discussion as it relates to the topic of Baltia airlines and my investment.
My Best,

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