Posted On: 02/28/2015 7:52:02 PM
Post# of 64144

H&R Block (HRB) 34.15 $HRB
The Startlingly Large Obamacare Consequenece That's About to Hit Millions of Taxpayers
Sean Williams, The Motley Fool - Motley Fool - Sat Feb 28, 6:14AM CST
Source: White House on Flickr. The official enrollment period for the Affordable Care Act, known better as Obamacare, came to a close on Feb. 15 and wound up handily galloping past reduced expectations. Before the start of this year's open...
UNH: 113.63 (-0.03), WMT: 83.93 (+0.13), HRB: 34.15 (-0.33)
TubeMogul Is Still Loved by Wall Street Even as Shares Tank
at The Street - Fri Feb 27, 12:40PM CST
Investors turn skittish in the newer realm of automated advertising as they try to sort out why TubeMogul’s fiscal year sales forecast was so weak.
NKE: 97.12 (+0.13), TUBE: 13.82 (-4.12), HRB: 34.15 (-0.33)
Beating The Little Book That Beats The Market
Kyle Pinkerton - at Seeking Alpha - Tue Feb 24, 10:41AM CST
SAFM: 85.21 (-0.46), WMT: 83.93 (+0.13), USNA: 100.01 (-4.97), INTC: 33.25 (-0.40), LYB: 85.91 (-0.84), OCIR: 24.30 (+0.10), TSRA: 40.06 (+0.04), DTV: 88.60 (+0.25), MSFT: 43.85 (-0.21), DLX: 66.55 (-1.40), AAPL: 128.46 (-1.95), HRB: 34.15 (-0.33), KO: 43.30 (+0.84), WLK: 66.76 (-0.61), NTES: 100.04 (-4.70), MAN: 80.46 (-1.05), WNR: 47.10 (+0.04), ALK: 63.65 (-0.33), CMP: 90.67 (+0.35), PM: 82.96 (+0.16), HCA: 71.54 (-0.73), BBBY: 74.66 (+0.91), CALM: 37.63 (+0.17), TJX: 68.64 (+0.57), AZO: 642.68 (-2.29), GILD: 103.53 (-0.66), TARO: 151.06 (-2.07), PINC: 36.66 (+0.02), NTL: 22.85 (+0.05)
Our Biggest Tax Mistake -- and How You Can Avoid It
Motley Fool Staff - Motley Fool - Sat Feb 21, 10:05AM CST
Here at the Fool, we give out boatloads of tax advice. However, nobody's perfect -- not even our experts. We asked three of our tax experts to confess the worst mistakes they ever made when filing their taxes, and here's what they had to say. They...
HRB: 34.15 (-0.33)
7 Companies That Could Be Ready to Issue Dividends or Share Buybacks
at The Street - Wed Feb 18, 12:13PM CST
Whether spurred on by activists or acting on their own, these companies have strong potential for dividends and buybacks.
COH: 43.55 (+0.14), MCD: 98.90 (-0.61), PEP: 98.98 (-0.09), HRB: 34.15 (-0.33), CBS: 59.10 (-0.04)
Taxpayers in 1 in 4 States Could See Smaller State Tax Refunds
Marketwired - Wed Feb 18, 8:02AM CST
H&R Block (NYSE: HRB), the world's largest consumer tax services provider, advises taxpayers in about one in four states are not able to use certain federal tax breaks to benefit their state returns. Although Congress extended popular expired tax breaks in December, 12 states have not passed legislation recognizing those changes on their state tax return. These popular tax breaks benefit teachers, students, homeowners and retirees, or approximately one in six taxpayers nationwide.
HRB: 34.15 (-0.33)
Tracking Dan Loeb's Third Point Portfolio - Q4 2014 Update
John Vincent - at Seeking Alpha - Tue Feb 17, 2:24AM CST
ROP: 167.57 (-1.00), DAL: 44.52 (-1.40), ENR: 133.83 (-1.19), ENPH: 13.78 (+0.17), SPY: 210.66 (-0.72), DLTR: 79.68 (+0.64), AAL: 47.90 (-1.45), IACI: 67.42 (+0.19), NPSP: 45.97 (+0.01), WMB: 49.04 (+0.23), DG: 72.62 (+0.43), ABBV: 60.50 (-0.02), MC: 32.18 (-0.10), FDX: 176.98 (+2.38), PSX: 78.46 (-1.60), LNG: 80.63 (+2.11), STZ: 114.72 (-1.06), YPF: 25.69 (+0.45), FDO: 78.74 (+0.13), AIG: 55.33 (+0.40), DOW: 49.24 (-0.01), BID: 43.95 (unch), ACT: 291.36 (+1.58), LBTYK: 52.17 (-0.02), CCK: 53.00 (+0.21), ALLY: 20.78 (-0.18), C: 52.42 (+0.01), XON: 41.06 (-1.86), RMP: 14.80 (-0.05), CCE: 46.20 (+0.04), CIE: 10.24 (+0.43), AGN: 232.74 (+0.34), ST: 53.74 (+0.09), EBAY: 57.91 (-0.63), LBTYA: 54.06 (-0.40), SHPG: 241.91 (-5.93), FCB: 25.40 (+1.05), EMC: 28.94 (+0.12), APC: 84.23 (-1.01), HRB: 34.15 (-0.33), BUD: 126.66 (-0.83), HTZ: 23.07 (-0.42), GRBK: 8.15 (unch), TPRE: 14.04 (+0.04), AMGN: 157.72 (-1.25), MAS: 26.19 (-0.03), EQT: 79.81 (+0.05), BBBY: 74.66 (+0.91), PH: 122.69 (-0.52), CF: 306.23 (-0.38), SUNE: 22.14 (-0.14), MHK: 184.35 (-1.80), FLT: 153.43 (-1.98), AVGO: 127.62 (-1.63), BABA: 85.12 (-0.25)
Assisted Filers Can Switch to Block, Pay Half the Cost of "the Other Guy"
Marketwired - Mon Feb 16, 4:03PM CST
H&R Block (NYSE: HRB), the world's largest consumer tax services provider, will offer taxpayers the opportunity to switch to Block and pay only half the price they paid last year to another tax preparer, subject to offer conditions. It follows another switch to Block offer to provide free desktop software to unhappy TurboTax users. Taxpayers who prefer to use a tax professional to file their taxes now have their own invitation to switch to Block -- at half the price of their previous preparer -- for a limited time beginning February 15.
HRB: 34.15 (-0.33)
Obamacare Could Soon Make These Stocks Soar
Motley Fool Staff - Motley Fool - Sun Feb 15, 7:04AM CST
Source: White House via Flickr. The Affordable Care Act's second open enrollment period ends today, and that has our Motley Fool experts combing through their favorite names to find stocks most likely to benefit from an increasingly insured...
JNJ: 102.51 (-0.29), ESRX: 84.79 (+0.25), GILD: 103.53 (-0.66), PFE: 34.32 (-0.27), MRK: 58.54 (-0.42), XLV: 72.24 (-0.35), HRB: 34.15 (-0.33)
H&R Block to Release Fiscal Third Quarter Results March 4; Announces Schedule for Reporting Tax Season Results
Marketwired - Tue Feb 10, 3:06PM CST
H&R Block, Inc. (NYSE: HRB), the world's largest consumer tax services provider, will report its fiscal year 2015 third quarter results on Wednesday, March 4, 2015, after the New York Stock Exchange market close. At that time, a copy of the press release will be available on the company's investor relations website at
HRB: 34.15 (-0.33)
Tracking William Von Mueffling's Cantillon Capital Management Portfolio - Q4 2014 Update
John Vincent - at Seeking Alpha - Tue Feb 10, 4:43AM CST
KO: 43.30 (+0.84), SIRO: 90.82 (-0.20), FIS: 67.59 (-0.55), HOG: 63.57 (-0.27), CACC: 183.30 (-0.57), ALTR: 37.01 (+0.39), SLH: 55.74 (-0.85), ICE: 235.36 (-2.87), CMPR: 83.50 (-0.46), GWW: 236.91 (-3.47), GOOG: 558.40 (+2.92), BITA: 63.45 (-1.51), CME: 95.93 (-0.09), ST: 53.74 (+0.09), BIDU: 203.75 (-2.13), MSM: 72.99 (-1.50), ABEV: 6.45 (+0.08), WSH: 47.72 (+0.17), ADI: 58.54 (-0.34), GOOGL: 562.63 (+3.34), BCO: 28.14 (-0.29), HRB: 34.15 (-0.33), ECL: 115.54 (-0.61)
Investing in Tax Preparers Might Take Sting Out of Paying Uncle Sam
at The Street - Sat Feb 07, 9:40AM CST
These companies have the solid growth potential.
TAX: 28.42 (-0.07), ADP: 88.84 (unch), WMT: 83.93 (+0.13), EFX: 93.37 (+0.16), INTU: 97.63 (-0.05), HRB: 34.15 (-0.33)
Intuit (INTU) TurboTax Return Rejected in Minnesota - Video Blog
David Bartosiak - Zacks Investment Research - Fri Feb 06, 12:55PM CST
Intuit’s popular TurboTax online e-file website has stopped being accepted in Minnesota. Does it make competitors like HR Block (HRB) more attractive?
INTU: 97.63 (-0.05), HRB: 34.15 (-0.33)
U.S. Stocks Post Big Rebound This Week, Still Best Investment
at The Street - Thu Feb 05, 2:56PM CST
The CNBC 'Fast Money Halftime' trading panel examine shares of Michael Kors after the company's earnings release and preview Twitter ahead of Thursday's earnings report.
EWG: 29.70 (+0.12), VGK: 55.89 (+0.08), HTZ: 23.07 (-0.42), DIS: 104.08 (-0.48), KORS: 67.41 (-0.48), TLT: 129.53 (+1.08), GOOG: 558.40 (+2.92), LULU: 68.44 (+1.96), ARO: 4.03 (+0.12), GES: 18.11 (+0.36), COH: 43.55 (+0.14), SPY: 210.66 (-0.72), LB: 91.86 (-0.12), QQQ: 108.40 (-0.48), BONT: 5.55 (+0.03), MRK: 58.54 (-0.42), DIA: 181.19 (-0.82), JCP: 8.50 (-0.62), IWM: 122.58 (-0.67), TWTR: 48.08 (-1.33), HRB: 34.15 (-0.33)
Tax Season's Just Begun, but Only 10 Days Remain to Avoid Steeper Tax Penalties Next Year
Marketwired - Thu Feb 05, 12:00PM CST
H&R Block (NYSE: HRB), the world's largest consumer tax services provider, cautions taxpayers without health insurance that while tax season has just begun, they have only 10 days left to avoid steeper tax penalties in 2016 by enrolling in health insurance coverage before the February 15, 2015 deadline. Taxpayers can enroll in qualifying health insurance plans online at or by calling 800-HRBLOCK to speak to a Licensed Health Care Advisor.
HRB: 34.15 (-0.33)
The Undisclosed Lawsuit That BofI Holding And H&R Block Shareholders Should Know About
Forensic Research Analyst - Seeking Alpha - Mon Feb 02, 6:30AM CST
In our opinion, Gregory Garrabrants displayed a rather distasteful sense of humor during the BOFI 2Q15 earnings call. When a KBW analyst inquired as to whether regulators had asked BofI Holding (NASDAQ: BOFI ) to tweak anything in its business model...
BOFI: 88.40 (-1.85), HRB: 34.15 (-0.33)
H&R Block Offers Tax Preparation Discount to Drivers Who Partner With Uber
Marketwired - Wed Jan 28, 10:01AM CST
H&R Block (NYSE: HRB), the world's largest consumer tax services provider, is offering drivers who partner with Uber, the global technology platform that connects riders with drivers, a discount on H&R Block tax preparation costs.
HRB: 34.15 (-0.33)
H&R Block Unveils Tax Identity Shield(SM) to Help Protect, Assist Consumers
Marketwired - Mon Jan 26, 8:03AM CST
At a time when tax identity theft is on the rise, H&R Block (NYSE: HRB), the world's largest consumer tax services provider, joins with Equifax Inc. (NYSE: EFX) to offer its clients the industry's first product specifically directed to helping protect against tax identity theft, the Tax Identity Shield(SM). While there are other identity-monitoring services available, none is specifically directed to helping protect against the growing problem of tax identity theft. Yet, since 2010, approximately 3 million taxpayers have fallen victim to criminals using personal identity information to file a fraudulent tax return and steal refunds from the IRS. Tax Identity Shield(SM) will offer tools, resources and assistance designed to help reduce risk, promote awareness, and mitigate fallout, including assistance with restoration of the consumer's tax identity.
EFX: 93.37 (+0.16), HRB: 34.15 (-0.33)
Bring Fun to Your Refund at GameStop This Tax Season
Business Wire - Mon Jan 26, 8:00AM CST
--H&R Block Emerald Card Holders Have Access to Exclusive GameStop Offers
GME: 36.97 (-0.06), HRB: 34.15 (-0.33)
Equifax Personal Solutions Joins H&R Block to Address Growing Threat of Tax Identity Theft
PR Newswire - Mon Jan 26, 8:00AM CST
In 2013, 1.63 million taxpayers were victims of tax identity theft according to a report from the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration. In response to this increasing problem, Equifax Personal Solutions, a leading provider of credit monitoring and identity protection solutions for consumers, and H&R Block, Inc. (NYSE: HRB) the world's largest consumer tax services provider, have teamed up to provide consumers with a new solution, Tax Identity ShieldSM to help better protect them and their families.
EFX: 93.37 (+0.16), HRB: 34.15 (-0.33)
The Startlingly Large Obamacare Consequenece That's About to Hit Millions of Taxpayers
Sean Williams, The Motley Fool - Motley Fool - Sat Feb 28, 6:14AM CST
Source: White House on Flickr. The official enrollment period for the Affordable Care Act, known better as Obamacare, came to a close on Feb. 15 and wound up handily galloping past reduced expectations. Before the start of this year's open...
UNH: 113.63 (-0.03), WMT: 83.93 (+0.13), HRB: 34.15 (-0.33)
TubeMogul Is Still Loved by Wall Street Even as Shares Tank
at The Street - Fri Feb 27, 12:40PM CST
Investors turn skittish in the newer realm of automated advertising as they try to sort out why TubeMogul’s fiscal year sales forecast was so weak.
NKE: 97.12 (+0.13), TUBE: 13.82 (-4.12), HRB: 34.15 (-0.33)
Beating The Little Book That Beats The Market
Kyle Pinkerton - at Seeking Alpha - Tue Feb 24, 10:41AM CST
SAFM: 85.21 (-0.46), WMT: 83.93 (+0.13), USNA: 100.01 (-4.97), INTC: 33.25 (-0.40), LYB: 85.91 (-0.84), OCIR: 24.30 (+0.10), TSRA: 40.06 (+0.04), DTV: 88.60 (+0.25), MSFT: 43.85 (-0.21), DLX: 66.55 (-1.40), AAPL: 128.46 (-1.95), HRB: 34.15 (-0.33), KO: 43.30 (+0.84), WLK: 66.76 (-0.61), NTES: 100.04 (-4.70), MAN: 80.46 (-1.05), WNR: 47.10 (+0.04), ALK: 63.65 (-0.33), CMP: 90.67 (+0.35), PM: 82.96 (+0.16), HCA: 71.54 (-0.73), BBBY: 74.66 (+0.91), CALM: 37.63 (+0.17), TJX: 68.64 (+0.57), AZO: 642.68 (-2.29), GILD: 103.53 (-0.66), TARO: 151.06 (-2.07), PINC: 36.66 (+0.02), NTL: 22.85 (+0.05)
Our Biggest Tax Mistake -- and How You Can Avoid It
Motley Fool Staff - Motley Fool - Sat Feb 21, 10:05AM CST
Here at the Fool, we give out boatloads of tax advice. However, nobody's perfect -- not even our experts. We asked three of our tax experts to confess the worst mistakes they ever made when filing their taxes, and here's what they had to say. They...
HRB: 34.15 (-0.33)
7 Companies That Could Be Ready to Issue Dividends or Share Buybacks
at The Street - Wed Feb 18, 12:13PM CST
Whether spurred on by activists or acting on their own, these companies have strong potential for dividends and buybacks.
COH: 43.55 (+0.14), MCD: 98.90 (-0.61), PEP: 98.98 (-0.09), HRB: 34.15 (-0.33), CBS: 59.10 (-0.04)
Taxpayers in 1 in 4 States Could See Smaller State Tax Refunds
Marketwired - Wed Feb 18, 8:02AM CST
H&R Block (NYSE: HRB), the world's largest consumer tax services provider, advises taxpayers in about one in four states are not able to use certain federal tax breaks to benefit their state returns. Although Congress extended popular expired tax breaks in December, 12 states have not passed legislation recognizing those changes on their state tax return. These popular tax breaks benefit teachers, students, homeowners and retirees, or approximately one in six taxpayers nationwide.
HRB: 34.15 (-0.33)
Tracking Dan Loeb's Third Point Portfolio - Q4 2014 Update
John Vincent - at Seeking Alpha - Tue Feb 17, 2:24AM CST
ROP: 167.57 (-1.00), DAL: 44.52 (-1.40), ENR: 133.83 (-1.19), ENPH: 13.78 (+0.17), SPY: 210.66 (-0.72), DLTR: 79.68 (+0.64), AAL: 47.90 (-1.45), IACI: 67.42 (+0.19), NPSP: 45.97 (+0.01), WMB: 49.04 (+0.23), DG: 72.62 (+0.43), ABBV: 60.50 (-0.02), MC: 32.18 (-0.10), FDX: 176.98 (+2.38), PSX: 78.46 (-1.60), LNG: 80.63 (+2.11), STZ: 114.72 (-1.06), YPF: 25.69 (+0.45), FDO: 78.74 (+0.13), AIG: 55.33 (+0.40), DOW: 49.24 (-0.01), BID: 43.95 (unch), ACT: 291.36 (+1.58), LBTYK: 52.17 (-0.02), CCK: 53.00 (+0.21), ALLY: 20.78 (-0.18), C: 52.42 (+0.01), XON: 41.06 (-1.86), RMP: 14.80 (-0.05), CCE: 46.20 (+0.04), CIE: 10.24 (+0.43), AGN: 232.74 (+0.34), ST: 53.74 (+0.09), EBAY: 57.91 (-0.63), LBTYA: 54.06 (-0.40), SHPG: 241.91 (-5.93), FCB: 25.40 (+1.05), EMC: 28.94 (+0.12), APC: 84.23 (-1.01), HRB: 34.15 (-0.33), BUD: 126.66 (-0.83), HTZ: 23.07 (-0.42), GRBK: 8.15 (unch), TPRE: 14.04 (+0.04), AMGN: 157.72 (-1.25), MAS: 26.19 (-0.03), EQT: 79.81 (+0.05), BBBY: 74.66 (+0.91), PH: 122.69 (-0.52), CF: 306.23 (-0.38), SUNE: 22.14 (-0.14), MHK: 184.35 (-1.80), FLT: 153.43 (-1.98), AVGO: 127.62 (-1.63), BABA: 85.12 (-0.25)
Assisted Filers Can Switch to Block, Pay Half the Cost of "the Other Guy"
Marketwired - Mon Feb 16, 4:03PM CST
H&R Block (NYSE: HRB), the world's largest consumer tax services provider, will offer taxpayers the opportunity to switch to Block and pay only half the price they paid last year to another tax preparer, subject to offer conditions. It follows another switch to Block offer to provide free desktop software to unhappy TurboTax users. Taxpayers who prefer to use a tax professional to file their taxes now have their own invitation to switch to Block -- at half the price of their previous preparer -- for a limited time beginning February 15.
HRB: 34.15 (-0.33)
Obamacare Could Soon Make These Stocks Soar
Motley Fool Staff - Motley Fool - Sun Feb 15, 7:04AM CST
Source: White House via Flickr. The Affordable Care Act's second open enrollment period ends today, and that has our Motley Fool experts combing through their favorite names to find stocks most likely to benefit from an increasingly insured...
JNJ: 102.51 (-0.29), ESRX: 84.79 (+0.25), GILD: 103.53 (-0.66), PFE: 34.32 (-0.27), MRK: 58.54 (-0.42), XLV: 72.24 (-0.35), HRB: 34.15 (-0.33)
H&R Block to Release Fiscal Third Quarter Results March 4; Announces Schedule for Reporting Tax Season Results
Marketwired - Tue Feb 10, 3:06PM CST
H&R Block, Inc. (NYSE: HRB), the world's largest consumer tax services provider, will report its fiscal year 2015 third quarter results on Wednesday, March 4, 2015, after the New York Stock Exchange market close. At that time, a copy of the press release will be available on the company's investor relations website at
HRB: 34.15 (-0.33)
Tracking William Von Mueffling's Cantillon Capital Management Portfolio - Q4 2014 Update
John Vincent - at Seeking Alpha - Tue Feb 10, 4:43AM CST
KO: 43.30 (+0.84), SIRO: 90.82 (-0.20), FIS: 67.59 (-0.55), HOG: 63.57 (-0.27), CACC: 183.30 (-0.57), ALTR: 37.01 (+0.39), SLH: 55.74 (-0.85), ICE: 235.36 (-2.87), CMPR: 83.50 (-0.46), GWW: 236.91 (-3.47), GOOG: 558.40 (+2.92), BITA: 63.45 (-1.51), CME: 95.93 (-0.09), ST: 53.74 (+0.09), BIDU: 203.75 (-2.13), MSM: 72.99 (-1.50), ABEV: 6.45 (+0.08), WSH: 47.72 (+0.17), ADI: 58.54 (-0.34), GOOGL: 562.63 (+3.34), BCO: 28.14 (-0.29), HRB: 34.15 (-0.33), ECL: 115.54 (-0.61)
Investing in Tax Preparers Might Take Sting Out of Paying Uncle Sam
at The Street - Sat Feb 07, 9:40AM CST
These companies have the solid growth potential.
TAX: 28.42 (-0.07), ADP: 88.84 (unch), WMT: 83.93 (+0.13), EFX: 93.37 (+0.16), INTU: 97.63 (-0.05), HRB: 34.15 (-0.33)
Intuit (INTU) TurboTax Return Rejected in Minnesota - Video Blog
David Bartosiak - Zacks Investment Research - Fri Feb 06, 12:55PM CST
Intuit’s popular TurboTax online e-file website has stopped being accepted in Minnesota. Does it make competitors like HR Block (HRB) more attractive?
INTU: 97.63 (-0.05), HRB: 34.15 (-0.33)
U.S. Stocks Post Big Rebound This Week, Still Best Investment
at The Street - Thu Feb 05, 2:56PM CST
The CNBC 'Fast Money Halftime' trading panel examine shares of Michael Kors after the company's earnings release and preview Twitter ahead of Thursday's earnings report.
EWG: 29.70 (+0.12), VGK: 55.89 (+0.08), HTZ: 23.07 (-0.42), DIS: 104.08 (-0.48), KORS: 67.41 (-0.48), TLT: 129.53 (+1.08), GOOG: 558.40 (+2.92), LULU: 68.44 (+1.96), ARO: 4.03 (+0.12), GES: 18.11 (+0.36), COH: 43.55 (+0.14), SPY: 210.66 (-0.72), LB: 91.86 (-0.12), QQQ: 108.40 (-0.48), BONT: 5.55 (+0.03), MRK: 58.54 (-0.42), DIA: 181.19 (-0.82), JCP: 8.50 (-0.62), IWM: 122.58 (-0.67), TWTR: 48.08 (-1.33), HRB: 34.15 (-0.33)
Tax Season's Just Begun, but Only 10 Days Remain to Avoid Steeper Tax Penalties Next Year
Marketwired - Thu Feb 05, 12:00PM CST
H&R Block (NYSE: HRB), the world's largest consumer tax services provider, cautions taxpayers without health insurance that while tax season has just begun, they have only 10 days left to avoid steeper tax penalties in 2016 by enrolling in health insurance coverage before the February 15, 2015 deadline. Taxpayers can enroll in qualifying health insurance plans online at or by calling 800-HRBLOCK to speak to a Licensed Health Care Advisor.
HRB: 34.15 (-0.33)
The Undisclosed Lawsuit That BofI Holding And H&R Block Shareholders Should Know About
Forensic Research Analyst - Seeking Alpha - Mon Feb 02, 6:30AM CST
In our opinion, Gregory Garrabrants displayed a rather distasteful sense of humor during the BOFI 2Q15 earnings call. When a KBW analyst inquired as to whether regulators had asked BofI Holding (NASDAQ: BOFI ) to tweak anything in its business model...
BOFI: 88.40 (-1.85), HRB: 34.15 (-0.33)
H&R Block Offers Tax Preparation Discount to Drivers Who Partner With Uber
Marketwired - Wed Jan 28, 10:01AM CST
H&R Block (NYSE: HRB), the world's largest consumer tax services provider, is offering drivers who partner with Uber, the global technology platform that connects riders with drivers, a discount on H&R Block tax preparation costs.
HRB: 34.15 (-0.33)
H&R Block Unveils Tax Identity Shield(SM) to Help Protect, Assist Consumers
Marketwired - Mon Jan 26, 8:03AM CST
At a time when tax identity theft is on the rise, H&R Block (NYSE: HRB), the world's largest consumer tax services provider, joins with Equifax Inc. (NYSE: EFX) to offer its clients the industry's first product specifically directed to helping protect against tax identity theft, the Tax Identity Shield(SM). While there are other identity-monitoring services available, none is specifically directed to helping protect against the growing problem of tax identity theft. Yet, since 2010, approximately 3 million taxpayers have fallen victim to criminals using personal identity information to file a fraudulent tax return and steal refunds from the IRS. Tax Identity Shield(SM) will offer tools, resources and assistance designed to help reduce risk, promote awareness, and mitigate fallout, including assistance with restoration of the consumer's tax identity.
EFX: 93.37 (+0.16), HRB: 34.15 (-0.33)
Bring Fun to Your Refund at GameStop This Tax Season
Business Wire - Mon Jan 26, 8:00AM CST
--H&R Block Emerald Card Holders Have Access to Exclusive GameStop Offers
GME: 36.97 (-0.06), HRB: 34.15 (-0.33)
Equifax Personal Solutions Joins H&R Block to Address Growing Threat of Tax Identity Theft
PR Newswire - Mon Jan 26, 8:00AM CST
In 2013, 1.63 million taxpayers were victims of tax identity theft according to a report from the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration. In response to this increasing problem, Equifax Personal Solutions, a leading provider of credit monitoring and identity protection solutions for consumers, and H&R Block, Inc. (NYSE: HRB) the world's largest consumer tax services provider, have teamed up to provide consumers with a new solution, Tax Identity ShieldSM to help better protect them and their families.
EFX: 93.37 (+0.16), HRB: 34.15 (-0.33)

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