Just a little remembrance and comment shared with our 'other' side.....
For those of you that have forgotten some of my prior postings....review post #44084 from last June 29, 2011.
Rather prophetic if you ask me!
"Try this hypothesis on for size....JMHCowboyO...
He could simply pick an opportune moment in history, perhaps when the share price gains traction and is climbing and make a large public press release and inform the investor masses that he is retiring several billion shares in support of the shareholders.
This would act like a catalyst to the 'then' share price pushing it even higher.
How's that for one possibility, and WOW! it is even offered in a positive light, come on folks step up with other positive opinions to negate the attacks on Mr. Leonard and the unsubstatiated nefarious reasons being presented by the boards "Negative Nellies".
Well, that blew my one post a day status.
Long and Strong 10,000,000+ shares worth and holding each share tight
Now he actually has reduced the shares and has a pending State of Colorado request to amend the authorized shares.
What would really be a "nail in the coffin" for those that have chosen to 'short' this stock legally and illegally is for Mark leonard to amend the A/S so that the now difference between the O/S and the A/S (read float) would be amended basically eliminating the unissued shares back to the treasury or totally retired.
No "float", only shares in the hands of the stable longs and the 'shorts' ordered to cover per this recent cusip change and R/S, do I hear a "BIG SQUEEZE" on its way to your local neighborhoods. Hummmm???
What a play that would create, share price would go straight up and through the roof, !KABLOOEY!
Now that's what I would call retribution and reminds me of a saying my father put in my head....
"The best revenge is unbridled success!"
Well that does it for my one post of the day, and I am glad to leave it here.
Happy Easter All!
Camp#2 VL&S