HAPPY EASTER, EVERYONE. Here is a few random thoughts. THRA has been a very interesting investment for me. I do a lot of DD before I invest in stock, sometimes I even second guess myself, and hesitate until it is too late to buy in, or hesitate long enough on selling to where i do not maximize my profits. Playing the penny market, or the sub penny market, is the legalized form of gambling for a lot of people, who do not live near a casino. It is one of the biggest rushes you will ever have when you click that buy button, and then watch as your money grows. It is also the biggest heart thump when you see your money dwindle to nothing. either way, it is exiting. Did i make the right choice, or not??? which brings me to THRA.
If you invested in THRA, YOU MADE THE RIGHT CHOICE, if you are still holding shares in THRA, YOU MADE THE RIGHT DECISION to stay in, and if you are wondering if you should buy more,or begin to invest in THRA, DO IT NOW.
The EASTER BUNNY only comes once a year with baskets full of treasures, and I can tell you, WITHOUT A DOUBT, THRA is going to deliver to every investor a BASKET FULL OF MONEY. During my absence from the board, I did have the pleasure to speak to a few very informative people, specificly about THRA and where this company is headed, and yes, they are from Canada. It was very informative, because most of the people I spoke to did not even realize that THRA was on a so called CHILL, But they did say, They understood the system we have in the U.S., and would never invest in a company's stock that is cleared by the DTCC., They said, The DTCC is run totally by overseas interest, who really don't give a dam about the American investor.
Now, that being said, and I really wish I could divulge my sources, but I can't, and I apoligize for that, But it was the only way I could obtain the following information.
Thra is in a battle for it's life, But Zajay is winning the battle, and the DTCC is trying, thru their legal eagles, how to figure out how to get out of this mess they created, all brought on by themselves, without suffering a complete melt down and a huge ammount of losing law suites. While most penny or sub penny shell companies just vanish off the face of the earth when the DTCC steps in, ZAJAY has dug her heals in and began a campaign for the truth, defending THRA, AND ALL THE INVESTORS OF THRA., any SHE IS WINNING.
ZAJAY has a terrific game plan, and we will pull out of this, NO DOUBT IN MY MIND, and I can tell you, that all investors will be very pleased the way she has mapped out the future for THRA, for its investors.
I realize some are getting a little nervous, BUT DON'T. I know, when i say, good things come to investors who wait, A few will be saying, BALONEY. But rest assured there is no BALONEY at the end of our tunnel, It will be more like FILET MIGNON. Trust Zajay, the plans are on the table, she is gonna beat this nasty chill, prove a whole lot of people wrong, and with her knowledge and business savy, reward the investors, who stuck around with her, and believed in her, IT IS GONNA HAPPEN, FOLKS. IT IS GONNA HAPPEN. I don't believe it, I KNOW IT. HAPPY EASTER, EVERYONE. Gregg