Posted On: 02/15/2015 9:02:02 AM
Post# of 43065
take downs take time to organize at this level (entering 6 years as a pubco)
realize the original orchestration kicked in ... in 2009 when PTOI first began to publicly trade stock
so the original orchestrators *imo* were *crews* that work the cycle of money
re: OTC stox .. cycle can usually be taken UP 2 x .. (UP/handoff for DOWN/UP
then *KILL* order for the cellar) .. by this time X OTC co. has well over 700M
I/O (issued and outstanding) .. they are usually @ the 2 year window and are
facing a R/S on their stock to remain *fully reporting* .. R/S will almost always
then be *reshorted* .. (nothing demoralizes mgmt and investors more) back
below where the PPS was when R/S was undertaken
with that as the background .. it's important to understand *time frames* and
each *round* (imo) re: P2O/PTOI and why with P2O's *survival* .. fewer and
fewer will willingly *dig their hole deeper*
imo there are now 2 colluding entities *stuck* due to their gross stupidity and egregious greed
i suspect there was overlap between these 2 entities sometime in late 2011 or
early into 2012
clearly the first entity was the *crew* (both sides .. mostly interchangeable)
that *still* work the vehicle of choice for OTC stock manipulation
with the advent of certain aromatics and their *resources* (including off shore
capabilities) utilized .. you can literally see .. the change out
that time line is now @ Sept 2012
there would be no more cycles UP on PTOI >> except for 1 noticeable
for what it too .. revealed
that is the dolts settlement in Jan 2013 .. where money man Samuel May and
Moreno Energy *sold* part of their PTOI stock mere days before *settlement*
was announced .. that told me this stock had been utilized in June 2012 when
CANT (Cantor Fitz) entered PTOI as a MM .. and *threshold* was triggered for
a 2nd time on PTOI (this round 10 days)
sells were @ approx 75 - 77c .. *stoppage* re: take up (Jan 2013) was @ 1.49
(cycle then imo re: threshold triggered .. was 1.50 to 1.65 which had been
in place since *first* round of threshold triggered in the *set up* re: WN back
in July 2011 .. that round was 5 days)
the reason why threshold matters .. is because one of the decoys' utilized >> can't camouflage
so .. with that as a little background ..
the reason why *volume* started to fall off a cliff .. (and why i'm so confident
of stating via posts that the signal *colluding entities* CANT ignore will be
the seating of an indy BoD >> this will result in a *partially laddered cover UP
on PTOI) is because they (those that illegally manipulate/d PTOI's stock)
recognize what *some* P2O investors knew/know .. P2O survived ..
remember the dots and the time line involved ..
imo >> clearly a *power struggle* underway >> for P2O >> by June/July 2013
suspect certain aromatics hired the *first* engineering company to see how easily
prox could be replicated .. with little success (time line factor re: emerging sector)
*remember too >> who first posted about *depo gate* on 5.1.13 >> original
CON side of the crew* .. this matters because even with the dolts' aiding and
abetting >> PTOI (stock) hadn't been broken b4 below 50c
as i've also noted over the years >> there are very specific *cycles* of money
that get worked to *demoralize* both mgmt and investors .. retail for the most
part is totally clueless about the cycles in play .. and to be clear most mgmts
are unwilling to publicly address >> stock price and *efforts* (it's why the CON
side of the vehicle of choice for OTC stock manipulation >> trots out by rote
that 99% stat .. when one can *CON troll* the outcome of an OTC company
via their stock .. it's an easily *stacked* stat to be utilized >> sort of like
ambulance chasing atty firms on hedgies' speed dial or monosyllabic *discourse* ie noise to bury/neutralize SMBs as needed)
breaking 50c .. as i noted in RT >> would lead to sub 25c (goal) >> sub 10c (goal)
sub 5c (goal) >> then the cellar
one of the reasons this matters >> is because there are less and less firms
that will allow transfers of a sub X (insert pps) >> fidelity will no longer accept
an account transfer on a sub 25c stock ..
back to the power struggle for P2O in summer of 2013
who resigned >> who entered as Ceo?
it's why i noted in RT that it must have galled RH to *fund* the pkg/s of those
bought and paid for (which is what imo a large chunk of RH's monies went to
in that last Q of 2013) b4 even beginning to address other aspects
RH is a business man .. it must have also killed him to have to slash and burn
those loyal to all aspects P2O >> because of those *funded* pkgs created by
priors .. one of whom imo was a bought and paid for saboteur working for
X aromatics (aromatics clearly want/ed P2O's IP for pennies on the $)
(btw .. i realize few agree with me .. but i've been convinced since Nov's update
that certain *players* aka aromatics (LONDON CALLING) got played ..
after RH entered as Ceo)
the yin and the yang relationship of RH and co. founder .. were fighting for the
survival of P2O from *awareness* (2012 into 2013) .. what better way then to portray
specific *roles* for appearance sake
i would have done the same thing
like i've said all along >> up until 9.30.14 >> RH has done everything I would have in his shoes ..
and the only reason .. 9.30.14 .. enters the picture pertains to your ? re: volume
(that would *enter* PTOI yet again in Oct 2014)
RH clearly didn't recognize what the fall off of volume meant .. or he did
and it didn't matter because his goal pertains to the LT aspects for P2O
so he is following a predetermined *plan* and time line (what I always refer to as DOMINO)
DOMINO = a sequence of material events filed that can't be *misinterpreted* by *anyone*
so >> why would *volume* fall off b4 a take down (imo next round they may try
sans news out of P2O's mgmt .. is EO March re: K filed)
colluding entities have to conserve what they still hold
just about a week ago .. we had documentation that 59% of the day's volume
was picked off by investors .. i posted in RT >> that hurt them
i also believe certain aromatics who were willing to collude re: PTOI (originally)
have for the most part either SOLD .. or loaned out for access .. all that they *CAN*
some of them fully understand what P2O's survival means to their bottom line
and why i was so convinced (and had to wait for ATS Dark Pool dated data
for that week in October to show %s heading into the stratosphere)
we also have some fairly large retail investors who watch their (in the money)
GTCs .. like a hawk .. this matters to certain firms like Etrade et al
they also have fewer and fewer MM *decoys* willing to play >> that may change
if they actually *RUN* the stock >> but imo any RUN below 1.00 nets them
not much worth their effort
remember what cost them originally in 2010 .. (original crew of *traders*
who would flip their grannies for a dime) >> investors inherently aren't *traders*
<original certs not accessible means original rounds .. 2009 - 2011 went to
the abusive pile regularly>
factor in an early retail investor that was clueless as to what the OTC
was about in total (stock manipulation 101)
and an sec that aids and abets this filth daily by their *dated* actions .. god knows
they can't implement electronically tagged stock at any level .. rot is so endemic
it would be revealed in total and implode the system entirely
and it really was the perfect crime ..
OTC = heavily manipulated and poorly watched ..
so i figure if able (and it's a big if right now) .. they will take efforts covering 9 weeks
(from last update to K filed) .. and try to *raid* K .. as if LT investors haven't
figured out their prior patterns in play
it's why i posted a few months ago that my next sized investment in PTOI would be
100,000 @ 01c .. or 1000 @ 1.00
i'm not alone .. there are investors who will pick off *markers* if PTOI is raided
@ each and every price point sub 6c
and it's why those who document become *targets*
as i've noted this past week or two .. they are now *reduced* to moving PTOI up
... albeit so slowly as to be negligible
it's approx 6 weeks till K gets filed .. i'll continue to post out Historical (weekly)
to show *movement* and *volume*
2 price points worth noting by retail .. that 19/20c level and that 30/35c level
both are being *protected* by NN et al .. and have been telegraphed for ages
it's why i'll take slow and steady and a conservative time line (imo Q1 FY2015 filed in Mid May)
what i don't want to see is the usual BS of ancillary *crew* extolling ask hits
(they are selling imo) to *run* PTOI to say 15c or 18c on their *trades*
only to reset back sub 10c .. each round impacts *most* retail investors
what some may not realize is these folks almost always have access to l3
it's very easy to work a cycle .. if one can see everything .. vs just what NN *reveals*
(all those *elastic* 10k sizes on bid and ask)
sorry for the lengthy reply .. but like everything else re: OTC .. it's not easily explained without certain details .. fleshed out
take downs take time to organize at this level (entering 6 years as a pubco)
realize the original orchestration kicked in ... in 2009 when PTOI first began to publicly trade stock
so the original orchestrators *imo* were *crews* that work the cycle of money
re: OTC stox .. cycle can usually be taken UP 2 x .. (UP/handoff for DOWN/UP
then *KILL* order for the cellar) .. by this time X OTC co. has well over 700M
I/O (issued and outstanding) .. they are usually @ the 2 year window and are
facing a R/S on their stock to remain *fully reporting* .. R/S will almost always
then be *reshorted* .. (nothing demoralizes mgmt and investors more) back
below where the PPS was when R/S was undertaken
with that as the background .. it's important to understand *time frames* and
each *round* (imo) re: P2O/PTOI and why with P2O's *survival* .. fewer and
fewer will willingly *dig their hole deeper*
imo there are now 2 colluding entities *stuck* due to their gross stupidity and egregious greed
i suspect there was overlap between these 2 entities sometime in late 2011 or
early into 2012
clearly the first entity was the *crew* (both sides .. mostly interchangeable)
that *still* work the vehicle of choice for OTC stock manipulation
with the advent of certain aromatics and their *resources* (including off shore
capabilities) utilized .. you can literally see .. the change out
that time line is now @ Sept 2012
there would be no more cycles UP on PTOI >> except for 1 noticeable
for what it too .. revealed
that is the dolts settlement in Jan 2013 .. where money man Samuel May and
Moreno Energy *sold* part of their PTOI stock mere days before *settlement*
was announced .. that told me this stock had been utilized in June 2012 when
CANT (Cantor Fitz) entered PTOI as a MM .. and *threshold* was triggered for
a 2nd time on PTOI (this round 10 days)
sells were @ approx 75 - 77c .. *stoppage* re: take up (Jan 2013) was @ 1.49
(cycle then imo re: threshold triggered .. was 1.50 to 1.65 which had been
in place since *first* round of threshold triggered in the *set up* re: WN back
in July 2011 .. that round was 5 days)
the reason why threshold matters .. is because one of the decoys' utilized >> can't camouflage
so .. with that as a little background ..
the reason why *volume* started to fall off a cliff .. (and why i'm so confident
of stating via posts that the signal *colluding entities* CANT ignore will be
the seating of an indy BoD >> this will result in a *partially laddered cover UP
on PTOI) is because they (those that illegally manipulate/d PTOI's stock)
recognize what *some* P2O investors knew/know .. P2O survived ..
remember the dots and the time line involved ..
imo >> clearly a *power struggle* underway >> for P2O >> by June/July 2013
suspect certain aromatics hired the *first* engineering company to see how easily
prox could be replicated .. with little success (time line factor re: emerging sector)
*remember too >> who first posted about *depo gate* on 5.1.13 >> original
CON side of the crew* .. this matters because even with the dolts' aiding and
abetting >> PTOI (stock) hadn't been broken b4 below 50c
as i've also noted over the years >> there are very specific *cycles* of money
that get worked to *demoralize* both mgmt and investors .. retail for the most
part is totally clueless about the cycles in play .. and to be clear most mgmts
are unwilling to publicly address >> stock price and *efforts* (it's why the CON
side of the vehicle of choice for OTC stock manipulation >> trots out by rote
that 99% stat .. when one can *CON troll* the outcome of an OTC company
via their stock .. it's an easily *stacked* stat to be utilized >> sort of like
ambulance chasing atty firms on hedgies' speed dial or monosyllabic *discourse* ie noise to bury/neutralize SMBs as needed)
breaking 50c .. as i noted in RT >> would lead to sub 25c (goal) >> sub 10c (goal)
sub 5c (goal) >> then the cellar
one of the reasons this matters >> is because there are less and less firms
that will allow transfers of a sub X (insert pps) >> fidelity will no longer accept
an account transfer on a sub 25c stock ..
back to the power struggle for P2O in summer of 2013
who resigned >> who entered as Ceo?
it's why i noted in RT that it must have galled RH to *fund* the pkg/s of those
bought and paid for (which is what imo a large chunk of RH's monies went to
in that last Q of 2013) b4 even beginning to address other aspects
RH is a business man .. it must have also killed him to have to slash and burn
those loyal to all aspects P2O >> because of those *funded* pkgs created by
priors .. one of whom imo was a bought and paid for saboteur working for
X aromatics (aromatics clearly want/ed P2O's IP for pennies on the $)
(btw .. i realize few agree with me .. but i've been convinced since Nov's update
that certain *players* aka aromatics (LONDON CALLING) got played ..
after RH entered as Ceo)
the yin and the yang relationship of RH and co. founder .. were fighting for the
survival of P2O from *awareness* (2012 into 2013) .. what better way then to portray
specific *roles* for appearance sake
i would have done the same thing
like i've said all along >> up until 9.30.14 >> RH has done everything I would have in his shoes ..
and the only reason .. 9.30.14 .. enters the picture pertains to your ? re: volume
(that would *enter* PTOI yet again in Oct 2014)
RH clearly didn't recognize what the fall off of volume meant .. or he did
and it didn't matter because his goal pertains to the LT aspects for P2O
so he is following a predetermined *plan* and time line (what I always refer to as DOMINO)
DOMINO = a sequence of material events filed that can't be *misinterpreted* by *anyone*
so >> why would *volume* fall off b4 a take down (imo next round they may try
sans news out of P2O's mgmt .. is EO March re: K filed)
colluding entities have to conserve what they still hold
just about a week ago .. we had documentation that 59% of the day's volume
was picked off by investors .. i posted in RT >> that hurt them
i also believe certain aromatics who were willing to collude re: PTOI (originally)
have for the most part either SOLD .. or loaned out for access .. all that they *CAN*
some of them fully understand what P2O's survival means to their bottom line
and why i was so convinced (and had to wait for ATS Dark Pool dated data
for that week in October to show %s heading into the stratosphere)
we also have some fairly large retail investors who watch their (in the money)
GTCs .. like a hawk .. this matters to certain firms like Etrade et al
they also have fewer and fewer MM *decoys* willing to play >> that may change
if they actually *RUN* the stock >> but imo any RUN below 1.00 nets them
not much worth their effort
remember what cost them originally in 2010 .. (original crew of *traders*
who would flip their grannies for a dime) >> investors inherently aren't *traders*
<original certs not accessible means original rounds .. 2009 - 2011 went to
the abusive pile regularly>
factor in an early retail investor that was clueless as to what the OTC
was about in total (stock manipulation 101)
and an sec that aids and abets this filth daily by their *dated* actions .. god knows
they can't implement electronically tagged stock at any level .. rot is so endemic
it would be revealed in total and implode the system entirely
and it really was the perfect crime ..
OTC = heavily manipulated and poorly watched ..
so i figure if able (and it's a big if right now) .. they will take efforts covering 9 weeks
(from last update to K filed) .. and try to *raid* K .. as if LT investors haven't
figured out their prior patterns in play
it's why i posted a few months ago that my next sized investment in PTOI would be
100,000 @ 01c .. or 1000 @ 1.00
i'm not alone .. there are investors who will pick off *markers* if PTOI is raided
@ each and every price point sub 6c
and it's why those who document become *targets*
as i've noted this past week or two .. they are now *reduced* to moving PTOI up
... albeit so slowly as to be negligible
it's approx 6 weeks till K gets filed .. i'll continue to post out Historical (weekly)
to show *movement* and *volume*
2 price points worth noting by retail .. that 19/20c level and that 30/35c level
both are being *protected* by NN et al .. and have been telegraphed for ages
it's why i'll take slow and steady and a conservative time line (imo Q1 FY2015 filed in Mid May)
what i don't want to see is the usual BS of ancillary *crew* extolling ask hits
(they are selling imo) to *run* PTOI to say 15c or 18c on their *trades*
only to reset back sub 10c .. each round impacts *most* retail investors
what some may not realize is these folks almost always have access to l3
it's very easy to work a cycle .. if one can see everything .. vs just what NN *reveals*
(all those *elastic* 10k sizes on bid and ask)
sorry for the lengthy reply .. but like everything else re: OTC .. it's not easily explained without certain details .. fleshed out
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