Sun, wern't you the one who stated that you recieved an e-mail from thra, that they were washed up, broke ect. so why are you interrested in the volume,For a company you say is dead. See The people on this Board are honest and when they state something on THRA they prove what they say Since you since you came on to this board you have not proved one thing, Now that you write about your concern on the volume after saying the above statement's your credibility is shot. And rember yes some day's Thra has volume and some day's none so what's your point. we are on a Chill,when things work out for THRA, volume will be there like you can't belive. None of us are worried were are waiting to hear real news from our CEO, not made up goast e-mails with no backing.And again if I am wrong please post, If the company as you say is dead the confidenallity clause is none a void.
Have a nice day