I know its partly because I've pointed out the class given by otc without due process wasnt deserved because there was no promotion. See my 1-13,14-11 posts -1 of which is in maxs dd summary
otherwise when they bring up the issue they are implying the class is a result of fraud by cwrn -but otc -when I talked to them said they had no evidence of fraud -that that was not an issue-yet the same class is used by otc for both promotions and fraud and I've told otc they should have a separate class for those things because otherwise shorters usually imply fraud.
when u go to otc right now they are taking a survey suposedly re how they can improve their site -though most questions are unnecessary prying re the user-skip those questions and go to end of survey and give them your mind about how they put hundreds of these co's on blacklist without due process because of a supposed unproven promotion and they dont make any distinction re other reasons for same blacklist. otc is a publicly trded for profit co that make smuch of its revenure offf these filing sso by these tactics-not allowin gco's below the currentinfo clas sto have promos and then blacklistin gbecause of a suppoed nbut non existing promo-they are trying to force all thes eco's to upgrade to current class
current class is good but otc has a huge conflict of interest in being judge jury and executioner for profit without due process and their classification games are creating havoc for many stocks like cwrn
and also they dont just require current financials to upgrade-they require the co create an initial co info satement-esentially a super 10k management etc discussion going back to the formation of the co-which for cwrn is ca 1993-1995-
which is totally unnecessary if the goal is CURRENT financials-which leads me to believe the real goal is the extra income otc receives from all the extra filings they require of these co' s-filings that have nothing to do w current financials-filings which they know will be very difficuly for penny co's small office staffs-soit take sco's 1-2 years to comply w this unnecesary lack of due process blackmail gauntlet
otc's fees are expensive a it is-ca 3k/year for a limited info category I think which is why cwrn stopped paying otc its fees and became a "no info" or lesser category-"no info" is a misnomer btw-such co's give info but not the level otc demands for "limited info" category
again transparency is good if its not motivated by otc's profit conflict of interest and lack of due process by a non reg for profit company exercising essentially dictatorial power over many of these stocks without any oversight that I can see