Thra team today this board had 52 post's, the I flub 3 what will keep thra moving is this board, we will stay positive, we will have fun and best of all we will have glory, and this board will be the main straem of information on THRA, For I have recieved e-mails and people are sick of negitivity and the dishonesty, they see deletions of the possitive post's to keep tHRA DOWN. jUST WANT TO SAY Investors Hangout will be the Thra investors newest place to come to have fun and find out about there investment. Thanks Gramps and all that found this board, for this Board is the step to Thra's sucsess. For we tell the truth and post our findings, weather it's good or bad. This board is no lies no slander, bbut good honest fun and the truth to our fellow investors. Just needed to say that cause I am proud to be a part of this team.