Posted On: 01/25/2015 7:17:29 PM
Post# of 7775

Re: iamadog6059 #2963
Dog, enjoyed your post, unfortuate it was deleted over there. but not before i grab it. so true.
iamadog Member Level Sunday, 01/25/15 06:15:07 PM
Re: A deleted message
Post # of 213797
The reason a person posts redundantly is so if by chance a new individual decides to research a stock and chooses Ihub to start there search for info Mr No Glow will be able to bombard the individual with his interpretation of what is happening with GRCU. Supposition is what is constantly regurgitated. The longs post 1 post at a time here. The ones that are actively involved dont have the opportunity to display the facts. The quarterly reports are what are going to be the deal breaker. There is another place that the longs hangout and have discussions good bad or indifferent and are typically not sanctioned. GRCU investors are still long and strong and the only reason they leave is not caused by posting on a message board. Investors Hangout where they feel comfortable conversing and are welcome to discuss.
iamadog Member Level Sunday, 01/25/15 06:15:07 PM
Re: A deleted message
Post # of 213797
The reason a person posts redundantly is so if by chance a new individual decides to research a stock and chooses Ihub to start there search for info Mr No Glow will be able to bombard the individual with his interpretation of what is happening with GRCU. Supposition is what is constantly regurgitated. The longs post 1 post at a time here. The ones that are actively involved dont have the opportunity to display the facts. The quarterly reports are what are going to be the deal breaker. There is another place that the longs hangout and have discussions good bad or indifferent and are typically not sanctioned. GRCU investors are still long and strong and the only reason they leave is not caused by posting on a message board. Investors Hangout where they feel comfortable conversing and are welcome to discuss.

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