I can only speak for myself and because it is a fiar question. The trick is staying objective to hear it I think. I don't want others getting hurt here. Those of you who clicked, or heard Niko know full well what he had to say about the stock all along- good and bad in equal measure I think.
So, to come on the board and warn folks by saying 'question things' is really what we ought to do for one another. Some may think that they need to stubbornly defend the guy, some may be stuck, some may still believe, and I am not here to change anyone's invetstment choices and decisions. Personally, I am trying to shake those who may not be invested are looking, or if possible, wake those that are under the TYTAN spell.
Then there is a part of me that wonders honestly about where this guy is coming from? Honestly, his comments are so incongrous as to be paradoxical. I don't know if I should feel offended or sorry for the CEO (THINK about what I am saying first before dismissing me as picking on him).
That last part is a bit voyeuristic I'll admit. But, if by the statement "why are you here" folks are suggesting I am short, or a hedge fund, representative, paid employee etc that is not true, innacurate, and false. I have other thoughts on the matter but don't listen to me. Just ask yourselves if anything that's being said is true, then- is there anything that can be done about it.
Let's all remember that we are learning as investors and so part of this is to keep tabs on what is going on here for future reference as lots of issues have come up. Finally, remember this: your CEO, Mark Leonard has all the power in the world.
You can't have it both ways. If I am a short and ML cares about his shareholders then WHAT IS HE DOING about it? Your CEO sets the tone, tempo, rythym, everything! People need to remember this. What is your CEO doing about it NOW, what will he do to prevent it happening again (post R/S)
I am not here to torture you guys. I think I bring up cogent points and when people start to attack me and not my message, insinuate I am someone else, or anything it is silly to me. Watch your stock and company. How is Mark getting better, learning, growing, ...I can tell you this as I have known Niko for awhile and seen every single one of Niko's e-mails to this guy. Niko tried hard to support shareholders and ML is lying if he was not told over & over & over that this would be the fate of his stiock. What is he doing now? Shareholders have a right to know and it should be demanded.
Final thing: when you are part of an investment group you try to look out for each other. Niko created that culture and it gets into you. Where you are answering newer investors questions about things, sharing your experience, wisdom, what you've learned along the way and then you start doing it on boards sometimes too. You come to realize how little average people really know about the penny stock market. If I can help I try to do so. If not, so be it.
No offense to anyone here. However, keep in mind that it is frustrating to bring up cogent points and instead of a discussino (like some claim to want) people get attacked. I convnced Niko to come to IH and he saw how I was spoken to here (vermin, etc.) and I don't think he's posted once! Attack my previous messages for accuracy, facts, truth and content. Let's all leave the personal stuff out of our exchanges (take it as my character weakness if i do, what can i say?)
Greatnes to all and good fortune.