Honestly, is Mark dumb? Anyone get the impression that he is a touch slow, or clueless? Because I am not sure if I ought to be offended by what he wrote. If he is slow then I guess I can let it be, but if he is smart than I have to think he is trying to be slick=Mark again.
The agrarian sector is the strongest segment going? Property values not only held they went up while the rest of the country experienced the inverse. Crop prices, grains, farm products have risen steadily. Goods andservice providers for this segment are doing very well. I can't figure this guy out really, does he think us that poorly read? In which case I should think he is mocking me or thinks I'm dumb. Or is it that he doesn't know? Which if I were invested here or considering doing so would make me run for the hills.
How can he not know how well the market sector is doing? It's like someone being a jeweler and trying to convince me that because the economy is doing so poorly so was the gold business??? Huh?
Scary, money all around him but he can't figure out how to make it. Sure hasn't stopped him from spending it though eh?
PS- on the bizaree (and I can't stop saying STUPID) front what is he doing threatening shareholders? With what money? Why? What kind of a dumb-ass doesn't just ask politely instead of making empty, veiled threats he couldn't possibly back up. Is he retarted or what?