OREO ~ Company Overview
The Company was incorporated on October 16, 2008 in the State of Nevada as “Oreon Rental Corporation”. At the time of its incorporation, the management of the Company intended to operate electronics rental stores in Ternopil and other similar cities throughout Ukraine. However, at the time of its incorporation and its initial public offering of common stock in October 2008, the Company did not own any such stores, nor did it have any ongoing business operations. The Company underwent a change in management in January 2010. Following the change in management, the Company decided not to proceed with its original plan of operations and to shift its business focus to that of an independent oil and gas company engaged in the acquisition, drilling and production of oil and natural gas properties and prospects. The Company anticipates implementing this new business focus by pursuing interests in oil and natural gas properties by acquiring leases, such as the Original Leases and the Cortez Lease described below. The Company plans to act as a non-operator, which means the Company will not directly manage exploration, drilling or development activities but instead will seek joint ventures with oil and gas companies that have exploration, development and drilling expertise.