Posted On: 12/10/2014 11:57:55 PM
Post# of 16
Abolishing the Privately Owned Federal Reserve Bank and the Debt that has Befallen our Citizens of these United States of America and Return to the Idea of State’s Rights so we can bring forth the Future Cities of our Beloved Republic
Imagine the day when we can just pull the plug on the National Government and be proud once again to stand behind the flag of one’s state. We would still be proud to be an American and to wave the flag of the Red, White, and Blue for the freedoms our ancestors fought for in the cause of Liberty which has since led to freedoms for all Citizens that come to America regardless of their national origin. Imagine if we could just pull the plug nationwide on the Federal Government that has since taken it upon themselves to regulate and tax us from the very moment we wake up in the morning until the time we go to bed at night. What if we could just yank the powers of national media once and for all and bring about real sources of entertainment and news within our own communities versus what you see on corporate news outlets, national newspapers and magazines, and those dreams that Hollywood brings to us of which 99% of us will never be able to live in, let alone change because of the Military Industrial Complex that is built up around it. Instead we continue on this same old course leaving our Citizens indebted to their corporate creditors while they just continue the process of creating more credit and debt. If you think you are going to change Washington, than I think you a living in a fool’s paradise as your voice is meaningless to the globalists you find operating behind the scenes of the Federal Reserve who have their own agenda which doesn’t include you. If you really want to bring about change in your life, your community, and to that of the People’s government, than it is within our own states that we must look to institute change for it will be much easier to do so. We will be proud once again to wave the flag of the Red, White, and Blue, but we are going to stand even more powerful as a Nation when we look once again to that of our State Flag and the ideas brought about by State’s Rights. Imagine fifty different governors doing everything to protect our unalienable rights, our freedoms, and our Liberties versus the trusting of one man who sits atop the most powerful office in the world. We would have fifty different Governors operating their own State banks versus the granting of power to that of one privately owned Federal Reserve and President. It is these governors that promote Liberty, Freedom, and the protection of our unalienable rights for not just the majority, but for the minority as well that will see the greatest times of prosperity, knowledge, and freedoms in the new cities of the Americas, It is than that we will know who the true Statesmen are within our communities and State Governments versus what operates behind the scenes of the crooked Federal Reserve Bank of New York and that of Washington D.C.
We are supposedly at peace right now with the rest of the world, or at least that is what I am supposed to believe. Than if we are at peace, than why in the world are we losing men and women in battles being fought far outside that of our Republic and scarring our children with the images of war? Why have we since been led to believe that bases on over one hundred countries are necessary when there really are no threats that can withstand the military power of these united States? Why are secret prisons and detention camps necessary across the globe when there is absolutely no one that can do us harm, unless there truly is some vast Conspiracy that I myself couldn’t even imagine? I choose to believe that is not the case for the majority of men and women and that of which we see in almost all of our fellow countrymen are good people. The only true threats to that of our Liberty and Freedoms are from those tyrants that live in the world of secrecy built up through that of the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank that we know absolutely nothing about. We are no longer at war with Mexico, South Carolina, Massachusetts, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, New York, Europe, Great Britain, Russia, or China. We all know Iraq or Afghanistan doesn’t pose a threat to us as our military superiority can overtake any insurgent country that may come about. We will instead use our military strength to secure our own homeland and bring our troops home, while making a future commitment to ourselves to stay out of the entangling affairs of other nations as we seek to befriend our neighbors instead of invading them in some resource war. We very well could be on the way to war if we keep maintaining our presence throughout the globe as we are already overstretched in what big media calls a peaceful world. I believe we will honor our commitments to our overseas debtors of whom the United States is economically reliant upon right now by inflating our way out of it via more credit bubbles and inflation. If you really want to save this country and bring about real economic security in this present Age and restore honesty to the Dollar and our Government, you would immediately withdraw any Dollars you hold in investment accounts such as 401K’s, Stocks, Mutual Funds, and other accounts that are trading at unrealistic earnings which will lead to the credit mirage collapsing bringing the baggage of the corporations like Wal-Mart down with it. Instead you will look to those companies of tomorrow or the companies of tomorrow like Goldspring (GSPG) and Universal Energy (UVSE) who really are working to bring about the Potosi’s of tomorrow. If you don’t see that current economic structure of the United States is built up on a credit dream, than you be left to live under the same old Republicrat system of which will come with a continued Dream for Change as Obama looks to implement a New Deal. All the while, the next great bubble will be created and those operating behind the scenes of Washington and that of the Private Bank will be the stand alone ones to profit while they lead you to believe in what is becoming the regulated and over taxed American Dream controlled and operated by a select few. This is why I want to say the hell with that agenda of the National Government and that of the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank as we look to retake Liberty and unalienable rights by looking to reasons why the South didn’t want to operate behind the blind faith one gives to leaders in a National Government and to that of a National Bank. Just imagine how much easier it would be to change all of our lives for the better if we said the hell with the IRS, the Federal Reserve, and that of an overwhelming oppressive national government by only looking to the idea of State’s rights. Instead of 300 million people arguing for one cause or another to a single governmental entity, they will instead look upon their own state borders in bringing about a change. I just am afraid it won’t happen though as long as we let black box voting machines tally our votes and lead us astray with their bullshit polls and misleading government statistics that always paint a brighter future than what a majority of supposedly middle class Americans see coming out of Hollywood and Government.
I am going to give Obama’s dream four years to see that things truly do change and that honesty is once again restored to the nation’s economy and our Republic. But if we continue to have four more years of the same old nationalist Republicrat agenda with our population still indebted, than I say to you that we will retake our local and state governments, create our own State Bank versus some National Bank, abolish unfair taxes and fines, bring our National Guard Troops home until they are called upon in times of national disasters or threats from abroad, and tear down our prisons and free those that haven’t committed a violent crime such as rape or murder. We could restore an education system and let the Goddess Athena guide us to enlightenment versus what you see out of the Department of Education whose real leaders care more about war and power than they do about educating your children in some national institution. We will create our own theatres, academies, entertainments, opera houses, festivals, gatherings, galleries, parades, Hollywood’s, and houses of which lead to further advancements of the sciences, medicine, and to man’s dreams of conquering the heavens. We know we are not at war with our fellow neighbors in Canada, Mexico, Florida, Maine, Alaska, or California and we will make it known to the world that we are proud to stand behind a State of which allows for the advancement of mankind and does everything to protect each of unalienable rights while building the People’s government built upon the foundation of Truth. If we are truly at peace with the rest of the world, than what do we have to fear? This is what is going to lead us to putting an end to all these myths and conspiracy theories, or possible , of places like Area 51 and other top-secret government institutionsrealities as a People reclaim the Beauty of which comes from the ideas of States Rights. We won’t allow the national government and their militaristic police force to run secret establishments within our States as there is no need for a military like we have today. But I will wait and see what comes of Obama’s Presidency in the upcoming years, but if it leads to the same old hopes and dreams of current Republicrat ways and rich land and business owners still among us, than I say to you please wake up and join me in taking back at least a city or State and reclaim those glories we once associated with a free and prosperous Constitutional Republic!
One might ask how in the hell we could ever abolish the Federal Reserve and not end up in state of chaos. It’s just that I am beginning to become more and more concerned is that an even greater state of chaos may ensue in the masses if we don’t restore to the People Our Government and that of which we thought was long associated with Peace, Honor, Integrity, Freedom, and Liberty for all who have and continue to seek out Her in hopes of living the American Dream. This is why I want to call to the People’s attention that this dream can become a reality and that we will reclaim power one way or another so long as bailouts continue to protect the big corporations and wealthy aristocracies amongst us. We all know the government has grown too big and powerful for its own good and that is why we must return to the ideas of limited government that doesn’t infringe upon the minority. We all know the current economic landscape in America is tilted against the supposed middle class which is becoming non-existent as they are indebted up to their knees. There’s absolutely no way to escape this burden of debt except to have an outright correction that returns to us a stable currency built on the soundness of commodity money, but will leave a population homeless on the lands our forefathers conquered so we could live out the American Dream. If we don’t restore an honest currency built on a system of honest weights and measures, than we will only continue to lose our little communities to that of an increasingly controlled group of elitists that operate in secrecy behind the walls of our current corporate controlled government. We will see though in these upcoming four years what Real Change it is that Obama will bring to the White House. We will also see if he is going to bring about Truth to our financial system or if he goes about the current ways of inflation separating us even more so from the gold, silver, copper, and nickel that was once associated with the Great Depository of these United States.
The Ron Paul Revolution for Liberty and Freedom was silenced by the mass media for the sole fact that his message would have brought an end to the current military industrial complex. We would have restored Truth and Honor to the office of Presidency had Ron Paul, the Thomas Jefferson of our time, been elected. But his message on a system of sound currency is now reigning ever more loudly to me as I see Truth behind that of which gold and silver offers versus the dreams of living in a credit bubble which could collapse like in 1929, and leave the men who have chased a credit dream to jump off the skyscrapers around Wall Street! I want to tell you something I have come to see working for Wells Fargo versus what you would have seen in community and state banks of the past that once printed their own currencies. As time progressed and people moved away from their rural communities to urban areas, more and more people continued to deposit money into these increasingly larger institutions. This wasn’t a problem when we had an honest system of weights and measures circulating amongst our lands as we had no Federal Reserve or Inflation during the first century of the American Republic. It was in the panics leading up to the creation of the Federal Reserve in 1913 and that of Great Depression that has since led to the rich aristocracies and corporations amongst stealing from us the real wealth as they surround us with false hopes through the illusionary dreams of built up on the mirage of Wall Street. These globalists knew the power they could grasp if they only controlled a nation’s money supply and that is exactly why you are seeing such a divide between the billionaires of today and the many of us who just struggle to get by so we can pay our rent or huge mortgage. They knew that debt money and the interest created from thereof would continue to separate people from the real wealth we have come to know in gold and silver coins, copper pennies, and nickels. These Washington globalists want so much control that they are now about to bring about Obama’s New Deal that will leave us possibly with a steel nickels and cents and a debased Dollar or that of an Amero which will monetize our national debt by making say two copper cents having the same composition of a $1 Amero coin. This is the problem with the current National Bank of the United States, as it is privately owned, and the banks that have become some of the largest amongst us are the shareholders of it and we know nothing about it. When this privately controlled institution decides to end the circulation of the penny, which once bought a gum ball, or the nickel which once bought an ice cream bar, and replace it with the steel cent or nickel; than that is when we will know we are on the same course of politics that Andrew Jackson worked so dearly to save us from. This is why we shouldn’t trust corporations like Wells Fargo, Bank of America, Citi Bank, JP Morgan Chase, or others to be the masterminds behind our financial future. We shouldn’t even trust these national institutions with our deposits as they will just continue to grow larger by creating another $900 for every $100 Dollars we have deposited with them!
This is where I would like to predict the mad rush these upcoming years into real money. People invested in anything that has a price to earnings ratio in excess to one to two times their current earnings should sell their holdings immediately and refuse to buy back in until the stock crashes like Bear Stearns. It is than we will be able to snatch up companies like Wells Fargo, Microsoft, General Electric, Toyota’s, and others while leaving the elitists of this past century holding the baggage of a stock lost in the credit dream which left the masses blindly trusting them in the belief they are investing in the American Dream. When you sell those investments and withdraw your funds from these large crooked institutions, you will have one of three options as we all look to become our own Federal Reserve as Obama inflates our way out of this credit bubble so the current power hold the Republicrats have on power remains intact…
1. If you truly do know what you are investing in and can spot opportunities like I did when I bought Goldspring back in October of 2007, or in other micro-caps like I am seeing today, than go ahead and invest your money as there are great opportunities as the companies of tomorrow are trading for fractions of a cent today. Just beware of those who talk you into investments, for you must do your own research so that you don’t let greedy people talk you out of an otherwise good investment so they benefit for themselves alone.
2. For those of you who do decide to sit on the Dollars, than I would highly recommend that you do so by holding $100 boxes of nickels versus a $100 Federal Reserve Debt Note. For those of you that love the Lincoln cent and have some extra time on their hands, than I would suggest you go through boxes of pennies and yank out every single pre-1982 copper one from circulation which I have found to be around 30% coppers compared to the 70% of zinc ones you will find. This is your surest way to creating your own investment and protecting ones wealth for 100 pennies is worth $1.00 no matter what. In all reality though, you actually become wealthier by doing so as those 100 pennies are actually worth around $2.50 in metal value. Let’s say a group of people accumulated $100,000 worth of these pennies, than they would have real worth of which isn’t less than $100,000, but in all reality is worth a quarter of a million Dollars. There have been less than 25 copper cents and nickels for every man, woman, and child on this planet. It’s just a matter of people realizing this is the real wealth of this Earth versus what the mirage of the fractional reserve banking system would lead you to believe. One $100 box of nickels actually contains enough metal to make thousands worth of Euros!!!
3. For those of us within our population that don’t have any gold or silver, than I would highly recommend going to you local coin dealer or pawn shop and picking some up. Take advantage of these drastic dips in the prices as many will lead you to believe that precious metals aren’t money. Make sure you hold enough of these precious metals so that you can protect yourself from the very likely hood of an upcoming inflationary onslaught as the period of Stagflation comes about under Obama like it did under Roosevelt and the early later 70’s. This is also a great investment for the sole fact that if Obama looks to add credibility back to our financial system, than these trillions worth of made up electronic credits which keeps the current military industry complex in place, will instead look to chase the soundness and honesty of which only Gold and Silver bring. Just make sure you don’t put all your wealth into only gold and silver for those metals are just as easily manipulated by the money lenders of Wall Street. Silver is the outright undervalued metal as its use in industry and investment is enormous and the full worth of these metals is yet to be known. Gold preserves ones wealth and acts solely for the preservation of a family’s wealth throughout the ages. That’s why some say silver can make one rich as the current ratio is nowhere near the 1-16 ratio it once was or the 1 for 1 ratio it was at some points in history. With the scarcity of silver above ground and its use in unrecoverable amounts in some areas of industry, I can see why there still is enormous potential in this miraculous metal. Just make sure to hold enough of it as we enter these continued turbulent years ahead that will eventually bring about the dawning of a new tomorrow when we retake our State Government and say the hell to your continued taxes, regulations, and inflation as we eliminate all debt our state and community residents have and look start a new government in the realms of our State versus trying to change the ways of Washington built up in secrecy through political donations to both the Republicans and Democrats.
This is the opportunity of a lifetime as the holders of Dollars sell of their holdings in overvalued companies and look once again to the soundness of commodity money or to those companies of the Americas that produce these commodities versus investing in the actual commodity itself. As we have witnessed with oil, these resources when already extracted, are open to market manipulation and can destroy ones wealth as they chase it to $150 a barrel for example. It will be those of us who make this mad rush to pennies, nickels, gold, silver, exploratory mining and natural resources stocks trading for a fraction of their real worth, and the geothermal, wind, and solar stocks that will break us free from the stranglehold black gold has on us which big oil alone profits off of. You will also find great opportunities in the “supposed scams” on places like IHUB as the men behind the scenes are the ones really buying the shares as you see in the heavy accumulation days while the stock trades 95% of its lifetime highs. This is where a group of citizens, a community, or state can grow enormously powerful and bring about the Truth we the People are longing for versus the fear mongering we have come to know as the elitists look to blind the masses while seeking the root of all evils for themselves alone. I will sit upon the other side of the moon Mr. Obama as you look to implement your dreams, but beware that if Liberty and Freedoms remain restricted and regulated and we still have an indebted population, that we will overthrow your Central Bank, the IRS, and paid off politicians and who alone benefit from it. It is than we will create the envious State in these united of States that frees the debtors once and for all from the burdening ways we have come to know from the false cross bearers who have since come to take the oath of Presidency and serve in our Congressional offices. It is than that we will bring about the Truth to our government which will eventually bleed outwards to the rest of the Americas as we look to the light of which only Liberty, Truth, and Freedom can bring.
Taking Back one City, County, and State Government at a Time
They say there is safety in numbers and now I am beginning to see why that is even more so true now than ever before. If you can organize enough people in your community or state and say the hell with the tyranny associated with that of our current corrupt business and political affairs, than I say why not do it. Instead, we just slave away working our increasingly shittier jobs for a lower pay as inflation eats away at any savings you might have had. You are indebted up to your knees in mortgages that were created by the fractional reserve system of banking in which a few crooked money lenders alone profit from in the largest of businesses which have since bought and paid for our politicians. Those rich cock suckers don’t care about peasants like me or you as they go about living their elitist lifestyles flush with millions of Dollars in their bank accounts which is nothing more than credit. People like John McCain don’t even know how many houses he has and yet we continue to elect these rich cock suckers to represent us? By doing so, you are giving up any freedoms and Liberties you thought that you once had all the while the police state of America continues to over regulate and over tax us from the time we are born until that time when we die. You’re never going to be able to build up a secure retirement, or let alone build up any meaningful wealth of which to pass on to your children and grand children as long as we let the crooked men behind the Federal Reserve Bank separate us from the real wealth that once circulated amongst these lands.
This is how we will take back our government even if we must do so by taking one city or county at a time. We will elect people to our city offices who are the Thomas Jefferson’s of our times that believe in limited government and that of our Freedom, Liberty, and unalienable rights. We will say the hell to the Internal Revenue Service, the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank, the bureaucrats of Washington, the crooks of Wall Street, the end to unfair taxes, regulations, and the laws that affect every action we as citizens make as we go about our daily lives. We will say the hell to the debt that is only going to continue to wreck havocs on our lives and say that anyone who is living in our community, county or state is once and for all to be relieved of any debts they have since been forced to carry as Wall Street, Big Business, and the corporate controlled government reap the benefits of their elitist system. Everyone who still believes in the American Dream and the freedom will flock to our small cities and counties bleeding that Freedom we all are now desperately crying out for.
We will build the New Cities of the Americas so the arts and theatres can once again flourish, where sciences are allowed to prosper, where the new academies of the future led by the goddess of wisdom, Athena, can free our children and allow them once live their dreams once again, and grant a place to the star gazers amongst us as we look to conquer the heavens, and allow for a new level of spirituality to be formed based on love for all citizens who are in this free society. People all around the country and world will look to us as the source of light to what at times appears to be an otherwise cruel, cruel world. We will take pride in our communities and heritages once again, for otherwise they are only going to be lost in this world of political correctness. We will take pride in the immigrants who seek out our city and throw out a welcoming hand by saying, “Welcome to the new City of the Americas that allows the dreamers amongst us to dream and make a reality of those crazy dreams.” The greatest talents in the world who have been shut out of the American Dream will flock to our cities/and or state looking to start anew in a land guided by the Truth instead of secrecy and fear. Local musicians, theatrical performances, community festivals will be allowed to prosper for we will make it known that we want the future Frank Sinatra’s, Marilyn Monroe, Janis Joplin, the Beatles, Dave Matthews, Jack Johnsons, Jackson Browne, or Neil Diamonds’ to arise amongst these new cities that allows them to prosper. We will tear down prisons for all those who haven’t committed acts of rape, murder, and treason. We will let the Journals and Newspapers once again fill the places of social gatherings so that our Citizens are known to our advances in the sciences, education, the arts, and theatre as we look to build the foundations of the philosophical empire of the future Republics of the Americas. Imagine the little cities amongst us a free people rising up again with all those amenities that make life worth living versus slaving away for some job that isn’t going to get you anywhere. The highlights of one’s day in our little cities will no longer be how drunk we can get at the one or two places of social gatherings. But until that day comes, I do see why drunkenness will continue unless we change our ways as the many of us just look to escape from this world that has basically said the hell with us and to the ideas of peace and love. As people from across the globe flock to our free cities that relieves them of the burden of their debts, they will bring about those pubs, breweries, and coffee shops that made cities in Europe in famous within our communities instead of seeing how many Bud Lights one can drink in a night. We will bring the Eiffel Towers of Paris, the Red Light Districts of Amsterdam, the pyramids of Egypt, the family owned chocolate factories of Switzerland, and the cities of Florence to our own lands. We will build the cities of tomorrow using the fiat Dollars of the Federal Reserve, so long as they don’t print them into destruction, or bring about our Federal Reserve Banks in our cities built on Truth! We now have the blessings of the connected world at our fingertips and a universe that has yet to be fully explored. It is here in our cities that we can lay the foundation for the creation of the cities of the future Americas while still remaining true to the Red, White, and Blue. And you know what the best part about this is…..You can still click on the boob tube if you still desire to watch it, or you can abandon it once in for all for the future Broadway or Hollywood that will arise in your community that allows the dreamers to bring to us the great works of the past and the future space age of tomorrow to us! It’s all possible, for it is just a matter of saying as a collective community that we are sick and tired of having this Democracy infringing upon our unalienable rights to run our own business and lives and resorting back to the ideas of the Republic where not even your fellow redneck or city dwellers rights are infringed upon. It’s a dreamers paradise and it only a matter of time before the debtors of this world look to it as we look to build the Temple of Truth that will spread to the rest of the world in which America will still remain the envious nation to all who do seek Her out until Her message of Liberty reaches all four corners of the globe!
This is what I fear though in doing this and why I am not able to do it alone. This is where I need my fellow countrymen to join in and say we have had enough and that we are taking it upon ourselves to start a Revolution by laying the foundations of Liberty so that Her gifts are known to all. We have the second amendment to protect us from the tyrannical leadership of which comes from a corporate controlled government run by a group of global elitists. We have state militias, which we are losing to the empirical Federal Government, to protect our Civil Liberties and Freedoms here at home versus in some country that poses no threat to our well being in this land of military might. It’s blowback I am more concerned about as our men and women are stationed on almost every country located throughout the globe. This is where we need to come together as one group of Citizens, Christians or not, and free us from these false cross bearers acting militarily under the name of God’s saving grace. It is than we will say we are going to build the empire based on Love for all of our fellow countrymen while looking to befriend ALL countries across the globe. I dare to say that the government wouldn’t even dare declare a state of martial law for all of our fellow citizens and military personal know that we are only looking to retake our Freedoms and abolish this debt that there is no other way of escaping from except to say the hell with it. If the Military Industrial Complex Eisenhower warned us about tries to enforce a state of martial law over our cities and states, than that is how you will know that we have given into the age of a fascist corporate controlled government that has nothing but their own elitist interests in mind. If they look to bring about their mercenary soldiers from other parts of the globe that have been bought and paid for by our globalists behind Wall Street and the United Nations, then you know there will be a revolution overnight in this country. If that is the case than, I would run as far away from this supposed Free Country as the secret military prisons may be closer to a doorstep near you than you have been led to realize. I am more worried about myself being assassinated as I look to lay the foundation for the Cities of tomorrow so we no longer have to fear the disillusioned realities brought forth to us by the Military Industrial Complex. I only want to restore the Truth to a government that has been lost since our fellow countrymen gave the Republicrats a blind eye of trust to protect ALL of us in what is supposed to be a free land. If Washington and the Crooks behind Wall Street want a battle, than We the People will give them a battle, but let it be known, that we will not, and I repeat, will not fire the first shot that will be heard around the world as we look to retake our Liberty and free us from this debt based slavery!
The Beauty of Starting a Brand New City Outside Empirical Washington While Letting the Blood of Rome Pour Outwards
Imagine once again looking to the wisest councils amongst for guidance in the understanding of this world that has since been corrupted by the root of all evil. The want to be learners amongst a free people can seek out the guidance of those councils so to share in the passions they have gotten great pleasure in. We will allow them to escape the burdens placed upon them by saying, “Please do come to our city so that you may prosper alongside the wisest councils among us as we make the message of Christian love known to all People instead of using fear and might to bring about our ways. This will be the city that all Jews, Christians, and Muslims can seek refuge in while they bring to us the traditions of their culture while we look to explore the mysteries of all the Ages.” We will let the all of God’s People lead the way to the Light we have come to know in the Truth. We will build the next great Rome throughout the many cities of the Americas and the ones that happen to spring up fastest will be those that resort back to the blessings of our Constitution and to the ideas of a limited Government. We no longer need to look to the protection of the Elephants to protect us or to that of the Jackasses who give us nothing more than a Dream. We will look to that of the Patriotic Party and to the fellow Statesmen amongst us for guidance to this world. And if these elected councils in our community don’t do their job and look to empirical ambitions, than I will be the first one to say that it will be much easier to overthrow that one individual in our community than it would be to overthrow the Military Industrial Complex that now as infiltrated our largest cities and whose wrath may be soon be poured the likings of those living in God’s Country who believe such a police state was only associated with that of Nazi Germany. The rights of man will prosper and if it means raising my sword of Truth to those greedy elitists, then God have mercy on any individual or government that comes to bear witness to the Truth that will penetrate and overthrow your corrupt ways of running business and government while you continue to infringe upon the rights of the People. This will happen as all of look to the message of love brought to us by the man who died upon the cross and to that of the Constitutional Government that was once associated with the Republic of the United States. We will build the foundation so the blessings of Athena can be poured outwards amongst our future cities in the American Republic, and if anyone dares to stop us, than We the People will throw down a force of which is mightier than the thunderbolts of Zeus to anyone who dares to infringe upon even one of our Citizen’s unalienable Rights.
True freedoms don’t come by bowing down to some government or corporate controlled institutions. Instead, they are brought forth to us by looking into the hearts of one another and seeing as to what their true intentions are and I can assure you that many of the hearts amongst us would never do harm to that of a fellow citizen. Most of us will never be able to look into the hearts of the elitist politicians and corporate leaders to see what their true intentions are in this world. I have since come to believe that there Is more Truth in my fellow neighbors that aren’t corrupted by those who follow religiously ESPN, Hollywood, or those others chasing the paper riches of Wall Street. I personally believed in the Wall Street dream, and still intend to conquer it one way or another whether chasing the Golden Dream or outright abolishing it, but the ambitions and greediness of the many that operate behind the scenes leaves the many amongst us unknowing as to what the root of all evil has done to our communities and our People as a whole. We just need to look upon ourselves once again and to that of the stars for answers instead of what we see in false idols operating in Hollywood or false cross bearers that so graciously operate behind the scenes of the People’s Government. This is when we will know who the false prophets are amongst a free people as they look once again to the light of the Truth to guide their ways instead of under the umbrella of darkness. One city arising amongst these amber waves of grain that promotes the ideas of our currently long lost Republic could spark the Renaissance of the Americas if they remain true to the ideals associated with the Constitutional Republic. This Renaissance of our city will bleed outwards from our community of Truth and infiltrate the rest of the world as a new breed of city-states arise based on the ideas of a Republic who only let Liberty guide Her citizens. The dawning of the New Age is coming before our eyes, and it is only a matter of time until we awaken to let the Light of a new Eastern Star to guide our ways as the remnants of the Old World slowly fade into the setting of the Western sky.
Viva La Revolution
Shaun Delage
September 10, 2008
Imagine the day when we can just pull the plug on the National Government and be proud once again to stand behind the flag of one’s state. We would still be proud to be an American and to wave the flag of the Red, White, and Blue for the freedoms our ancestors fought for in the cause of Liberty which has since led to freedoms for all Citizens that come to America regardless of their national origin. Imagine if we could just pull the plug nationwide on the Federal Government that has since taken it upon themselves to regulate and tax us from the very moment we wake up in the morning until the time we go to bed at night. What if we could just yank the powers of national media once and for all and bring about real sources of entertainment and news within our own communities versus what you see on corporate news outlets, national newspapers and magazines, and those dreams that Hollywood brings to us of which 99% of us will never be able to live in, let alone change because of the Military Industrial Complex that is built up around it. Instead we continue on this same old course leaving our Citizens indebted to their corporate creditors while they just continue the process of creating more credit and debt. If you think you are going to change Washington, than I think you a living in a fool’s paradise as your voice is meaningless to the globalists you find operating behind the scenes of the Federal Reserve who have their own agenda which doesn’t include you. If you really want to bring about change in your life, your community, and to that of the People’s government, than it is within our own states that we must look to institute change for it will be much easier to do so. We will be proud once again to wave the flag of the Red, White, and Blue, but we are going to stand even more powerful as a Nation when we look once again to that of our State Flag and the ideas brought about by State’s Rights. Imagine fifty different governors doing everything to protect our unalienable rights, our freedoms, and our Liberties versus the trusting of one man who sits atop the most powerful office in the world. We would have fifty different Governors operating their own State banks versus the granting of power to that of one privately owned Federal Reserve and President. It is these governors that promote Liberty, Freedom, and the protection of our unalienable rights for not just the majority, but for the minority as well that will see the greatest times of prosperity, knowledge, and freedoms in the new cities of the Americas, It is than that we will know who the true Statesmen are within our communities and State Governments versus what operates behind the scenes of the crooked Federal Reserve Bank of New York and that of Washington D.C.
We are supposedly at peace right now with the rest of the world, or at least that is what I am supposed to believe. Than if we are at peace, than why in the world are we losing men and women in battles being fought far outside that of our Republic and scarring our children with the images of war? Why have we since been led to believe that bases on over one hundred countries are necessary when there really are no threats that can withstand the military power of these united States? Why are secret prisons and detention camps necessary across the globe when there is absolutely no one that can do us harm, unless there truly is some vast Conspiracy that I myself couldn’t even imagine? I choose to believe that is not the case for the majority of men and women and that of which we see in almost all of our fellow countrymen are good people. The only true threats to that of our Liberty and Freedoms are from those tyrants that live in the world of secrecy built up through that of the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank that we know absolutely nothing about. We are no longer at war with Mexico, South Carolina, Massachusetts, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, New York, Europe, Great Britain, Russia, or China. We all know Iraq or Afghanistan doesn’t pose a threat to us as our military superiority can overtake any insurgent country that may come about. We will instead use our military strength to secure our own homeland and bring our troops home, while making a future commitment to ourselves to stay out of the entangling affairs of other nations as we seek to befriend our neighbors instead of invading them in some resource war. We very well could be on the way to war if we keep maintaining our presence throughout the globe as we are already overstretched in what big media calls a peaceful world. I believe we will honor our commitments to our overseas debtors of whom the United States is economically reliant upon right now by inflating our way out of it via more credit bubbles and inflation. If you really want to save this country and bring about real economic security in this present Age and restore honesty to the Dollar and our Government, you would immediately withdraw any Dollars you hold in investment accounts such as 401K’s, Stocks, Mutual Funds, and other accounts that are trading at unrealistic earnings which will lead to the credit mirage collapsing bringing the baggage of the corporations like Wal-Mart down with it. Instead you will look to those companies of tomorrow or the companies of tomorrow like Goldspring (GSPG) and Universal Energy (UVSE) who really are working to bring about the Potosi’s of tomorrow. If you don’t see that current economic structure of the United States is built up on a credit dream, than you be left to live under the same old Republicrat system of which will come with a continued Dream for Change as Obama looks to implement a New Deal. All the while, the next great bubble will be created and those operating behind the scenes of Washington and that of the Private Bank will be the stand alone ones to profit while they lead you to believe in what is becoming the regulated and over taxed American Dream controlled and operated by a select few. This is why I want to say the hell with that agenda of the National Government and that of the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank as we look to retake Liberty and unalienable rights by looking to reasons why the South didn’t want to operate behind the blind faith one gives to leaders in a National Government and to that of a National Bank. Just imagine how much easier it would be to change all of our lives for the better if we said the hell with the IRS, the Federal Reserve, and that of an overwhelming oppressive national government by only looking to the idea of State’s rights. Instead of 300 million people arguing for one cause or another to a single governmental entity, they will instead look upon their own state borders in bringing about a change. I just am afraid it won’t happen though as long as we let black box voting machines tally our votes and lead us astray with their bullshit polls and misleading government statistics that always paint a brighter future than what a majority of supposedly middle class Americans see coming out of Hollywood and Government.
I am going to give Obama’s dream four years to see that things truly do change and that honesty is once again restored to the nation’s economy and our Republic. But if we continue to have four more years of the same old nationalist Republicrat agenda with our population still indebted, than I say to you that we will retake our local and state governments, create our own State Bank versus some National Bank, abolish unfair taxes and fines, bring our National Guard Troops home until they are called upon in times of national disasters or threats from abroad, and tear down our prisons and free those that haven’t committed a violent crime such as rape or murder. We could restore an education system and let the Goddess Athena guide us to enlightenment versus what you see out of the Department of Education whose real leaders care more about war and power than they do about educating your children in some national institution. We will create our own theatres, academies, entertainments, opera houses, festivals, gatherings, galleries, parades, Hollywood’s, and houses of which lead to further advancements of the sciences, medicine, and to man’s dreams of conquering the heavens. We know we are not at war with our fellow neighbors in Canada, Mexico, Florida, Maine, Alaska, or California and we will make it known to the world that we are proud to stand behind a State of which allows for the advancement of mankind and does everything to protect each of unalienable rights while building the People’s government built upon the foundation of Truth. If we are truly at peace with the rest of the world, than what do we have to fear? This is what is going to lead us to putting an end to all these myths and conspiracy theories, or possible , of places like Area 51 and other top-secret government institutionsrealities as a People reclaim the Beauty of which comes from the ideas of States Rights. We won’t allow the national government and their militaristic police force to run secret establishments within our States as there is no need for a military like we have today. But I will wait and see what comes of Obama’s Presidency in the upcoming years, but if it leads to the same old hopes and dreams of current Republicrat ways and rich land and business owners still among us, than I say to you please wake up and join me in taking back at least a city or State and reclaim those glories we once associated with a free and prosperous Constitutional Republic!
One might ask how in the hell we could ever abolish the Federal Reserve and not end up in state of chaos. It’s just that I am beginning to become more and more concerned is that an even greater state of chaos may ensue in the masses if we don’t restore to the People Our Government and that of which we thought was long associated with Peace, Honor, Integrity, Freedom, and Liberty for all who have and continue to seek out Her in hopes of living the American Dream. This is why I want to call to the People’s attention that this dream can become a reality and that we will reclaim power one way or another so long as bailouts continue to protect the big corporations and wealthy aristocracies amongst us. We all know the government has grown too big and powerful for its own good and that is why we must return to the ideas of limited government that doesn’t infringe upon the minority. We all know the current economic landscape in America is tilted against the supposed middle class which is becoming non-existent as they are indebted up to their knees. There’s absolutely no way to escape this burden of debt except to have an outright correction that returns to us a stable currency built on the soundness of commodity money, but will leave a population homeless on the lands our forefathers conquered so we could live out the American Dream. If we don’t restore an honest currency built on a system of honest weights and measures, than we will only continue to lose our little communities to that of an increasingly controlled group of elitists that operate in secrecy behind the walls of our current corporate controlled government. We will see though in these upcoming four years what Real Change it is that Obama will bring to the White House. We will also see if he is going to bring about Truth to our financial system or if he goes about the current ways of inflation separating us even more so from the gold, silver, copper, and nickel that was once associated with the Great Depository of these United States.
The Ron Paul Revolution for Liberty and Freedom was silenced by the mass media for the sole fact that his message would have brought an end to the current military industrial complex. We would have restored Truth and Honor to the office of Presidency had Ron Paul, the Thomas Jefferson of our time, been elected. But his message on a system of sound currency is now reigning ever more loudly to me as I see Truth behind that of which gold and silver offers versus the dreams of living in a credit bubble which could collapse like in 1929, and leave the men who have chased a credit dream to jump off the skyscrapers around Wall Street! I want to tell you something I have come to see working for Wells Fargo versus what you would have seen in community and state banks of the past that once printed their own currencies. As time progressed and people moved away from their rural communities to urban areas, more and more people continued to deposit money into these increasingly larger institutions. This wasn’t a problem when we had an honest system of weights and measures circulating amongst our lands as we had no Federal Reserve or Inflation during the first century of the American Republic. It was in the panics leading up to the creation of the Federal Reserve in 1913 and that of Great Depression that has since led to the rich aristocracies and corporations amongst stealing from us the real wealth as they surround us with false hopes through the illusionary dreams of built up on the mirage of Wall Street. These globalists knew the power they could grasp if they only controlled a nation’s money supply and that is exactly why you are seeing such a divide between the billionaires of today and the many of us who just struggle to get by so we can pay our rent or huge mortgage. They knew that debt money and the interest created from thereof would continue to separate people from the real wealth we have come to know in gold and silver coins, copper pennies, and nickels. These Washington globalists want so much control that they are now about to bring about Obama’s New Deal that will leave us possibly with a steel nickels and cents and a debased Dollar or that of an Amero which will monetize our national debt by making say two copper cents having the same composition of a $1 Amero coin. This is the problem with the current National Bank of the United States, as it is privately owned, and the banks that have become some of the largest amongst us are the shareholders of it and we know nothing about it. When this privately controlled institution decides to end the circulation of the penny, which once bought a gum ball, or the nickel which once bought an ice cream bar, and replace it with the steel cent or nickel; than that is when we will know we are on the same course of politics that Andrew Jackson worked so dearly to save us from. This is why we shouldn’t trust corporations like Wells Fargo, Bank of America, Citi Bank, JP Morgan Chase, or others to be the masterminds behind our financial future. We shouldn’t even trust these national institutions with our deposits as they will just continue to grow larger by creating another $900 for every $100 Dollars we have deposited with them!
This is where I would like to predict the mad rush these upcoming years into real money. People invested in anything that has a price to earnings ratio in excess to one to two times their current earnings should sell their holdings immediately and refuse to buy back in until the stock crashes like Bear Stearns. It is than we will be able to snatch up companies like Wells Fargo, Microsoft, General Electric, Toyota’s, and others while leaving the elitists of this past century holding the baggage of a stock lost in the credit dream which left the masses blindly trusting them in the belief they are investing in the American Dream. When you sell those investments and withdraw your funds from these large crooked institutions, you will have one of three options as we all look to become our own Federal Reserve as Obama inflates our way out of this credit bubble so the current power hold the Republicrats have on power remains intact…
1. If you truly do know what you are investing in and can spot opportunities like I did when I bought Goldspring back in October of 2007, or in other micro-caps like I am seeing today, than go ahead and invest your money as there are great opportunities as the companies of tomorrow are trading for fractions of a cent today. Just beware of those who talk you into investments, for you must do your own research so that you don’t let greedy people talk you out of an otherwise good investment so they benefit for themselves alone.
2. For those of you who do decide to sit on the Dollars, than I would highly recommend that you do so by holding $100 boxes of nickels versus a $100 Federal Reserve Debt Note. For those of you that love the Lincoln cent and have some extra time on their hands, than I would suggest you go through boxes of pennies and yank out every single pre-1982 copper one from circulation which I have found to be around 30% coppers compared to the 70% of zinc ones you will find. This is your surest way to creating your own investment and protecting ones wealth for 100 pennies is worth $1.00 no matter what. In all reality though, you actually become wealthier by doing so as those 100 pennies are actually worth around $2.50 in metal value. Let’s say a group of people accumulated $100,000 worth of these pennies, than they would have real worth of which isn’t less than $100,000, but in all reality is worth a quarter of a million Dollars. There have been less than 25 copper cents and nickels for every man, woman, and child on this planet. It’s just a matter of people realizing this is the real wealth of this Earth versus what the mirage of the fractional reserve banking system would lead you to believe. One $100 box of nickels actually contains enough metal to make thousands worth of Euros!!!
3. For those of us within our population that don’t have any gold or silver, than I would highly recommend going to you local coin dealer or pawn shop and picking some up. Take advantage of these drastic dips in the prices as many will lead you to believe that precious metals aren’t money. Make sure you hold enough of these precious metals so that you can protect yourself from the very likely hood of an upcoming inflationary onslaught as the period of Stagflation comes about under Obama like it did under Roosevelt and the early later 70’s. This is also a great investment for the sole fact that if Obama looks to add credibility back to our financial system, than these trillions worth of made up electronic credits which keeps the current military industry complex in place, will instead look to chase the soundness and honesty of which only Gold and Silver bring. Just make sure you don’t put all your wealth into only gold and silver for those metals are just as easily manipulated by the money lenders of Wall Street. Silver is the outright undervalued metal as its use in industry and investment is enormous and the full worth of these metals is yet to be known. Gold preserves ones wealth and acts solely for the preservation of a family’s wealth throughout the ages. That’s why some say silver can make one rich as the current ratio is nowhere near the 1-16 ratio it once was or the 1 for 1 ratio it was at some points in history. With the scarcity of silver above ground and its use in unrecoverable amounts in some areas of industry, I can see why there still is enormous potential in this miraculous metal. Just make sure to hold enough of it as we enter these continued turbulent years ahead that will eventually bring about the dawning of a new tomorrow when we retake our State Government and say the hell to your continued taxes, regulations, and inflation as we eliminate all debt our state and community residents have and look start a new government in the realms of our State versus trying to change the ways of Washington built up in secrecy through political donations to both the Republicans and Democrats.
This is the opportunity of a lifetime as the holders of Dollars sell of their holdings in overvalued companies and look once again to the soundness of commodity money or to those companies of the Americas that produce these commodities versus investing in the actual commodity itself. As we have witnessed with oil, these resources when already extracted, are open to market manipulation and can destroy ones wealth as they chase it to $150 a barrel for example. It will be those of us who make this mad rush to pennies, nickels, gold, silver, exploratory mining and natural resources stocks trading for a fraction of their real worth, and the geothermal, wind, and solar stocks that will break us free from the stranglehold black gold has on us which big oil alone profits off of. You will also find great opportunities in the “supposed scams” on places like IHUB as the men behind the scenes are the ones really buying the shares as you see in the heavy accumulation days while the stock trades 95% of its lifetime highs. This is where a group of citizens, a community, or state can grow enormously powerful and bring about the Truth we the People are longing for versus the fear mongering we have come to know as the elitists look to blind the masses while seeking the root of all evils for themselves alone. I will sit upon the other side of the moon Mr. Obama as you look to implement your dreams, but beware that if Liberty and Freedoms remain restricted and regulated and we still have an indebted population, that we will overthrow your Central Bank, the IRS, and paid off politicians and who alone benefit from it. It is than we will create the envious State in these united of States that frees the debtors once and for all from the burdening ways we have come to know from the false cross bearers who have since come to take the oath of Presidency and serve in our Congressional offices. It is than that we will bring about the Truth to our government which will eventually bleed outwards to the rest of the Americas as we look to the light of which only Liberty, Truth, and Freedom can bring.
Taking Back one City, County, and State Government at a Time
They say there is safety in numbers and now I am beginning to see why that is even more so true now than ever before. If you can organize enough people in your community or state and say the hell with the tyranny associated with that of our current corrupt business and political affairs, than I say why not do it. Instead, we just slave away working our increasingly shittier jobs for a lower pay as inflation eats away at any savings you might have had. You are indebted up to your knees in mortgages that were created by the fractional reserve system of banking in which a few crooked money lenders alone profit from in the largest of businesses which have since bought and paid for our politicians. Those rich cock suckers don’t care about peasants like me or you as they go about living their elitist lifestyles flush with millions of Dollars in their bank accounts which is nothing more than credit. People like John McCain don’t even know how many houses he has and yet we continue to elect these rich cock suckers to represent us? By doing so, you are giving up any freedoms and Liberties you thought that you once had all the while the police state of America continues to over regulate and over tax us from the time we are born until that time when we die. You’re never going to be able to build up a secure retirement, or let alone build up any meaningful wealth of which to pass on to your children and grand children as long as we let the crooked men behind the Federal Reserve Bank separate us from the real wealth that once circulated amongst these lands.
This is how we will take back our government even if we must do so by taking one city or county at a time. We will elect people to our city offices who are the Thomas Jefferson’s of our times that believe in limited government and that of our Freedom, Liberty, and unalienable rights. We will say the hell to the Internal Revenue Service, the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank, the bureaucrats of Washington, the crooks of Wall Street, the end to unfair taxes, regulations, and the laws that affect every action we as citizens make as we go about our daily lives. We will say the hell to the debt that is only going to continue to wreck havocs on our lives and say that anyone who is living in our community, county or state is once and for all to be relieved of any debts they have since been forced to carry as Wall Street, Big Business, and the corporate controlled government reap the benefits of their elitist system. Everyone who still believes in the American Dream and the freedom will flock to our small cities and counties bleeding that Freedom we all are now desperately crying out for.
We will build the New Cities of the Americas so the arts and theatres can once again flourish, where sciences are allowed to prosper, where the new academies of the future led by the goddess of wisdom, Athena, can free our children and allow them once live their dreams once again, and grant a place to the star gazers amongst us as we look to conquer the heavens, and allow for a new level of spirituality to be formed based on love for all citizens who are in this free society. People all around the country and world will look to us as the source of light to what at times appears to be an otherwise cruel, cruel world. We will take pride in our communities and heritages once again, for otherwise they are only going to be lost in this world of political correctness. We will take pride in the immigrants who seek out our city and throw out a welcoming hand by saying, “Welcome to the new City of the Americas that allows the dreamers amongst us to dream and make a reality of those crazy dreams.” The greatest talents in the world who have been shut out of the American Dream will flock to our cities/and or state looking to start anew in a land guided by the Truth instead of secrecy and fear. Local musicians, theatrical performances, community festivals will be allowed to prosper for we will make it known that we want the future Frank Sinatra’s, Marilyn Monroe, Janis Joplin, the Beatles, Dave Matthews, Jack Johnsons, Jackson Browne, or Neil Diamonds’ to arise amongst these new cities that allows them to prosper. We will tear down prisons for all those who haven’t committed acts of rape, murder, and treason. We will let the Journals and Newspapers once again fill the places of social gatherings so that our Citizens are known to our advances in the sciences, education, the arts, and theatre as we look to build the foundations of the philosophical empire of the future Republics of the Americas. Imagine the little cities amongst us a free people rising up again with all those amenities that make life worth living versus slaving away for some job that isn’t going to get you anywhere. The highlights of one’s day in our little cities will no longer be how drunk we can get at the one or two places of social gatherings. But until that day comes, I do see why drunkenness will continue unless we change our ways as the many of us just look to escape from this world that has basically said the hell with us and to the ideas of peace and love. As people from across the globe flock to our free cities that relieves them of the burden of their debts, they will bring about those pubs, breweries, and coffee shops that made cities in Europe in famous within our communities instead of seeing how many Bud Lights one can drink in a night. We will bring the Eiffel Towers of Paris, the Red Light Districts of Amsterdam, the pyramids of Egypt, the family owned chocolate factories of Switzerland, and the cities of Florence to our own lands. We will build the cities of tomorrow using the fiat Dollars of the Federal Reserve, so long as they don’t print them into destruction, or bring about our Federal Reserve Banks in our cities built on Truth! We now have the blessings of the connected world at our fingertips and a universe that has yet to be fully explored. It is here in our cities that we can lay the foundation for the creation of the cities of the future Americas while still remaining true to the Red, White, and Blue. And you know what the best part about this is…..You can still click on the boob tube if you still desire to watch it, or you can abandon it once in for all for the future Broadway or Hollywood that will arise in your community that allows the dreamers to bring to us the great works of the past and the future space age of tomorrow to us! It’s all possible, for it is just a matter of saying as a collective community that we are sick and tired of having this Democracy infringing upon our unalienable rights to run our own business and lives and resorting back to the ideas of the Republic where not even your fellow redneck or city dwellers rights are infringed upon. It’s a dreamers paradise and it only a matter of time before the debtors of this world look to it as we look to build the Temple of Truth that will spread to the rest of the world in which America will still remain the envious nation to all who do seek Her out until Her message of Liberty reaches all four corners of the globe!
This is what I fear though in doing this and why I am not able to do it alone. This is where I need my fellow countrymen to join in and say we have had enough and that we are taking it upon ourselves to start a Revolution by laying the foundations of Liberty so that Her gifts are known to all. We have the second amendment to protect us from the tyrannical leadership of which comes from a corporate controlled government run by a group of global elitists. We have state militias, which we are losing to the empirical Federal Government, to protect our Civil Liberties and Freedoms here at home versus in some country that poses no threat to our well being in this land of military might. It’s blowback I am more concerned about as our men and women are stationed on almost every country located throughout the globe. This is where we need to come together as one group of Citizens, Christians or not, and free us from these false cross bearers acting militarily under the name of God’s saving grace. It is than we will say we are going to build the empire based on Love for all of our fellow countrymen while looking to befriend ALL countries across the globe. I dare to say that the government wouldn’t even dare declare a state of martial law for all of our fellow citizens and military personal know that we are only looking to retake our Freedoms and abolish this debt that there is no other way of escaping from except to say the hell with it. If the Military Industrial Complex Eisenhower warned us about tries to enforce a state of martial law over our cities and states, than that is how you will know that we have given into the age of a fascist corporate controlled government that has nothing but their own elitist interests in mind. If they look to bring about their mercenary soldiers from other parts of the globe that have been bought and paid for by our globalists behind Wall Street and the United Nations, then you know there will be a revolution overnight in this country. If that is the case than, I would run as far away from this supposed Free Country as the secret military prisons may be closer to a doorstep near you than you have been led to realize. I am more worried about myself being assassinated as I look to lay the foundation for the Cities of tomorrow so we no longer have to fear the disillusioned realities brought forth to us by the Military Industrial Complex. I only want to restore the Truth to a government that has been lost since our fellow countrymen gave the Republicrats a blind eye of trust to protect ALL of us in what is supposed to be a free land. If Washington and the Crooks behind Wall Street want a battle, than We the People will give them a battle, but let it be known, that we will not, and I repeat, will not fire the first shot that will be heard around the world as we look to retake our Liberty and free us from this debt based slavery!
The Beauty of Starting a Brand New City Outside Empirical Washington While Letting the Blood of Rome Pour Outwards
Imagine once again looking to the wisest councils amongst for guidance in the understanding of this world that has since been corrupted by the root of all evil. The want to be learners amongst a free people can seek out the guidance of those councils so to share in the passions they have gotten great pleasure in. We will allow them to escape the burdens placed upon them by saying, “Please do come to our city so that you may prosper alongside the wisest councils among us as we make the message of Christian love known to all People instead of using fear and might to bring about our ways. This will be the city that all Jews, Christians, and Muslims can seek refuge in while they bring to us the traditions of their culture while we look to explore the mysteries of all the Ages.” We will let the all of God’s People lead the way to the Light we have come to know in the Truth. We will build the next great Rome throughout the many cities of the Americas and the ones that happen to spring up fastest will be those that resort back to the blessings of our Constitution and to the ideas of a limited Government. We no longer need to look to the protection of the Elephants to protect us or to that of the Jackasses who give us nothing more than a Dream. We will look to that of the Patriotic Party and to the fellow Statesmen amongst us for guidance to this world. And if these elected councils in our community don’t do their job and look to empirical ambitions, than I will be the first one to say that it will be much easier to overthrow that one individual in our community than it would be to overthrow the Military Industrial Complex that now as infiltrated our largest cities and whose wrath may be soon be poured the likings of those living in God’s Country who believe such a police state was only associated with that of Nazi Germany. The rights of man will prosper and if it means raising my sword of Truth to those greedy elitists, then God have mercy on any individual or government that comes to bear witness to the Truth that will penetrate and overthrow your corrupt ways of running business and government while you continue to infringe upon the rights of the People. This will happen as all of look to the message of love brought to us by the man who died upon the cross and to that of the Constitutional Government that was once associated with the Republic of the United States. We will build the foundation so the blessings of Athena can be poured outwards amongst our future cities in the American Republic, and if anyone dares to stop us, than We the People will throw down a force of which is mightier than the thunderbolts of Zeus to anyone who dares to infringe upon even one of our Citizen’s unalienable Rights.
True freedoms don’t come by bowing down to some government or corporate controlled institutions. Instead, they are brought forth to us by looking into the hearts of one another and seeing as to what their true intentions are and I can assure you that many of the hearts amongst us would never do harm to that of a fellow citizen. Most of us will never be able to look into the hearts of the elitist politicians and corporate leaders to see what their true intentions are in this world. I have since come to believe that there Is more Truth in my fellow neighbors that aren’t corrupted by those who follow religiously ESPN, Hollywood, or those others chasing the paper riches of Wall Street. I personally believed in the Wall Street dream, and still intend to conquer it one way or another whether chasing the Golden Dream or outright abolishing it, but the ambitions and greediness of the many that operate behind the scenes leaves the many amongst us unknowing as to what the root of all evil has done to our communities and our People as a whole. We just need to look upon ourselves once again and to that of the stars for answers instead of what we see in false idols operating in Hollywood or false cross bearers that so graciously operate behind the scenes of the People’s Government. This is when we will know who the false prophets are amongst a free people as they look once again to the light of the Truth to guide their ways instead of under the umbrella of darkness. One city arising amongst these amber waves of grain that promotes the ideas of our currently long lost Republic could spark the Renaissance of the Americas if they remain true to the ideals associated with the Constitutional Republic. This Renaissance of our city will bleed outwards from our community of Truth and infiltrate the rest of the world as a new breed of city-states arise based on the ideas of a Republic who only let Liberty guide Her citizens. The dawning of the New Age is coming before our eyes, and it is only a matter of time until we awaken to let the Light of a new Eastern Star to guide our ways as the remnants of the Old World slowly fade into the setting of the Western sky.
Viva La Revolution
Shaun Delage
September 10, 2008
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