Posted On: 12/10/2014 11:45:32 PM
Post# of 16
The Golden Ring
The power of this Mighty Ring is much too great for any one Individual to bear
As its strength becomes so tempting that even God and the Devil fear the sole holder of it
A Heartless Soul with a blackened Heart could use it to burn up the Heavens
By making others live in the hells of a debt society while they control the power from it!
The power of the Golden Ring has for far too long been in the Towers of a few
And with it they have turned a blind eye to the Hearts of Men that once trusted them with it!
They lie and deceive us to keep our minds occupied on such pitiful and meaningless things
For if they told us the Golden Truth it would bring death to their fiat powers!
But now the Golden Ring is arising from the ashes once again to shine over our land
And with it will come realistic dreams so you don't have to sell your soul to the banking devils to get ahead!
The Golden Ring will again encircle the Hearts of Men living throughout this New World
So that you too can share in the power that comes from a Ring of Gold around your finger!
A Golden Halo will once again encircle this American Republic that was a gift from God
So that we all can share together in these burdens that come about from such a mighty Ring of Power!
Together we will burn up this Devilish trash that has since corrupted our planet
As we look to the Golden Age that will soon come and the Heart of Gold in every Citizen!
The Golden Ring is Much too Powerful for One Citizen to Hold
My quest to live out the Wall Street dream has led me down some interesting paths and it is safe for me to say that I have come to the conclusion that I cannot bear the Golden Ring alone for the power of it is much too great for just myself to grasp. The power one can possess when they wear the Golden Ring is immense as they have the ability to basically become invisible and curse out at the world’s leaders who have lost touch with most of us Citizens scattered throughout the Continents of the Globe thanks to the Fiat Empire that now encircles it. I have been tempted to use this power I possess to bring down the entire banking empire by blurting out over and over again the two magical words on the banks that have since compromised the security we once had in the Great Depository of the United States. Needless to say, my Confirmation Sponsor had a talk with me one day after I went to consult with him, and that has led me to remain silent in future sayings of those two magical words as that could cause incredible damage to this Country if a few may wish to accumulate those riches to themselves alone that have a darkened and ill-intentioned heart. He basically told me that by doing such a thing, I could be putting the power of the Golden Ring into the hands of the wrong people who may wish to seek acts of violence upon those who created this mess we now find ourselves in even though they should be held responsible. That would lead to more and more hatred than I want to bear witness to and that is why I am going to remain silent in regards to that power as silence is a virtue and is something I have forgotten at times. A part of me wants to shout it out upon the mountains as the Citizens I have mentioned in previous notes are just as respectable of people as every other individual out there and are just like me for the sole fact that they want our Republic back that our Founding Fathers shed their blood for and used their wealth to build. Instead, I am going to go about and remain silent and do no evil unto others that created this mess and will instead let time play out its course in hopes that I can work with them and other Americans to help build up our Republic once again. I will just sit back on the Dark Side of the Moon and unleash the force of the Golden Bull from the depths of the Earth and watch it charge forward full steam ahead to conquer the Empire of Debt that is now coming down before our eyes. Whether it ends in hyperinflation or a massive depression, we will only have to sit back and see. Either hyperinflation will wipe out the debt that has befallen the American public who is now drowning in it; otherwise, we will see a massive depression if a strong Dollar policy is pursued which will leave our families and friends homeless on this country our Grandfathers conquered. It appears to me that hyperinflation is the only way out of it as no politician it appears is willing to step up to the plate and say that “You are hereby relieved of the debts that were created by the Fractional Reserve System of Banking”. I still am mad as hell that we are in this monetary disaster that has now befallen our Citizens as it could have been avoided had we lived by the principals of sound money set forth in the Constitution of the United States. What even makes me madder yet is that we have yet to hear any truth from our elected representatives, bankers, and the majority of individuals on CNBC about what is really going on out there. The power of the Golden Ring is much too great for any one individual to bear alone and that is why I am glad we have a Country and so many Citizens that still do believe in the principals of God’s Money as they are going to be the ones that help build up this Republic once again. I will pledge my time for such a Noble Cause only if we resort back to principals of Freedom and Liberty for each and every Citizen that calls America home!!!
There was a man that I myself and a majority of us despise that once said that, “Gold in the hands of the People is an Enemy of the State.” You may take a wild guess at who that was, but I will say that my Grandfather lived under his rule before coming to America from Germany in 1945. He told me the horror stories of what went on over there in the Socialist Regime that brought about death and destruction to so many innocent men, women, and children of that Country. And with talks of Socialism arising in this Country controlled by just a few people under the leadership of Obama, that scares the shit out of me as I in no way want that much power to be in the hands of a few national representatives and the Federal Reserve! And with all these scary stories about FEMA Camps arising in this Country and other horror stories that that these conspiracy theories bring forth to us, who knows what to believe in anymore! It makes you almost want to believe they are true as we continue to lose our Liberties and Freedoms to a Government and to a Corporate America that is arising before us! Our elected representative for example in Congress were told that we would have Martial Law declared on us if this bailout didn’t pass!!! Martial Law in America….What the hell is going on here People and it isn’t all President Bush’s fault! When you start hearing stories like that it really makes you wonder what is going on in the upper ranks of our Corporate Government and what their true intentions are. Afterall, power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely and who wants the National Government to hold all that power. That's why I want to see the Golden Halo encircle all of our American Citizens versus letting that power remain in the hands of some few socialists who sit atop our government! Why in the hell do I or would anyone else want to live under some socialist regime and be forced to listen to all this political correctness that has come about over this Country just because the majority says so? I would much rather see the Republic spring forth where not one individuals liberties are infringed upon even if they are in the minority! Maybe I should just get up and leave this Country, but than again, this Country is founded on the ideology of a Republic where we ALL have the Right to Happiness so long as we don’t harm another Citizen! I thank God that I grew up in the Country and was grounded on solid Republican principals from those neighbors and family members I have come to know versus asking the state and national government for everything! It was in those days that I had a Peace of Mind that I wish I could take back as I lost it after hearing all this political correctness spewed forth by this so called Democratic Majority! Just get ready people for your Socialist National ID card and a Nationalized Police Force in this Country as the dark days approach over this Land. Our Founding Fathers are most likely rolling over in their graves… Go ahead and think Mr. Obama and the banking puppets he surrounded himself with will save you, but I fear for those who want to live in some Socialist Society versus looking to the Free Individual in each of us that is only granted to us under a Republic! We will instead keep buying up those items that Socialists deem Enemies of the State and we will one day build up the American Republic that will live on for Ages! I know I would pledge my time and future wealth I will make via Wall Street to such a cause as I would much rather see Gold and Guns in the hands of the People to protect us from that of which has become an overburdening National Government that will only get worse as these socialist policies are brought forth to us! I would much rather see the Golden Ring encircle America as I know I don’t want to bear the burden that comes forth from holding the ring to myself! When you realize of such a power that comes to the bearer of the Golden Ring, you will soon realize that you don’t want to bear that burden yourself for temptations will come about that you will never know. I myself would much rather see every American hold the Golden Ring around their finger so we can bring about the Golden Age of the People’s Reign to come!
This leads me to another quote, “He who holds the Gold, controls the World”. This leads me to ask myself why would I ever want to trust some Government, especially that of a socialist one, with such valuable pieces of wealth! Hasn’t there been enough lies spewed forth by those that make up our Government? Has there not been enough blood split in this Country by those who control our increasingly worthless paper Dollar who have painted themselves green with that instrument of the Devil whether they are a Republican or a Democrat? I would much rather see all of us Americans who seek out her shores from every corner of the globe be the ones which control the Gold and do so by holding it around their fingers. By putting that power into the hands of a Liberty Loving Patriot, we would never have to worry about getting involved in the entangling affairs of others as the Power of the Golden Ring will be around all of our fingers versus just a few that sit atop the towers of this National Government! We after all have the mightiest military in the world, and I know for a fact that no other country would ever mess with us. But it is he who controls the Gold that can bring about peace or wrath unto our fellow Citizens in this Republic! With calls for a National Police force to come about in America, a National ID Card, and the upcoming use of our troops on our own soil should signal a sign to the many of us that something has gone terribly wrong in this land. Just talk to your grandparents to see what I mean and they will tell you the Free America they once grew up in simply doesn’t exist anymore. We will instead be the ones holding the guns and gold with the hope of one day seeing the day that Golden Ring will encircle America! As long as the power of money creation is in the hands of the National Government, you will never see a Rebirth of America as you will be left pleading with a few in Washington for your source of daily bread. You will never see the Great Renaissance of this Country if you look up to others versus looking at the Individual in you. It isn’t until we have sound money circulating in our land and until our Citizens look to themselves that we will see the Rebirth of America!
The Golden Ring will one day rise again like the Bold Phoenix from the ashes. I for one know that such a journey alone is dangerous as I know the power that can come about from those individuals, board rooms, and government officials that control it. If anyone thinks they can carry the Golden Ring alone, than I believe with all my heart that they should cast it into back in the Hells of the Earth for no one person should never carry that burden by themselves. But when enough Citizens wish to unite to conquer these paper and credit hells that do act upon this Earth, that is when you all grab the shiny, yellow metal and forge an alliance so to burn up the paper and lies on the Earth! That is how we will bring about the Golden Age so that the Power of this Country is in the Hearts of Gold that lives in the individual next door to you!
Viva la Revolution to restore the Golden Ring of Power back to the every Patriot so that it is no longer in control of some socialist government or corporate boardroom in the largest tower in the city nearest you!
The power of this Mighty Ring is much too great for any one Individual to bear
As its strength becomes so tempting that even God and the Devil fear the sole holder of it
A Heartless Soul with a blackened Heart could use it to burn up the Heavens
By making others live in the hells of a debt society while they control the power from it!
The power of the Golden Ring has for far too long been in the Towers of a few
And with it they have turned a blind eye to the Hearts of Men that once trusted them with it!
They lie and deceive us to keep our minds occupied on such pitiful and meaningless things
For if they told us the Golden Truth it would bring death to their fiat powers!
But now the Golden Ring is arising from the ashes once again to shine over our land
And with it will come realistic dreams so you don't have to sell your soul to the banking devils to get ahead!
The Golden Ring will again encircle the Hearts of Men living throughout this New World
So that you too can share in the power that comes from a Ring of Gold around your finger!
A Golden Halo will once again encircle this American Republic that was a gift from God
So that we all can share together in these burdens that come about from such a mighty Ring of Power!
Together we will burn up this Devilish trash that has since corrupted our planet
As we look to the Golden Age that will soon come and the Heart of Gold in every Citizen!
The Golden Ring is Much too Powerful for One Citizen to Hold
My quest to live out the Wall Street dream has led me down some interesting paths and it is safe for me to say that I have come to the conclusion that I cannot bear the Golden Ring alone for the power of it is much too great for just myself to grasp. The power one can possess when they wear the Golden Ring is immense as they have the ability to basically become invisible and curse out at the world’s leaders who have lost touch with most of us Citizens scattered throughout the Continents of the Globe thanks to the Fiat Empire that now encircles it. I have been tempted to use this power I possess to bring down the entire banking empire by blurting out over and over again the two magical words on the banks that have since compromised the security we once had in the Great Depository of the United States. Needless to say, my Confirmation Sponsor had a talk with me one day after I went to consult with him, and that has led me to remain silent in future sayings of those two magical words as that could cause incredible damage to this Country if a few may wish to accumulate those riches to themselves alone that have a darkened and ill-intentioned heart. He basically told me that by doing such a thing, I could be putting the power of the Golden Ring into the hands of the wrong people who may wish to seek acts of violence upon those who created this mess we now find ourselves in even though they should be held responsible. That would lead to more and more hatred than I want to bear witness to and that is why I am going to remain silent in regards to that power as silence is a virtue and is something I have forgotten at times. A part of me wants to shout it out upon the mountains as the Citizens I have mentioned in previous notes are just as respectable of people as every other individual out there and are just like me for the sole fact that they want our Republic back that our Founding Fathers shed their blood for and used their wealth to build. Instead, I am going to go about and remain silent and do no evil unto others that created this mess and will instead let time play out its course in hopes that I can work with them and other Americans to help build up our Republic once again. I will just sit back on the Dark Side of the Moon and unleash the force of the Golden Bull from the depths of the Earth and watch it charge forward full steam ahead to conquer the Empire of Debt that is now coming down before our eyes. Whether it ends in hyperinflation or a massive depression, we will only have to sit back and see. Either hyperinflation will wipe out the debt that has befallen the American public who is now drowning in it; otherwise, we will see a massive depression if a strong Dollar policy is pursued which will leave our families and friends homeless on this country our Grandfathers conquered. It appears to me that hyperinflation is the only way out of it as no politician it appears is willing to step up to the plate and say that “You are hereby relieved of the debts that were created by the Fractional Reserve System of Banking”. I still am mad as hell that we are in this monetary disaster that has now befallen our Citizens as it could have been avoided had we lived by the principals of sound money set forth in the Constitution of the United States. What even makes me madder yet is that we have yet to hear any truth from our elected representatives, bankers, and the majority of individuals on CNBC about what is really going on out there. The power of the Golden Ring is much too great for any one individual to bear alone and that is why I am glad we have a Country and so many Citizens that still do believe in the principals of God’s Money as they are going to be the ones that help build up this Republic once again. I will pledge my time for such a Noble Cause only if we resort back to principals of Freedom and Liberty for each and every Citizen that calls America home!!!
There was a man that I myself and a majority of us despise that once said that, “Gold in the hands of the People is an Enemy of the State.” You may take a wild guess at who that was, but I will say that my Grandfather lived under his rule before coming to America from Germany in 1945. He told me the horror stories of what went on over there in the Socialist Regime that brought about death and destruction to so many innocent men, women, and children of that Country. And with talks of Socialism arising in this Country controlled by just a few people under the leadership of Obama, that scares the shit out of me as I in no way want that much power to be in the hands of a few national representatives and the Federal Reserve! And with all these scary stories about FEMA Camps arising in this Country and other horror stories that that these conspiracy theories bring forth to us, who knows what to believe in anymore! It makes you almost want to believe they are true as we continue to lose our Liberties and Freedoms to a Government and to a Corporate America that is arising before us! Our elected representative for example in Congress were told that we would have Martial Law declared on us if this bailout didn’t pass!!! Martial Law in America….What the hell is going on here People and it isn’t all President Bush’s fault! When you start hearing stories like that it really makes you wonder what is going on in the upper ranks of our Corporate Government and what their true intentions are. Afterall, power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely and who wants the National Government to hold all that power. That's why I want to see the Golden Halo encircle all of our American Citizens versus letting that power remain in the hands of some few socialists who sit atop our government! Why in the hell do I or would anyone else want to live under some socialist regime and be forced to listen to all this political correctness that has come about over this Country just because the majority says so? I would much rather see the Republic spring forth where not one individuals liberties are infringed upon even if they are in the minority! Maybe I should just get up and leave this Country, but than again, this Country is founded on the ideology of a Republic where we ALL have the Right to Happiness so long as we don’t harm another Citizen! I thank God that I grew up in the Country and was grounded on solid Republican principals from those neighbors and family members I have come to know versus asking the state and national government for everything! It was in those days that I had a Peace of Mind that I wish I could take back as I lost it after hearing all this political correctness spewed forth by this so called Democratic Majority! Just get ready people for your Socialist National ID card and a Nationalized Police Force in this Country as the dark days approach over this Land. Our Founding Fathers are most likely rolling over in their graves… Go ahead and think Mr. Obama and the banking puppets he surrounded himself with will save you, but I fear for those who want to live in some Socialist Society versus looking to the Free Individual in each of us that is only granted to us under a Republic! We will instead keep buying up those items that Socialists deem Enemies of the State and we will one day build up the American Republic that will live on for Ages! I know I would pledge my time and future wealth I will make via Wall Street to such a cause as I would much rather see Gold and Guns in the hands of the People to protect us from that of which has become an overburdening National Government that will only get worse as these socialist policies are brought forth to us! I would much rather see the Golden Ring encircle America as I know I don’t want to bear the burden that comes forth from holding the ring to myself! When you realize of such a power that comes to the bearer of the Golden Ring, you will soon realize that you don’t want to bear that burden yourself for temptations will come about that you will never know. I myself would much rather see every American hold the Golden Ring around their finger so we can bring about the Golden Age of the People’s Reign to come!
This leads me to another quote, “He who holds the Gold, controls the World”. This leads me to ask myself why would I ever want to trust some Government, especially that of a socialist one, with such valuable pieces of wealth! Hasn’t there been enough lies spewed forth by those that make up our Government? Has there not been enough blood split in this Country by those who control our increasingly worthless paper Dollar who have painted themselves green with that instrument of the Devil whether they are a Republican or a Democrat? I would much rather see all of us Americans who seek out her shores from every corner of the globe be the ones which control the Gold and do so by holding it around their fingers. By putting that power into the hands of a Liberty Loving Patriot, we would never have to worry about getting involved in the entangling affairs of others as the Power of the Golden Ring will be around all of our fingers versus just a few that sit atop the towers of this National Government! We after all have the mightiest military in the world, and I know for a fact that no other country would ever mess with us. But it is he who controls the Gold that can bring about peace or wrath unto our fellow Citizens in this Republic! With calls for a National Police force to come about in America, a National ID Card, and the upcoming use of our troops on our own soil should signal a sign to the many of us that something has gone terribly wrong in this land. Just talk to your grandparents to see what I mean and they will tell you the Free America they once grew up in simply doesn’t exist anymore. We will instead be the ones holding the guns and gold with the hope of one day seeing the day that Golden Ring will encircle America! As long as the power of money creation is in the hands of the National Government, you will never see a Rebirth of America as you will be left pleading with a few in Washington for your source of daily bread. You will never see the Great Renaissance of this Country if you look up to others versus looking at the Individual in you. It isn’t until we have sound money circulating in our land and until our Citizens look to themselves that we will see the Rebirth of America!
The Golden Ring will one day rise again like the Bold Phoenix from the ashes. I for one know that such a journey alone is dangerous as I know the power that can come about from those individuals, board rooms, and government officials that control it. If anyone thinks they can carry the Golden Ring alone, than I believe with all my heart that they should cast it into back in the Hells of the Earth for no one person should never carry that burden by themselves. But when enough Citizens wish to unite to conquer these paper and credit hells that do act upon this Earth, that is when you all grab the shiny, yellow metal and forge an alliance so to burn up the paper and lies on the Earth! That is how we will bring about the Golden Age so that the Power of this Country is in the Hearts of Gold that lives in the individual next door to you!
Viva la Revolution to restore the Golden Ring of Power back to the every Patriot so that it is no longer in control of some socialist government or corporate boardroom in the largest tower in the city nearest you!
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