Bennie, I agree. The time for talk, promises and forward looking statements is over IMO. Now shareholders need to see actualized and realized corp results. To be fair, not that long ago, at the beginning of the year, this company basically had nothing except the Bionic cig product and a mechanic as the CEO along with a sketchy 504D deal with Fairhills Capital which seems to have only given RFMK a headache with a DTC chill because of Fairhills getting caught by the SEC litigation. Since Mr Allinder has taken control, there were promises of a new VInhaler product, and 2,000 units eventually arrived and were sold in real outlets, quarterly filings and funding were promised and that happened, even though the funding was the type the CEO said is not the type he wants for the company, but it was the only funding available for a non reporting pinky. That led him to use the dilutive funding to wipe the company's debt away and clean up the balance sheet as well as funding a (so far) 10,000 unit order along with paying for a full audit and 10K for which both are still promised. Just by way of judging the track record, I personally feel like the audit, 10K and inventory WILL COME, as promised. Call me a wide-eyed naive muppet but I happen to think shareholder value will be delivered, its just the timing that is frustrating holders right now; we have waited so long. I have been very wrong before, but at least I do not claim to know the future unlike many of the bashers who seem to think they know exactly what the future holds. The stock is basically in the gutter just a few ticks from the par value of the stock, which I know does not mean much, especially with only 1% or so of the float "trading" daily but with a few thousand dollars in the market trading hands to push this up 25% or tank it another 25%, worrying about the stock performance right now is just not a focus IMO. The priority right now is getting that audit, 10K and inventory completed. I think all are in agreement. Who knows when it could happen, I just hope it does happen at some point. It would really be unfortunate for shareholders if it never were to happen after the company has already come so far and made so many steps toward success. Even though long term shareholders often must deal with short term pain in any stock, I think its healthier for the CEO to do what he has done recently and fight the tendency to put out fluff PRs if nothing is really happening, its shakes the weak hands out of the stock and spring loads the stock to some degree IMO. It is better for the CEO to just do what needs to be done and focus on the corp side and just ignore irate bashers and shareholders. When there is actualized developments and news, then PR it, otherwise, just let the market guess as to what is happening. Though from time to time I think its also healthy for shareholders to learn what the status is and what is going on by way of shareholder notices; those CAN consist of forward looking statements and plans. I think for the overall market to take notice of an RFMK PR, the "news" needs to actually be news and not just more plans to make plans for things to come in the future. I happen to think also that perhaps the PR void we have witnessed recently is maybe because there could be much in the 10K which would be revealed about future developments (funding, deals, board members, etc). Its all in the hands of the auditors right now, so I remain hopeful but very concerned as a shareholder as well, not because of the stock performance, which has always been a cruel joke nothing more, but I am concerned about the audit and 10K. Shareholders deserve and need that transparency as soon as possible. The inventory coming finally will be a good catalyst as well but I think the key is the 10K because right now, IMO, RFMK's credibility is utterly destroyed and down in the mud with the stock.
Mr Allinder, where is the 10K????
Difficult to see the future is.