Nice to see the green! The FINS were obviously not tempting to a lot of folks out there. It should have sparked a little confidence, but I believe many were hung up on Matt's salary. We need to look at the positive for once. It seems like every time something new comes out the bashers on "the place that shall remain nameless" grab one negative thing and people run with it! How many times is this going to happen? Folks, there will always be something about the company or Matt's decisions that we don't like. What needs to happen is we need to jump on the things we like. There sure are a lot of glass half empty types around here. Matt has consistantly proven that he is dedicated to the success here, he is putting stuff on the bottom line, and he is honest about it! Not a lot more I could ask for out of a OTC company CEO. Sure, I wish he would hurry some things along, we all do! But when you hurry you make mistakes like saying stuff that can't be like never and this will happen by this date. I hope my time in Florida will give me some positives to bring back here. Lord knows there is enough negative crap going on.