Yes he mentioned that the posibility of an R/S can't be ruled out, because it never can! First of all you need to understand why this would be done, if the A/S is too high (which it is not, although it is higher than I would like) you are talking about a company that from its re-activation in April of last year had a A/S of 100 billion, so basically this could be raised another 97,600,000,000 before we would be in the shape we have been in. If you put it in perpective a company with a A/S of 5 billion could easily move up to half a penny! We are no where near that, Matt still has another 37 million left in the A/S that he has not introduced into the market. I have a very bad feeling about you, I am just being honest my friend. Why is it that you even bring up the RS and you have been talking about it for over three hours now? We have not even seen an A/S increase yet(which would happen at least twice before it would ever RS). I believe you have beat the dead horse enough my friend. Like it has been stated before if you would like to learn more about investing please do so, but the constant chatter is starting to make it seem like you are just planting fear. I am all about helping someone, but your motives are starting to look suspect.