I think commercials is the glue that holds everything together. Hence why there is an ad right above this screen as I am typing to you and also as people read this. When you head over to check your mail you'll probably see another ad as you log in. Then when you go to youtube to look at a weird video you'll probably encounter a 5 second ad before you can see the video. Just look at yourself, there is a good chance you might be ad space for clothing companies.
The point I'm trying to make is that is that I think its a good barometer to our success. If commercials were just commercials companies wouldn't care about buying ad space during the Super Bowl. I think that businesses really take the time to make wise decisions when deciding whether to buy a slot in anyone's network.
That's just my train of thought. I'm just glad to provide a snapshot in time of whats happening. Its only one of many pieces of the puzzle.