Axxess Unlimited Stock Symbol AXXU $.84
AS: 125,000,000
OS: 49,800,000
Float: 1,922,882
AXXU is a Ultra-Low floater just coming off of a bottom chart bounce and has been a true gem for many traders in the past week with a huge upward swing! We feel the opportunity to make profit on this ticker has presented itself once again!
FindEX.com, Inc.
Website: http://www.axxessunlimited.com/
Business Description Based in Scottsdale Arizona, Axxess Unlimited, LLC (Azia Corp.) operates through two divisions: data flow management and digital marketing services.
The Company's lead data flow management product, Axxess Information Reporting, AIR?, processes data from breath alcohol ignition interlock devices (IIDs), which are used by the court system to prevent people from starting their cars if they have been drinking. Only three states were not using the devices by the middle of 2011.
The Company owns and utilizes a wide range of patented and patent-pending technology. Over the past nine years, Axxess has designed education and probation monitoring systems that are widely recognized for their unique solutions to the drinking and driving problem. Axxess has now commercialized the technology and currently processes tens of thousands of data logs annually to courts, probation offices and state agencies on behalf of interlock distributors and manufacturers. AIR? is the only data delivery system that conforms to the federal rules of evidence. This patented application cannot be duplicated by competitors. Furthermore, with AIR?s password and encryption protection, there is no risk of tampering or modification of evidence.
Axxess Ad Tracker
The Company's digital marketing division represents a new breed of marketing partner, blending, strategy, creative services, media, and data offerings to connect brands with theit target marketsin ways that provude rapid growthin slaes and profits. .
The digital marketing platform is led by the Axxess Ad Tracker, launched in May of 2012. Ad Tracker is the first acquisition-focused ad tracking technolo gy that allows companies to track responses across multiple advertising mediums, helping to optimize marketing expenditures and effectively increase profits. Specifically, the Company's t ightly-integrated proprietary technology platform enables companies to easily manage all of their digital marketing efforts, including referral programs and extensive social media, while reaching, engaging and learning about their customers. Clients include World Series of Fighting (WSOF), Pet Club and Michelle Cosmetics.
Axcess Ad Tracker Clients