WBSI News WebSafety(TM) Anti-Cyberbullying and Child-Safety Mobile Phone Software Available to AT&T Retail Mobile Phone Customers
2012-03-27 11:09 ET - News Release
NEWPORT BEACH, Calif., March 27, 2012 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- WBSI (OTCBB:WBSI , the leading provider of child-protection and parental-notification mobile phone solutions, announced today their acclaimed WebSafetyTM anti-cyberbullying, child-safety, and parental-notification mobile phone software will be available to AT&T retail mobile phone customers through key AT&T-authorized dealers in Michigan on May 1, 2012.
The AT&T-WebSafetyTM retail rollout in Michigan will be available as a full-featured monthly subscription for $7.99 per month. Activated and provisioned from the company's website ( www.websafety.com ), WebSafetyTM supports Android-based mobile phones and RIM BlackBerry mobile phones, with future support planned for Apple iPhone and iOS mobile devices, and Windows Phone-based mobile devices.
"WebSafety is a new breed of mobile phone application that helps parents responsibly care for their children and protect them from harm," says John David, a participating AT&T-authorized dealer with seven retail locations across Michigan. "For a small monthly subscription fee, parents will have a powerful tool to protect their kids from cyberbullying, and track their whereabouts when they don't check in with parents as they should."
Provisioned and activated with a child's mobile phone account, WebSafetyTM enables parents to protect their children from "cyberbullying" involving threatening, offensive, or inappropriate Internet or mobile phone communications between children, preteens, or teens intended to harass, humiliate, embarrass, torment, or target victims.